Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Rest (16)

After saying goodbye to Ha Ji Won, Jun Xiu and the three of them continued to choose the delicious food they wanted to eat in the bakery. Cream, fruit, chocolate, all kinds of breads are separated by the window, but looking at their delicate appearance, I feel that they exude a charming taste. And the smell of milk in the bakery is also constantly stimulating the growth of saliva. Paney bowed slightly and stared at the bread and cake, his eyes were a little straight.

The attractive bread seemed to say to her, "Choose me, choose me." Pani, who rarely had the chance to eat bread on weekdays, was tangled to death standing in front of them. I want to eat this, and I want to taste that. It's hard to decide. On the contrary, Xu Xian was much simpler. After walking around in front of all kinds of bread, she immediately made a choice. She chose two breads that she wanted to eat without her for five minutes. The process is not at all sloppy.

While Junsu and Taeyeon were looking at the bread, they chatted about the OST topic just now, Taeyeon picked up a cream puff and put it on the bread plate and asked Junsu, "oppa, you have more here. Time to do an OST for me?"

On the way back to the supermarket, Junxiu told them that he still has three days of rest after the TV series is finished. After three days, he has to follow "The Jungle" to shoot in the virgin forest. In Junsu's own words, this "Jungle" shoot was a good time to let himself play. This time, Junxiu's TV series was filmed very seriously, so he thought about the characters in the play very deeply, that is, the so-called deep into the play.

Now that the TV series is over, he needs to step out of his role. Many actors like to travel after filming, which can help them move from the drama to reality more quickly. So this Junxiu's "Jungle" was a good trip for him, just a little tired.

"OSTs are generally ballad songs, so the arrangement will not be so complicated. At that time, as long as you read the script outline, you can basically make it easily."

Junxiu said it so easily, which made Taeyeon very speechless: "You said it so easily? Then why didn't you write your own OST for this TV series?"

"I don't have time? Hehe~~ Actually, I think I can't write a better ancient style song than "Marriage". The arrangement of ancient style songs is very time-consuming, the instruments are too many and too complicated, I don’t want to spend time on this either, lyrical songs are much simpler, and they can be very beautiful with piano soundtracks.”

It was the first time that Taeyeon heard Junsu say that she had encountered a bottleneck in her creation, so she deliberately said angrily: "Hmph, then show me the piano score this time~!" In fact, she said this to stimulate Junsu Of course, he couldn't write it and Taeyeon couldn't force it. She didn't know about inspiration until she made music. It was too illusory, and Junxiu had such high requirements for music.

It's like when they browsed Junxiu's music library today, most of the songs stored in it are some very modern dance music arrangements, but the lyrical folder is empty.

Why is the folder empty? Because Junxiu thinks that in music like lyricism, the words are more important than the melody. As long as the words are written more beautifully, the melody will be much simpler later, so he did not save the lyrical songs in the music library. At least for him, he personally thinks that dance music is much more difficult than lyric. Maybe this is a habit of creators?


The photos of Junsu and Tae Dee Seo shopping in the supermarket quickly appeared on the Internet. As Ha Ji Won said, Junsu and Taeyeon also had so many protective umbrellas around their dates, so everyone would not To wonder what kind of 'combination' the three of them are.

A group of people entered Junxiu's new home with several large bags. After arriving home, Pani put things on the table casually, and she threw herself on the sofa and didn't want to move. She kicked off the newly-bought slippers, and at Junxiu's house was completely rude and occupied half of the sofa by herself, she stretched out comfortably and said to Junxiu who was tidying up in the kitchen, "I really have no strength. Now, oppa, can you make us something to eat?"

"Didn't you buy some bread? Let's eat some to pamper your stomach. I'll cook for you after I've sorted it out here. It's been hard work for you today, thank you."

Today, I bought a lot of things, from toiletries to kitchen seasonings, these bottles and jars are really heavy. Just the distance from the garage to the room, they all made two trips. So Pani is called hard and tired, and Junxiu understands it very well. After all, their strength is not as strong as Yoona. If Yoona is here, it would be better to work like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since it is called When people did something, Junxiu thought of comforting them with delicious food, which was not a waste of their hard work.

And Taeyeon, who was helping Junxiu tidy up the kitchen, glanced at Pani who was lying on the sofa and said, "What's the hard work? I've only done so much, and then I start screaming and lose my strength? This is too exaggerated, right?"

"Taeyeon, it's normal that you don't feel tired, and I understand, after all, this is half of your home. But I'm really tired. I woke up so early this morning, let's not talk about it. And I drive the car all day, do you know that driving requires concentration?"

Seeing that the house was about to become a battlefield for Girls' Generation again, Junxiu immediately said, "If you are tired, take a rest. There is a massage chair over there, it should be very comfortable to lie down and rest."

"I'm going to try oppa's massage chair." Pani immediately got up from the sofa and ran to the massage chair. He turned on the massage function and began to enjoy it. The massage of the acupoints made Pani lying on the massage chair unable to bear it. issued a comfortable moan/groan.

This made Junsu and Taeyeon extremely depressed in the kitchen, and Taeyeon even shouted, "Oh, can you stop making such a strange noise?"

"Is it strange? Hehe~~ I don't think it's strange. Besides, I shouldn't be able to make strange sounds, but you~~hehe~~"

Xu Xian heard that Pani started to go off topic, and she almost slipped her hands in fright when she was helping to organize the trophy. She shouted in dissatisfaction: "Oni~~ You are really~~"

Junxiu seemed to have discovered a new road, and whispered in Taeyeon's ear: "Oh, Xiaoxian has grown up? I understand some wonderful things."

"Is she an adult too? And after your Shungui's frequent edification, she almost moved home."

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