Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Junxiu's drama is still cow leather (Part 2)

After Junsu's appearance in "The Moon Embracing the Sun", he surprised all the audience with his mature acting skills. In particular, the temperament displayed by the "king" he played is really fascinated by many audiences. Therefore, there are many viewers who praised Junsu's acting skills on the homepage of the TV series.

Looking back at the acting skills that Junxiu showed in the filming of "Full House", it was an embarrassment, and then as he acted more and more times, his acting skills and acting skills were also growing step by step. From modern love dramas to action dramas, to the current palace dramas, the growth step by step has been put on the Internet by fans with video editing. From the young and immature to the current king temperament, Junxiu's acting skills have indeed changed!

So this time the drama Junxiu won countless praises, and of course, countless audiences were waiting in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast. The plot is ups and downs one episode after another, and the audience can see that they are too tired. It's been a long time since there has been such a high-quality drama for the audience to follow. This time Junxiu's TV series is no longer aimed at young people, and the uncles and aunts are also waiting in front of the TV to watch Junxiu's court drama this time.

Time passed by day by day, the TV drama also entered the high/tide part, and the ratings also broke through the 45% mark! As for Sika's TV series, it still hasn't broken 10 ratings yet. Many netizens are saying that even the TV series that attracted Girls' Generation is still unable to compete with Junxiu!

Netizens all jokingly said: Junxiu is a 'freak' in TV ratings! Many actors have experienced failures in ratings, such as Kim Sun Ah who filmed "Kim Sam Soon" with Jun Soo! The same TV set that Junxiu took after that drama was still in full swing, and the actress she came out of from a national TV series experienced her first failure in ratings.

Yoon Eun Hye, after filming "Coffee Prince" with Junsu, her popularity is also booming, but then she also took over the TV series "Please Miss" and "Try to Lie to Me" The ratings are not as good as when they were filmed with Junsu. . The same is true for Kim Tae Hee. After the drama with Jun Soo, she also has countless jobs, but the ratings...

That's why netizens joked that Junxiu is a ratings freak. I don't know if he really has good vision and good luck, or if fans trust the TV series he chose? In short, those who have the name "Junxiu", whether it is a play or a song, will become popular. Even fans can't tell why, maybe this is a kind of 'brand trust'? Does Junsu's name mean high quality?

Time flies, and the filming of the TV series is almost over. And the plot of the broadcast is slowly ending, especially in the 16 episodes broadcast, Xuan found the national witch Zhang Shi to confirm the truth of the cause of Yan Yu's death, and then learned the fact that the witch month is Yan Yu. This is a tense scene that unraveled the truth of Yanyu's death, especially Junsu's tearful acting that moved many female audiences.

It is the appearance of this scene that made the instant ratings of the whole drama hit a new high in recent years, 52.99%. This drama of Junxiu has once again become a national TV drama! After the broadcast of this episode, the Internet was boiling, especially those female netizens began to leave comments on the article.

Netizen No. 1 (male): "Wow.. The moment when Xuan was in tears when he learned the truth. I really thought I was about to die, and my heart was pinched by something like a roller coaster. Junxiu, Your acting skills can't be so good. Your expressive acting skills have made me unknowingly brought into the plot. As a man, I can't help but cry when I see it. I think, watching The women on this show must have been smoking toilet paper all over the floor after this scene?"

Netizen No. 2 (female): "Junxiu's acting skills are completely big! At the moment when I saw him cry, I knew that I was collapsed, and I was deeply impressed by Junxiu's tears. Oppa, Sharon Hey~~ !!"

"As a TV fan, this set of shots is definitely the Top 1 I have picked out of TV dramas over the past few years!"

"Would you like to cry so cruelly, Xuan? Wait, I haven't said a word yet, Junxiu, I love you!!!"


Many reporters are looking forward to the failure of Junsu's TV series this time, because only if his TV series fails, they will have more content to write. Who knew that Junxiu's TV drama ratings are still so cowhide! ! And his acting skills have reached a level where reporters can't give bad reviews. Do you want to act so well? Do you want to make the ratings so high?

Junsu once again created a 'national drama' for the new year, is there any reason for this? Junxiu still occupies the highest realm of actors~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is still the most loved actor by Korean directors! The directors' enthusiasm for Junsu has never changed. Yes, it seems that with Junxiu joining in any TV series, they can get good ratings. Which director doesn't love such an actor who brings his own luck and has honed his acting skills?

Maybe Junsu has become the 'mascot' in the director circle? The work has a zero failure rate. How can this be described as a "monster"?

There are still four episodes of the TV series left, and the director shouted the word "kill" at the shooting scene of Junxiu and the others, and the filming of this national TV series has ended at this moment! !

Everyone cheered after the word "killing" appeared, and finally relaxed at this moment after nearly four months of filming. Everyone's mood has been released, and everyone's efforts have also been rewarded with ratings. So the director called everyone: "Let's take a group photo first!"

The entire crew, as well as the actors, stood in front of the camera and took a picture as a souvenir of the TV series!

After the photo shoot, the staff began to ask for autographs from Junxiu and other actors. They didn't dare to ask the actors for autographs during the filming, after all, they were at work. However, after the completion of the filming today, the staff were also liberated, and they finally had the opportunity to take photos with the actors and get their autographs. And Junxiu has the most people who want to sign autographs, because his acting skills have been recognized by the entire crew.

The director also said to everyone at this time: "Remember what I said to Junxiu? The ratings are high, we eat Korean beef for the final banquet, and we, what TV series is it? (National TV series) So~~ eat Korean today. Cattle!!"

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