Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 148: rest

The director at the banquet table had already fallen down, and even the screenwriter was already drunk. She looked at Junsu and laughed and laughed in a very good mood, because the script she created this time Junsu was performed with the most perfect acting skills. The writer himself felt that Li Xuan in her writing was brought to life by Jun Xiu. So she is also full of gratitude to Junsu. Because of Junxiu's performance and the ratings after the broadcast, these made her write very happy when she was writing.

The writer smiled and said, "I've heard before that there are three gods of Bacchus in the entertainment industry, Shin Dongyeop, Sung Sikyung, and you, Junsu. But today I know how good you are, Junsu."

There are more than 20 bottles of soju on the table at their table. According to the number of people at their table, each person has at least three bottles. For an average drinker, three bottles is already a lot of alcohol, but for someone like Junxiu who has been exposed to alcohol for a long time, the amount of three bottles of soju is just the beginning of a little drunk.

Junxiu smiled soberly: "Writer Chen, it seems that everyone is almost done. That's it for today? I have to go back and prepare."

When Junxiu said goodbye, the writer smiled and nodded: "Hahaha~~ Yes, you have to go back and rest well. I heard from your agent that you are going to "Jungle" again soon?"

"Well, I'm going to go to "The Jungle" after a two-day break at most. The show over there still has my name on it, and the whole show team is waiting for me to finish here. I thought I could Quit that hard job, I didn’t expect the entire show crew to be waiting for me to shoot after my return.”

"Thank you for your hard work. However, the format of the show... I really have a feeling that it will become a longevity show. Although I'm a little tired, the overseas scenery you brought to everyone is quite refreshing! "

"Well, I thought about the scenery at the beginning of this show. After all, everyone's living standards have improved in this era, and it is not so difficult to go overseas. Maybe there are many people who can't travel because of work. Right. So our program team also thought about shooting more scenery, so that we can broadcast it for everyone to see, is this called agent satisfaction?"

"Satisfied by agent? Hahaha~~ Yes, satisfied by agent, this term is very appropriate. You can go back and have a good rest here, you don't need to worry about it here, I will know the arrangement in a while!"

"Well, then I'll go back. Please tell the director, I'll withdraw first!"


It is already late in the night in Seoul after I came out of the restaurant where we had dinner. It is still so cold in Seoul in February. I don’t know when the weather will be warmer. The air quality in Seoul is not so good, even if it is late at night, the exhaust here is still so heavy. However, Junxiu stood on the street in the cold and took two deep breaths, and his whole body became relaxed.

Yeah, the busy drama is finally over. After being busy for a few months, after this meal, my body and mind were relaxed, breathing the cold air, and a sense of freedom rippled from the bottom of my heart.

When the agent went to drive, Junxiu took out his cigarette and lit one. The smoke was very clear under the bright orange color. Maybe it was because the weather was too cold! There will be traces of the breath, so the smoke and heat under the lights are particularly obvious. Getting down from the noisy wine table and standing by the extremely quiet roadside, my heart became inexplicably empty.

Junxiu raised his head slightly and blew a smoke ring, watching it slowly drift into the air. At this moment, my heart also drifted somewhere. Junxiu took out his phone and checked that it was almost two o'clock. He muttered, "I wonder if they are sleeping?"

Junxiu sent Taeyeon a text message "Are you asleep?" With the mentality of trying it out, Junxiu waited for more than ten seconds and there was no reply.

The agent also drove the nanny car to Junxiu at this time, and he pulled away from the co-pilot's seat and sat on it. The agent smiled and said, "It's finally over, you, are you okay?"

The agent had to drive, so there was no wine order at the table they sat at. After three or two meals, they were all waiting for the end of their entertainer's banquet. Of course, some artists ask their agents to go back first, and they can just take a taxi and go back. After all, the agent was also working very hard during the shooting period. Not to mention the shuttle back and forth every day, and they were still waiting by the side during the shooting, because the director saw that it was OK, or CUT, they had to send the down jacket immediately. in the hands of the artist.

And Junxiu didn't ask the agent to go back first, because he still has time to listen to the agent's story~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Facing the concern of the agent, Junxiu shook his head and said, "It's okay, no No matter how much they drink, they are not the kind of people who can drink very much. When they are drunk, they fall on the wine table. It is boring for me to drink alone, so I come out. When do I leave here? I There are so many things going on.”

"Assemble at the airport early on the third day. However, for the next two days, you have two commercials to shoot! Both are scheduled in the afternoon, so you can sleep a little more during the day."

Junxiu also knows that because of the big release of TV dramas, many manufacturers will definitely come to the door. So he's ready to advertise. As for the pictorial, Junxiu didn't pick it up, it was too troublesome and too time-consuming. He still wants to give himself a little time, because he really still has a lot to do! ! For example, he needs to prepare the songs of the three of Taidi Xu, and the children of his company have to take care of them.

Get more sleep during the day? This is the consolation prize given to Junsu. Junxiu shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You say, why do I work so hard? What can I do with so much money?"

"You can earn more when you are young, and you can enjoy more when you are old!"

"You don't enjoy it when you're young. When you're old, you don't want to go anywhere. What else do you enjoy? Enjoy the warmth of your family? Hehe... Forget it, I think it's the right way to play more when you're young."

Just as Junsu and his manager were chatting on the way home, Taeyeon's text message came back.

After Junxiu came in listening to the text message sound, he also said "Huh".

"I haven't slept yet, I just took a shower, and oppa's dinner is over?" Just took a shower and was about to go to bed. This time at two in the morning is very suitable.

"Well, it's just over, right in the dormitory? I'll come here."

"Are you here at this time?"

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