Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 179: This year's return schedule

After Lee Seung-gi collaborated with Kang Ho-dong on the variety show "Two Days One Night", which reached a 50% audience rating, his personal popularity reached an unprecedented peak. Well, to be more precise, this show should have become a well-known variety show in Korea. As a result, the fame of six program members including Kang Hudong, Kim C, Yin Zhiyuan, MC Meng, Lee Seung Gi, and Lee Soo Geun in South Korea has also become a variety show power with the progress of the program.

In particular, Li Shengji's identity as the president of the student council and his mother's mother, coupled with the black hole image of his inconsistent president identity, can be said to be deeply loved by the general public. And when the show was filming, there was Jiang Hudong, the main pusher of the national MC, who jokingly called him the 'variety emperor' in the show, etc. Step by step, with the ratings of the show, he became the hottest male artist at the moment. .

The OST Taeyeon sings this time is Ha Ji Won and Lee Seung Gi's TV series, because the last time Ha Ji Won's TV drama was "Secret Garden" with Junsu last year, and this year her partner is Lee Seung Gi. So when they talked about the OST in a boring way, they naturally compared Junsu and Lee Seung Gi.

When talking about this issue, Taeyeon tilted her head and said, "At that time, Oppa read the outline of the script when he was writing this OST, and he said that the general plot of the play did not attract everyone's attention. The only thing that can attract everyone is the actors, Ha Ji Won, Lee Seung Gi, there is still some topic of adding these two together, and the ratings, it’s not bad if they don’t fall at the same time.”

Shun Gyu also followed with a smile and said, "Senior Ha Ji Won and the others just took over Oppa's drama, can't we take advantage of him?"

Pani looked at Taeyeon after Lee Soon Kyu finished speaking, and then said, "Isn't there going to be the 'Taeyeon Curse' again?" Any OST created by Junsu for Taeyeon seems to have no ratings for TV dramas. Yea, that's why there are jokers on the Internet saying 'Taeyeon's curse'.

Penny's words stinged Taeyeon's nerves, and she yelled at Penny dissatisfied: "Yeah~! The ratings of the TV series are not good, what's the matter with me? I'll sing as soon as I can."

"Hehe~~ I didn't say anything about you, it's just that those people on the Internet are going to start promoting this thing again."

"Pani~ you want to die, right? Huh?"


The three of Tady Xu have already started hosting "Music Center", and Taeyeon also sang a live OST "I ​​Miss You Crazy" on "Music Center". However, other TV station's song-playing programs have caused a headache for the director recently, because Junxiu's songs have been occupying the first or second place in the download chart, and they have not participated in the song-playing, which makes the program team not knowing whether to play the song or not. One of them was given to Junxiu?

Because I have never met a song show so far, which singer did not participate in the song after the album was released. At this time, Tate and Xu were sitting in the waiting room and talking about this issue. Pani smiled and said to Taeyeon: "Oppa seems to have offended the song show? After his EP was released, other song shows are now all My head hurts to death, our show is okay, there is no 'one' award."

Xu Xian nodded and said, "The number of oppa's sound source downloads is too exaggerated. The sales score accounts for 65% of the score of the song program, and he has surpassed all singers with that 65% of the sound source score."

Taeyeon also said helplessly: "Yeah, now those TV stations don't announce the results of oppa songs at the end of the show, which will make fans feel that there is no meaning to help. But he has occupied another place to announce Junsu's results. The problem is that he doesn't play songs now, nor does he publicize it. For this singer who feels sorry for him and performs **** the spot, should he give it to him? Or should he not?"

"Fans of other families are saying that Junsu is here to disrupt the market. It's not fair to not give it, and it's not fair to give it. If you want me to say it, the two companies have a 'one' set of programs to jointly declare that they don't play songs. Can't make it on the show.' Maybe that's the best solution?"

Even if Junxiu appeared in a song playing scene once, the program team can give him one, even if his song is re-elected, he can continue to give it. But he happened to be overseas at this time. Anyone who knows the entertainment industry in the whole country knows that he is not in Korea. Are you saying that people deliberately don't want to participate in singing? That's definitely not the case. The EP was released, and for the sake of performance, how can we not publicize it.

So everyone thinks that it's not that Junxiu is unwilling to promote his album, but that the show with his name on it has been suspended for a long time. In order to rebroadcast as soon as possible, shouldn't he, the protagonist, cooperate with the program team to shoot? Do you have to give up variety shows for music scores? That doesn't make sense, doesn't it? The program team is willing to stop the broadcast and wait for Junxiu's TV series to finish filming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is indeed a bit unreasonable not to give Junxiu, but if it is given, will it make those who play songs feel that Is it unfair? In order to promote the song, they have to wait for a whole day at the filming site of the show. Junxiu won a prize without showing up? After such a thing occurs, will there be hidden dangers in the future singing scene?

In the future, will the singers stop coming as long as you see your download performance is good? You must know that if you save two or three days to run commercial performances, won't you make more money? So now that other companies have set up a "one" song show, it's a headache time.

And the three of Taidi Xu don't have these worries, because their program does not have a "one" selection, it is a platform for song promotion.

At this time, Pani smiled and said: "Actually, I don't think the 'one' trophy in the show is important to Oppa. Anyway, he doesn't need a trophy to prove his sound source performance, doesn't he? Listen to Shun Kyu in Said that her brother's return plan is very full this year? And I have an exclusive news, do you want to know?"

Xu Xian blinked his eyes and looked at Pani, and asked curiously, "What exclusive?"

"Didn't oppa composed "Eyes, Nose, Mouth" the night before he left Seoul?"

Xu Xian nodded and said, "Well~~ I listened to Oppa's singing and liked that song very much. I think that song is better than the song "Grab the Tail". It's all about love, that song A little more sad."

"Actually, the heroine of the MV for this song was already decided when he wrote the song. It's just that after the proposal, the company doesn't seem to agree!" Panney looked at it with a bad smile when he said this. with Taeyeon.

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