Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 170: kids (below)

After Junsu and Minhyuk came out of the children's practice room, Junsu said with a smile, "Brother Minhyuk, a vocal instructor born in 1989 like Heo Solzhi, and she has also experienced the cruelty of the music industry, she knows that the entertainment industry is What does it look like? Isn't such a child's 'leader' very suitable to join a girl group? Why does the teacher have to be a teacher in your opinion? Plus her appearance is also quite suitable for a girl group, right?"

Hearing Junxiu's words, Minhyuk laughed embarrassedly and embarrassedly: "Hahaha, I didn't think about it so much before, all we ordered was to invite teachers for the children."

Junxiu understands what he means, asking a teacher is just asking a teacher, how can you bring the teacher into the girl group? Junxiu said, "Brother, a singer who has experienced failure still stays in this circle, have you ever thought about what it means?"

In Korea, the production of girl groups like an assembly line, there are many failures, and there are many people who disappear without even hearing the name. Generally speaking, people who have experienced failure will choose to change careers, because this circle is not as simple as imagined.

Minhyuk looked at Junxiu in confusion, because he was not an artist, so he didn't know what the artists were thinking: "What do you mean?"

"Because they still want to stand on the stage, or they really love music. Although they have failed, their hearts are not dead and they are not willing. Therefore, as a brokerage company, when the comprehensive conditions allow, such as rate For girls like Zhi, we will give opportunities to those who can give them opportunities. They are all people who love music, and I believe that the development of Solzhi will be very good in the future.”

"Hehe, do you really think of the agency as a charity hall? According to you, the letter is the music teacher you like very much. The appearance, conditions, and voice are all very good. Have you ever thought about recruiting our company? ?"

"Yeah, our company is all women, how can we make an exception just because of one teacher? To be honest, the prosperous years of the girl group have been extremely unfair to male singers. In the past, only high school girls were chasing stars, and now there are more It’s a male fan, isn’t there an uncle group recently, a fan of Ji Eun. Now that living conditions are better, more people have begun to pursue spiritual entertainment, fishing, and songs are all good pastimes.”

"Zhien's uncle fans aren't as good as your auntie group, right? Let's go, I'll show you another group in the second half of the year."

Junxiu's auntie group is all Junxiu's movie fans. For example, when Junxiu goes to the traditional market today, when Junxiu is recognized by her aunt, it is a passion. They even touch Junxiu PP unscrupulously. These Korean market aunts are really~~ Very speechless.


In the new girl group in the second half of this year, Minhyuk told Junxiu about their positioning on the way, which made Junxiu very speechless and angry: "What are we doing, are we making girl groups or girls? Bands? Are you going to make them play heavy metal or rock?"

Minhyuk actually positioned them as a 'band', which made Junxiu completely bewildered. It's not that there are no women in the band. Maybe some teams have a lead singer or something that is a woman, but more men are playing in the band. And South Korea is a different market. Don't look at FNC's CNB and FT, which are very popular in the Korean and Japanese markets, but girl bands are not optimistic in Junxiu's eyes.

"Junxiu, don't you see that this market is empty. The original 2NE1 was different from YG's hiphop style, and there were very few women playing that."

"It's not the same at all, isn't it? The band composed of pure girls all over the world, well-known and familiar to everyone, can you find one for me? Besides, the music style of Hiphop emphasizes freedom, not what you call curses. I...I'm speechless, I...then you planned it like this?"

During the debate between Junsu and Minhyuk, the two of them have already come to the practice room of the child who debuted in the second half of this year. The practice room is all guarded against musical instruments, including electric guitars, basses, drums, keyboards, and at a glance, Really a band.

Looking at these instruments, Junxiu could only sigh silently in his heart, regretting it. However, when the children who were sitting on the floor were resting, when they saw Junsu and Minhyuk come in, they all bounced off the floor with a swish, and then quickly greeted Junsu and Minhyuk: "Senior Junsu, representative, Hello."

Junxiu carefully looked at the children when they greeted them. Even in the early spring of February, they all wore shorts in the practice room, because it was really hot to practice. Besides, it was still heating this day. Well, they naturally can't turn on the air conditioner to practice.

That is, the shorts they are wearing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This allows Junxiu to have an unobstructed view of their figure. Junxiu looked at them for a few seconds and said to them, "Hello, children. I heard from Brother Minhyuk, you are the children who are about to debut in the second half of the year? Has the team been named yet?"

The team name has not been decided at this time, because there is still at least half a year before their debut, and it is still early.

Min Hyuk smiled and said, "Not yet, why don't you choose a team name for them?"

"Okay, let's call it AOA, Ace.Of.Angels. Ace Angel, I hope you can achieve the level of company Ace in the future." Junxiu took the team name and turned to Minhyuk and said, "Brother, I plan the company's plan. I never ask questions on weekdays, you know. Because I don't have the time or energy. After all, there are many children who work hard in this circle, but not every effort will pay off. Your plan for them I won't bother asking, no matter what position you have for them, I don't care. Anyway, the company's two-year 'polishing time' remains the same, and they will be handed over to me after two years! What I want to see is a real girl group, you know what I mean? I don't want the company to have a second Hyosung."

When it comes to 'Jon Hyo Sung', Min Hyuk's face also becomes embarrassed, because Jun Hyo Sung is a very optimistic child of Jun Xiu, but now she is really fat~ And Jun Xiu also said, absolutely not Remind them 'what is a girl group'! In short, Junxiu hoped that they would comprehend the way of survival by themselves, but unfortunately their comprehension process seems to have taken a long time.

Quan Xiaosheng's group is half fat and half thin, and Xiaosheng, who Junxiu likes, also dyed his hair strangely, and matched it with smoky makeup, the stylist is really blind!

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