Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 154: Rest (7)

Money is the guts of a man. Speaking of the appearance of Junxiu's agent... Although it is not very appalling, it is definitely not linked to the 'handsome boy'. What about his appearance level? That is to say, the average line is down, and ah, it looks like five and three thick. Because sometimes the agent also works as a security guard. He has to ensure Junxiu's safety. If he doesn't have a strong physique, how can he help him block those crazy fans?

So, with his average appearance, if it weren't for his good income, he wouldn't be able to find a woman of the same level as his current daughter-in-law. Although this woman is not a natural beauty, well, there are not many natural beauty in Korea. So everyone accepts a woman's 'love of beauty'. Indeed, if the salary of Junxiu's agent is calculated according to the general occupation, it will definitely reach the level of 'manager'.

When he was rich, it was quite normal for him to find a woman with a good appearance. As for this woman's love for beauty, it depends on the situation of his child in the future. It doesn't matter if it is a boy. Ladies, technology is advanced anyway! !

After the shooting of Junsu's commercial, he wiped his face and walked towards the two managers smiling, but the content of his smile is understood only by the manager who is familiar with Junsu. It means 'You boy, it's good enough, you found a beautiful woman to be your wife. ’ But on the surface, Junxiu said with a smile, “My face is going to be washed badly.”

The commercials for facial cleansers are all about smearing foam on the cheeks, which is acceptable on both sides, but Junxiu has to wash his face all morning for a perfect set of '15 seconds', who can stand it?

The agent's daughter-in-law immediately handed Junxiu a bottle of toner: "Try this, it's pretty good."

"Thank you, Lao Li, you haven't introduced me yet." Junxiu said to the agent with a smile after glancing at the woman while wiping toner.

The agent responded to Junxiu with a smirk: "Hey, my wife who hasn't been there is called Jin Huizhu."

Junxiu politely reached out, "Hello, Jin Huizhuxi, I don't need to introduce myself, right? Even if you don't know the entertainment industry, you must have often heard my name from your future husband, right?"

"Of course I know you, JS Junsu, the only world star from Korea. I'm a fan of yours. I like your work very much. Whether it's music or film, I think it's amazing."

"Thank you. Lao Li, is the restaurant ready? Let's go. I'll go and say goodbye to the director first."

"I'm with you. How can I not show up, this is my job?"


In a relatively high-end western restaurant, Junxiu and his manager were sitting together and having lunch. They said that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. Artists' eating patterns were irregular like this. Junxiu smiled and asked about the acquaintance of the two, and said apologetically that they could not attend their wedding this time.

Immediately after, Junxiu asked, "Have you chosen the car? I don't have so much time to accompany you to go shopping one by one. I have something to do in the afternoon. It just so happens that I will have dinner, so you should choose it online first. The car model, I have to go after I buy it after a while."

The agent stared at Junxiu with wide eyes and said, "Really buy it? I'm just thinking about having a meal." Maybe he wanted it in his heart, but what about the polite words of the scene? Fan it.

"If you say buy it, just buy it. Am I just kidding. Anyway, the limit of 100 million yuan. If you want a luxury car or something, you have to pay for it yourself."

"Okay, let's add up."

"Let's sum it up, I'm going to eat." Junxiu sent Taeyeon a message while eating, 'Back to the dormitory, still at home? ’

Because he had a schedule in the morning, he got up earlier. Taeyeon was still sleeping in when Junsu left the house. In her words, she usually doesn't get up until noon for her recent rest. But it's two o'clock now, so Junxiu doesn't know if she's back in the dormitory?

It didn't take long for Taeyeon's text message to reply: 'At home, I just got up for dinner, how about you, did you just finish filming? ’

'No, I'm having dinner with the agent, and I'll be back in an hour at most. ’

After the meal, Junxiu took them to the car market. They chose an imported BMW 5-series, and the total was close to 90 million won. After buying the car, Junxiu didn't ask the agent to take him back, but took a taxi back. They were about to get married, so let's leave some time for the two of them.

After Junxiu left, the two finally started talking about him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The woman watched Junxiu get into the taxi and then said to the agent, "By the way, what kind of car is Junxiu's own car? Is it a sports car like a Lamborghini? Didn't some netizens photograph Quan Zhilong driving a Lamborghini recently? And isn't his former teammate Kim Jae-jung also driving a Ferrari?"

Fans have always been very interested in celebrities' private cars, as if they want to buy the same car in the future after knowing what car they are driving. Or maybe the rich fans will drive the same car as soon as they find out. It's a bit blind to chase after a certain level of fans, as if the stars wear, eat, and use, they all want to use the same.

The manager smiled and shook his head and said, "He? He doesn't have a car. It used to be there. It seems that the car was given to her sister? He himself said that, when he was in Korea, he basically worked every day, so I don't need a car. But when I don't have a job, he basically drinks alcohol, and he can't drive after drinking. So he said that he didn't need a car at all.

"Wow.. Junxiu really has such self-discipline?" The incident of drunk driving is happening almost every day, so Junxiu, a restaurant lover, actually gave up a man's favorite car for 'drinking'. This is really self-discipline.

"Yeah, in his words, he stood in front of the spotlight and got everyone's love, so what he did should at least be worthy of his fans, and they couldn't let their love turn into disappointment. He really is what I see. The kindest person I’ve ever been, this is something I’ve never said before. Junxiu’s annual donation to the lonely and widowed elderly is definitely no less than 200 million. And it has persisted for ten years!!”

Ten years of kindness really shocked this woman: "It seems that Junxiu is really kind!!"

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