Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 174: bad guy, good guy (below)

It was late at night, and the streets of Hongdae became more lively. Because there are many bars and nightclubs here, the nightlife here is extremely rich. When I was young, there was always a time when I liked nightlife, the blur of the night, the charm of the night, the impulse of the night, everything in the night would be fascinating. Restaurants in places with rich nightlife are also closed later.

For example, Ha Dong-hoon's store only closes at two or three o'clock every day. After Junxiu came out of the store, he turned to the store manager and said, "Go and send him back, don't worry about me, I'll just take a taxi and go."

"Nei, I'll go after you get in the car." The store manager still insisted on sending Junxiu, who was a little drunk, into the car first. He helped Junxiu stop a taxi on the side of the road before going back to get He Dongxun.

After getting in the car, Junxiu told the driver about the house he rented in Jiangnan. In this slightly hazy state, he forgot to move. When the vehicle was about to cross the bridge, Junxiu remembered that his home was in the north of the city. By the time he remembered, the vehicle had already crossed the bridge, and it was absolutely impossible to turn around on the bridge, so he could only turn around after crossing the bridge, or go directly to Binjiang. Road, and then go back to the Han River Bridge on the south side of the Yangtze River.

Sitting in the car listening to the radio at night, Junxiu opened the car window to sober up. He didn't want to go home drunk. It doesn't matter if there is only one person, but there are still so many people at home today. Girls' Generation didn't have an itinerary, so today Junsu's new home is regarded as a resort hotel.

After the vehicle crossed the bridge, it did not drive towards Jiangnan District, and the driver did not choose to take Jiangbin Road. Because the traffic in the city was no longer blocked in the middle of the night, he planned to take Junxiu to some small roads. will be closer.

The car was driving on the road, Junxiu was almost half awake from the cold wind blowing by the riverside, Junxiu suddenly realized that the taxi in front had no license plate: "Wow, why doesn't the taxi in front have a license plate?"

The taxi in front was already very old. Although it was wearing a taxi's hat, it didn't have a license plate on the bottom of the car. This kind of car was a bit creepy.

The taxi driver replied to Junxiu: "Black cars, such cars appear at night to kill customers. Or they are pulling drunkards on the street. When they wake up and find themselves sleeping on the side of the road, their wallets will also be lost. No way. The cost of this crime is low. All vehicles are scrapped cars, and they are not registered. Basically, no one can be caught without patrolling, and even if they see police patrolling, as long as they drive to the road, their car You can just run away.”

Junxiu nodded to show his understanding, there is a dark side in any metropolis. People with normal work and rest cannot touch this side, but it does not mean that they do not exist. The world has white and black. This is the eternal principle.

Because the speed of the car at night is about the same, Junxiu's car did not choose to increase the horsepower to overtake it, and Junxiu's car followed the black car. Gradually, the car in front slowed down and pulled aside. Junxiu was still wondering if the drunk sleeping on the street was being targeted, but as Junxiu's vehicle moved, he finally saw clearly that the prey in front was not a drunk, and Is a tall girl.

Junxiu watched the taxi stop in front of the girl and let the girl get on the bus, and Junxiu secretly screamed that it was not good. Junxiu knew that once the girl got in the car, what happened next would be unimaginable. Not sure if it was his heroism, he said to the driver, "Stop."

The driver was startled. It turned out that the big star sitting behind was a person with an extremely sense of justice. He repeatedly asked, "Stop??"

"Well, stop, you can't let this girl be taken away by this person?"

Junxiu watched the girl insist on getting in the car, and Junxiu's car window was open, he had heard the extremely unpleasant man driver's scolding, and the girl was also very clever with the phone pretending to be on the phone. Just like that, Junxiu's vehicle had already overtaken the taxi, and Junxiu could hear the girl's voice clearly: "My family will be here soon."

Junxiu's car was parked in front of the black car, and this black car was extremely smart, and the front said it had a license plate. I don't know where he got it, but it must be fake. After the car stopped, Junxiu quickly got down from the co-pilot's seat and walked towards the girl

, and the black car behind did not clearly see Junxiu's appearance. He really thought it was the girl's family who came. After he scolded the three-character classic, he started the car and left.

Junxiu breathed a sigh of relief after watching the black car escape, and the original slight intoxication also completely subsided during the rescue. Junxiu was a little scared after watching the car leave, because such people are desperadoes.

After getting out of the car, Junxiu walked towards the girl, and the tall woman looked at the man walking under the shade of the tree, and she started to move towards the back leg. Although there are bright street lights, Junxiu's face can't be seen in the darkness under the shade of trees~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So she is completely vigilant of Junxiu, because she is worried that she is going to get rich and come tigers. Leopard.

Junxiu smiled and said to the vigilant woman: "Miss, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person. I'm an artiste Junxiu, do you know?"

Maybe his name is very magical. The young lady who stepped back stopped her steps and stared at Junxiu suspiciously. Fortunately, the vehicle that Junxiu got off was a regular taxi, and the car is now. Before she left, this made her a little more courageous: "Junxiu?"

Junxiu also walked from the shade of the tree to the light. He waved at the girl and said, "Yes, you know me, right? I'm not a bad person."

Seeing Junxiu appearing under the street light, the woman finally felt relieved, she bowed to Junxiu and thanked her: "Thank you, thank you very much, that car in front of you."

"I also found that the vehicle didn't have a license plate along the way. I'm still wondering? Why are you walking here alone at such a late hour? There are no people on this road, so why don't you take a taxi?"

Junxiu approached the thanking woman only to realize that she was actually taller than Yui Aragaki, because Junxiu felt that her eyes were on her level. This woman was at least 170cm tall.

Junxiu also began to follow a lot of this tall girl. She had a very good appearance and a good height, so Junxiu curiously added: "Model?"

"No, it's a trainee!!"


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