Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Rest (4)

At the beginning of the 2012 New Year, Tara came back with their new album, and the cover of this album has a big 'JS' LOGO, which means that Junsu is the producer of this album. Because all Girls' Generation albums produced by Junsu will have such a LOGO, which seems to be a guarantee of quality. And every time this logo appears, it guarantees the general trend of the next list! !

Junxiu's LOGO is a golden sign, but this time Tara's album is the object that all fans use to ridicule, um, not to mock their achievements. Instead, Junsu has started to 'name' on the album? Because everyone knew he was busy filming after the TV show last year. Do you still have time to make an album for Tara? This is too fake, right?

So, Junsu is the first name producer on the Tara album. It's also a last resort because Junsu and CCM had to put his name on Tara's album, because with his name, the album will sell very well! This was done on Tara's last album.

The album "Roly-Poly" that Junsu produced for them last time sold 2 billion won in South Korea, and they also won the second place on the annual sales chart because of this song. One is Junxiu's "Ribbon of the South of the Yangtze River", which is an achievement that no singer can surpass. After all, Junxiu's song is also amazing in overseas music sales.

You must know that the income of one download in Europe and the United States is ten times that of South Korea. And what is the population of South Korea? How can it be compared with the whole world? You must know that Junxiu's music score this time has won No. 1 in many countries in Europe and America. Adding these downloads together, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to surpass it. That number is really terrifying. Moreover, in overseas radio and television stations, as long as it is publicly broadcasted once, then the copyright fee has to be paid once. These are not small sums.

However, Tara can surpass Girls' Generation in album sales last year, which is very scary. Of course, there is a reason for the hype, after all, it was their first time working under Junsu. Everyone who knows a little bit about the entertainment industry wants to know whether Junxiu is really that powerful, and whether any girl group will undergo earth-shaking changes when he is in his hands.

After Tara came to JS, the songs they released one after another, and several of their MVs became small movies. In short, their changes did not disappoint the fans, and they also gained a lot of new fans.

In addition, the title song "Lovey-Dovey", which was produced by JS Junsu himself, immediately swept all the charts on the first day of the song's release. Li Zhien's "You and Me", which has been occupying the first place in the music source chart, was also pulled down by Tara's music this time. It can be seen how much response this song has caused in the music industry after its appearance.

And their song together with the 'shuffling dance' was broadcast on the broadcast, and it exploded the entire music scene. Just like the handsome 'riding dance' some time ago, their 'shuffling dance' is also among the young people in Korea. It was on fire. Liu Zaishi and others also imitated the shuffle dance in Tara on variety shows. There are still many shows following Liu Zaishi, or artists have begun to imitate their dances.

Songs, dance, beauty, they are all the ingredients that an artist needs. What if it doesn't fire? How is that possible, especially Tara's variety show "Three Musketeers" has been active on the screen recently. It was also for Junxiu's bet, and he made them work extremely hard. While running on both sides of Japan and South Korea, they also let them take care of many variety shows. It is equivalent to saying that the current Tara is the itinerary on the Korean side that cannot be left behind, and the market on the Japanese side has to continue to develop.

During Girls' Generation's break, when they started their solo activities towards TV dramas, Tara exploded from the New Year this year.

As Taeyeon asked Junsu, did you watch the news? Because at this time the news was written: 'Maybe Tara will surpass Girls' Generation's achievements in Junsu's hands. ’

Because now everyone sees that Junsu doesn't care much about Girls' Generation anymore, after all, they have grown up one by one. And Tara has been shining brightly in Junxiu's hands since last year. In addition, Junxiu really cares more about them. For example, for this album, everyone knows that Junxiu is named producer, but he is He even did the name thing, which shows how much he cares about Tara's affairs, so the media will say that Tara may surpass Girls' Generation.

Of course, Tara is also very competitive. They are now just like Girls' Generation at the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They actually appear in a state of domination. This made their popularity soar, and even CCM opened a cafe for Tara. Of course, these things don't care about Junxiu's affairs. He only cares that they can meet the conditions of the gambling contract in his own hands. Now they are half finished, and there is still the second half of the year, Junxiu is very sure anyway! !


As for the news in Taeyeon's mouth, he really doesn't have time to care about it recently. He has been busy doing the last thing for the murderousness of the TV series. So when Taeyeon talked about the current Tara news, Junsu was stunned for a moment: "Are they so good now? To be judged by the media as 'maybe they can become a girl group that surpasses you?' This is too exaggerated, right? Aren't they still a long way from you in terms of grades?"

"The distance you call now means we've stopped now. And they're chasing like a rocket. Oppa, you've been on the set all this time, so you don't know. They're big, big, totally The general trend of the music industry, the only voice that can be heard in the music industry now is from their Tara. Even the voice of your student Li Zhien has been temporarily suppressed by them, do you think it is serious?"

Junsu listened to Taeyeon's description of Tara, he was also shocked, he was completely inconceivable, Tara actually started to be compared with Girls' Generation? He really widened his eyes as he watched Taeyeon keep sighing: "Wow, I haven't heard about the music industry news for the last month or so, so there has been such a big change?"

Yes, the music industry has changed so much this time, and the changes are very fast, so fast that Junsu doesn't even know about it.

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