Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 143: 'The Judge' is handsome?

The atmosphere of a crew can easily affect the performance. Whether it is the staff on site or the artists standing in front of the camera, they all need to work with a happy mood. Only when they do things with a happy mood will they not feel so bad. tired. However, in the face of failure, few people can "happily" accept it. After the responsible director is scolded, it will naturally affect everyone's mood.

Therefore, the atmosphere of Sika's crew and Junsu's crew at this time, the atmosphere of the two crews is heaven and hell. They have also visited Sika and experienced the icy atmosphere of the scene. It was already in the cold winter, and with such a low atmosphere, it was really chilling. Working in such an atmosphere, the actors were not very enthusiastic about their acting skills. After the director said 'CUT', they each quietly returned to their nanny cars.

Shooting in such an atmosphere is really torturous, but after they came to Junxiu's studio, they saw that every staff member here had a smile on their face when they were playing with the next scene, and there was no trace of it. Depressed, especially when everyone came up to greet them with a smile after they arrived. The crews on both sides feel like: one in desolate Siberia, the other in the fiery Hawaiian Islands.

So Yoona and Yuri took out the script they just received in this 'lively' atmosphere for Junsu to read. The script he chose seems to be under the care of God, as long as it is a script that he likes, it will not be popular. Therefore, they have tremendous trust in Junxiu's vision! !

Junxiu first picked up Quan Yuli's script "Fashion King", because she, like Sika, was shooting a TV series for the first time, so Junxiu took care of her a little more. As for Yoona, she has a lot of experience in filming.

But Yuri, she knew Sika's 'learning from the past' after being commented on by Junsu. So when Junxiu picked up the script, she inexplicably had a super pressure in her heart, as if Junxiu was holding the 'book of life and death'. Junxiu smiled and read a few pages of the script before closing it: "A comic adaptation?"

"Well, this "Fashion King" is currently the number one hit on the Internet. Oppa, didn't you also star in the comic adaptation? What do you think of this drama?"

Junxiu originally starred in the manga adaptation of "Boys Over Flowers", but that classic manga fits that era very well. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and China have all adapted this classic comic, and the broadcast in each country has received good ratings. It's just that the plot was in line with the girls' fantasy at that time. However, with the change of the times, some old-fashioned promotions have become less popular. If the dramas at that time are brought to the present, it must be a lot of bad reviews.

"The drama changed from the comics.. how to say, if it is a classic comic, then the ratings of the changed drama must be good. But what about this change? .. but it has the basic fans of Korean comics there, I wouldn't say it was a failure."

After all, it is the manga with the most hits at the moment. Most young people have read it. Manga is very popular in Japan and South Korea, just like Chinese popular novels, but the form of the carrier is different!

"It won't be a failure, doesn't it mean failure?" After Quan Yuli said this, she immediately became downcast, as if Junxiu had sentenced her to a "death penalty" for her work this time. Thinking about what happened to Sika in the crew now, the cold came out from the bottom of my heart.

When Yuri was disappointed, Taeyeon, who was sitting next to her, patted her shoulder and said comfortingly, "Don't be so discouraged, Oppa's requirements are very high, so the bottom line of 'failure' in his mouth is also very high! He is not Did you say that this drama has the support of fans!"

Taeyeon knows Junsu well because he has high requirements for 'works'. Whether it's music or film and television, he puts the red line of "failure" much higher than the public level.

Junxiu said with a smile: "The existence of comic fans is a good thing for the work, but it is not necessarily a good thing for the actors. Because of the preconceivedness of the comics, the actors may not be able to achieve the role positioning in the hearts of the fans. So ah Yuri, since I have received such a TV series, I should watch less comments after the broadcast, so as not to affect my mood.”

Yuri nodded and said, "I see. But, oppa, what is the standard line of failure for your film and television works?"

Junxiu tilted his head and said a number of ratings he thought: "Is it lower than 20% ratings?"

However, as soon as this number came out, Li Shungui blurted out a 'praise': "Nervous/neurotic!! Ignore him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is a lunatic. Below 20%? Thank you for saying it. Well, do you think everyone has the same good luck as you?"

Now more than 15% of TV dramas can be counted as successful, because the impact of the Internet is really big on the TV industry, especially the 'playback' function. This makes countless people not choose to wait in front of the TV and wait for the live broadcast. So the ratings, which measure 'success', have dropped by ten percentage points from the original 25 or so. However, in Junxiu's eyes, it only dropped five points? This is completely out of the common sense defined by everyone in the circle!

Yuri is feeling a little better now, because Junsu's bottom line for failure is 20%, so does his sentence "won't fail too" mean that the ratings of the TV series are around 15%?

However, for Yuri, 15% of the drama is already very good. Although this kind of ratings is not very successful, it is definitely not a complete hit, so for her, acting in such a drama is a matter of acting skills. The growth of her, and she will also gain a lot of shooting experience, these are things that Yuri values ​​more.

After Junsu read Yuri's script, Yoona immediately offered her own script: "Oppa, look at me, how is my drama this time?"

Junsu picked up Yoona's script again and read it, but Yoona's drama Junsu frowned. The script of this drama is really bland, just the story of the first episode Let Junsu almost lose the script. Pure love, it is not so pure that even a little storyline is boring, right?

Junsu closed the script and asked Yoona, "Is the ending of your play a tragedy or a comedy?"

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