Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 177: The Return of Silent Music (Part 1)

The second season of "Law of the Jungle" set sail again on the third day after Junsu's TV series ended. When Junsu showed up at the airport wearing outdoor sportswear, reporters kept flashing flashes towards Junsu. Many people don't understand why Junsu has to work so hard for himself? Today, his TV ratings are still high, and his music performance is also outstanding. In addition, his brokerage company has also become the representative company of women's groups.

To say that Junxiu is not afraid to appear in this variety show in order to earn more fame? But the problem is that if his reputation in Korea is to be the second, no one dares to call himself the first! He is a world superstar, a real world star, not like RAIN. Although everyone calls him a world star, he is actually far worse than Junsu.

When fans saw Junsu filming such a show, they couldn't help crying because of Junsu's hard work. Yes, Junsu has suffered a lot for this show, although fans don't know if there is any post-editing component in it. But watching Junxiu and the others drinking the so-called 'pure water' made with drugs that can't kill people makes me feel bad, and watching Junxiu eat some bugs makes me feel heartbroken.

These mother fans are heartbroken to see Junxiu endure those hardships on the show. One by one, they all went to Junxiu's personal official club to leave a message, hoping that he would stop appearing in this terrible show. But a show with Junxiu's name on it, how can it be said that it will not be performed if it is not performed.

"Junxiu's Law of the Jungle" now has more and more female stars joining in. Perhaps the show has Junxiu's presence, and the program team has become very relaxed when inviting people. Basically, it's a phone call. Most of them will agree. Even if they know that the filming process of this show is very hard, they can't resist the exposure the show brings to them.

Junxiu, the name alone is enough to make many actresses willing to endure hardship with the show team

Junxiu followed "The Law of the Jungle" and went overseas to shoot for half a month (except for the flight distance). However, what no one thought was that at 0:00 on the third day after Junsu left, the song 'JS Junsu' appeared on the homepage recommendation of the music source website, and Junsu's song was released like this without any publicity? And when the latest list was refreshed, Junxiu's song was not on the list! ! (out of 100)

Junxiu's song is recommended on the homepage? All the fans are a little confused, isn't Junsu filming overseas at this time? Why is his song on the shelves at this time? There is no news on the official website, not even Junxiu's personal official cafe. Those fans who care about their idol music are a little confused when they see Junxiu's songs appearing on the homepage when they hit the charts in the early morning?

JS Junsu's song didn't make it to the list? Want to recommend a website? What's going on?

Countless people began to download the two songs released by Junxiu with doubts. This time it was actually an EP? Is it a two song EP? When I click on Junxiu's music download, the song does not show that the song has an MV? Everyone was in doubt. Could it be that someone pretended to be Junxiu's name? Did you deliberately use the same name as 'JS Junsu' to cheat the download?

The staff of Junxiu's official cafe began to ask the management staff one after another. Is Junxiu releasing an EP? I don't know if it's the morning connection? In short, the official website has been silent and no one has come forward to answer everyone. 'King Soo-jin', the vice-chairman who had the most news about Junsu in the past, has also become an entertainer. The silent website makes people wonder if there is really no one to manage it here?

There was no response from the official cafe, and fans rushed to the music website to download and listen to it. Everyone wanted to know if this was sung by Junxiu, and why was Junxiu’s music released without any news at all, not even informing the publicity?

The cover of the EP displayed on the recommended homepage is pure black, with only a 'JS' logo on the cover and a crooked moon occupying the center of the cover. The cover is extremely simple, and there is not even a photo of Junxiu on it.

The two songs are "Grab the Tail of This Night" and "Yanghua Bridge".

Junxiu’s song in the early morning was not on the list, and the list stopped refreshing after the 0:00 update. This is the first time that Junxiu's music album has surpassed the top 100, and the ranking will not be known until the next morning at 7:00.

But just one night has passed, and countless comments from critics have appeared on the Internet, "Variety and handsome, showing his musical strength with R&B style and a unique singing voice." The song "Catch the Tail of This Night" Junxiu's singing can't be found to be picky, the song is beautiful and the lyrics are beautiful, and Junxiu's singing is even more beautiful! Perfect for listening at night. There is also the song "Yanghua Bridge" Junxiu touched me with his comfortable singing and healing lyrics. The simple lyrics whispered in the ears of the family: Be happy, don't get sick. This is the most touching song of late, family! ! ’

Many high school students pay attention to the list on the way to school after getting up in the morning, and see that their favorite idol is very stuck at the top of the list.

In the early morning of last night, they were still their favorite idols, but after refreshing the list for the first time this morning, Junxiu's two songs occupied the first and second lists. Check out several of the big music sites. Although Junxiu's first and second songs are in a mess, maybe this station is the first song, and that station is that song.

Many small fans were surprised~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What's the situation? Junxiu's song was dropped for the first time when the chart was refreshed?

After the night was over, after the morning chart was refreshed, Junsu's songs swept the first or second place on all Korean music sites, and those idols who managed to occupy the first place last night had a headache. But what can I do? He is Junxiu. Of course, the singers also began to download Junxiu's songs one after another. After listening to his two songs, he said, "It really is Junsu."

Yes, Junsu's songs did not disappoint everyone.

And Junsu's personal official cafe also appeared on Junsu's album statement "JS Junsu's new album is a 'three no products'. No songs, no publicity, no physical sales."

Junxiu has completely created a new model, but what is the most poisonous trick? Although the entity of the song is not sold, it does not mean that the company will not produce the entity.

This time Junxiu's two songs are a specially made album. The illustration page of the album and the accompanying photo card are all private photos of Junxiu on weekdays, and the album will only be given away on Junxiu's personal official cafe by lottery for free. It is a special collection benefit for registered fans! !

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