Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 166: Rest (19)

Taeyeon started retching early in the morning when Junsu told about the special food in "The Jungle", these special food was just too disgusting for her. She knew that the first time Junsu ate centipedes, larvae, etc. But that's surviving without being familiar with anything in the first issue. Only by eating can you have strength. The second phase is much better. At least in terms of eating, there are fish and seafood.

Listening to Junsu talking about mice, bats, monkeys, these are foods that Taeyeon can't even imagine. Especially monkeys, this sounds disgusting to the extreme. In the minds of ordinary people, animals and food are two concepts. A monkey is an animal, and everyone subconsciously thinks that it cannot be eaten. But I just heard Junxiu say that the people from the show team went to Southeast Asia to be entertained to eat monkeys? Hearing it makes me vomit.

After coming to the living room, Taeyeon smelled the aroma of the lunch Junsu prepared, she shook her head and said, "I almost lost my appetite after you said that. Siberia, why don't you go there? There's no food in that kind of place. It's really hard work, I don't want to watch you eat mice on the show!"

"Don't worry. Right now, it's just the program team inspecting the past, not necessarily going back. I really want to see those extreme scenery. Extreme day, this is something most people wouldn't choose to enjoy. "Law of the Jungle" naturally wants Do something different from others. Besides, who would go to a place like this if it wasn't because of the show? Don't be so pessimistic, and the show team can't say that we are starving to death. No more, I have to go ."

After waiting for them to arrive, the meal is about to start. At this time, Junxiu said that he was going to leave, which made Taeyeon look at him in confusion: "Go? Where are you going, don't you eat?"

"I went to the company, and I also had lunch. Your meals are all ready, and you can serve them when they come. Three king crabs were steamed in the pot, and a spicy stew was made for you. Pork ribs, a miso soup, should be enough for a few of you. By the way, there are kimchi in the refrigerator. I went to the traditional market in the morning, and that's what I ate at that time. What do you want to eat in the evening? I'll bring it back. Eat Korean Cattle?"

Hearing that Junxiu was going to the company, Taeyeon nodded and said, "You go, let's talk about it at night, and I'll ask them when they come."


When Junxiu went to the traditional market in the morning, he found out that living here is not easy to get a car. So he had to drive up his car and put it at home. He had to prepare a car at home when he traveled in private on weekdays. I used to live on the Jiang/South side, and it was easy to take a taxi when I went out, but after I lived here, I found that the taxis were reluctant to come up.

At this time, Junxiu was still driving the BMW x6 a few years ago coquettishly on the streets. Spring has come, and there are more and more people shopping on the street. Especially when the weather is good, you can enjoy some beautiful legs in Jiang/Nan District.

Not long after Junsu drove away, Pani, Seo Hyun, Shun Kyu, and Sika came. Sika's TV series has also been completed, and the ratings have never had a chance to break the time as Junsu said, and their dramas and Junsu's dramas are fighting each other, that's a miserable loser. Junsu's TV series have become national TV series, and they don't even have 10%. Since her appearance in the eighth episode, the ratings have risen a little bit, but in the ninth episode, the TV series dropped back instantly.

And Sika's acting skills have also been criticized a lot, which made Sika really chill, she even swore to say that she would never shoot TV series again, even if she was invited, it can be seen that this TV series How deep is the scar on her.

This time they came to Junxiu's house, and they came in under the leadership of Pani. Li Shungui has been to Junxiu's house, so everything here is not surprising to her. On the other hand, Sika, who came to Junxiu's house for the first time, just like Pani and others yesterday, she kept sighing. The luxury of Junxiu's house.

Sika kept nodding her head and sighing: "oppa is really good at choosing a place. Building a home in such a green and rich mountain valley makes life feel different."

"Let's go, go in, there's still no courtyard in sight of his house, the courtyard has to go out from the room."

After entering the room, Sun Kyu watched and Taeyeon sat alone in the living room and asked, "Where's Oppa?"

"It's been almost half an hour, and I'm going to the company. He has a very tight schedule these two days, so he has to take care of the children over there. He said this, I guess he has some arrangements for Tara, right? Oh? , these are all ready for lunch, let's go short."

"He left without eating?"

"I ate it, I said that I ate it when I went to the traditional market."

When Girls' Generation started to eat lunch, Junxiu arrived at the door of the company. There were already many fans gathered at the door of Junsu's company, mainly Li Zhien's fans who came to the company for pilgrimage. Although the company has launched many girl groups in the past two years, there is no particular trend. Maybe it's because Junxiu doesn't have time to take care of them, but the children of other companies have become a new generation of top girl groups in Junxiu's hands.

Looking at the handsome car at the door, he didn't dare to park at the door, but went directly into the garage. Because he is afraid that his car will be parked at the door, it will be miserable for fans to spread their grievances on their own tires.

Entering the company and taking the elevator directly upstairs, Junxiu went to Minhyuk's office, and when he opened the door, he was sitting on the sofa looking at some documents. After Junxiu arrived, he laughed: "Come? I thought you were going to be late~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Have you eaten yet?"

"I ate it when I went to the market to buy vegetables."

"You went to the market without causing traffic jams? You are now the aunt's favorite king."

"I went with full armor, and I didn't dare to look up when I was eating."

"It's just right, the latest movie script, I plan to choose a small investment to test the water?" Min Hyuk gave Junxiu the movie script in his hand.

"Well, we can't afford to play with the big ones, so let's start small." After Junxiu finished speaking, he simply read the script.

The ones in hand are some small-invested films, and the most investment cost required by the film director to write is no more than one billion.

Junxiu casually watched one and then threw it to Minhyuk: "This is not bad, "The Gift of Room 7" is a very warm and touching story."

"Such touching stories generally have a relatively small market. It is possible to invest one billion in it, and it is not bad to be able to return five hundred million."

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