Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Door-to-door is a guest (below)

The top-quality Korean beef paired with the shabu-shabu of matsutake mushrooms, only Junxiu has such a luxury. Generally speaking, the mushrooms that are used more in Shue pot are king oyster mushrooms and mushrooms, but Junxiu uses top-quality mushrooms for Shue pot dishes. A pound of fresh matsutake is worth hundreds of thousands of won. So Bo'er visually estimated that this meal was already in the millions, not to mention the red wine that Junxiu brought out, Petus.

Bao'er, who is familiar with red wine, looked at the expensive red wine that Junxiu brought out and said with a smile: "The way you entertain us makes us a little scared. The price of this bottle of wine alone is more than 3 million, you Are you really willing to take it out for us to drink?"

When Boa went to a high-end restaurant in the United States, she saw this year's 'Petus' red wine. The price was 3,000 US dollars. After all, it was more than 3 million? Of course the restaurant price is higher than the actual price.

Junxiu said with a smile: "Isn't wine just for drinking? Besides, I'm not a collector of wine, I'm a wine lover. For me, wine needs to be tasted, not made in a wine cabinet. In fact, when I was decorating this house, the designer asked me if I wanted to design a wine display cabinet. I refused, I think the display cabinet is not as good as the freezer!”

After Junxiu took out the matsutake mushrooms and this bottle of red wine that cost more than 3 million, it has exceeded their expectations. Li Yanxi also said: "oppa, why don't you just take the ordinary one? Or how about Ernie drinking rice wine?"

"Okay, just drink the rice bar." Bao'er finally returned the bottle of red wine to Junxiu because she also felt burdened. After all, before she started talking about what happened today, Junxiu took out expensive things to cover her mouth? Do you want to talk about the latter thing?

Seeing that they put it aside, Junxiu no longer discouraged them, but greeted them to eat.

Matsutake has only heard of the name for the three of them, and they have never eaten it, because it is too expensive. If it is not a high-end reserved seat, generally the hotel does not sell this dish on weekdays.

It was the first time I ate matsutake mushrooms at Junxiu’s house today. The three of them were fascinated by the fungus fragrance. It was a fragrance that could not be described in words. It was a pleasant and exciting fragrance. The aroma of a piece of matsutake mushrooms, the sweetness of a piece of cabbage, the moistness of a piece of beef, and the special soy sauce that Junxiu asked for from Chef Bai Zhongyuan. It was the first time the three of them had eaten such a delicious hot pot.

Bo'er closed her eyes and felt the explosion in her mouth: "Wow~~ The smell of matsutake dances in my mouth."

"Eat as much as you like."

The purpose of their arrival today has not been spoken, and Junxiu has not urged them to speak quickly. Just like that, they ate delicious food and drank rice wine and chatted about things from all over the world, as if they were here today just to enjoy the leisure time of Junxiu's house.


Margery has switched to soju, they have already eaten a plate of Korean beef, and they have also eaten up the two kilograms of fresh matsutake that Junxiu bought. Now they use king oyster mushrooms instead, and the secret soy sauce that Junsu brought back from Baek Jong Won has also been well received by them.

After eating almost, their eating speed also slowed down, but the number of times the wine glass was lifted significantly increased. At this time, Bao'er finally said: "oppa, our relationship is not bad, right?"

Today's real purpose finally began, Junxiu smiled and nodded and said: "Of course, I remember you called me little teacher before your debut. Come on, is there anything I can help you with? Invite songs... "

At the end of the invitation, Junxiu still refused. Because he doesn't know what kind of style BoA is suitable for. In addition, Bo'er's self-positioning ability is very strong now, so Junxiu's suggestion will also judge whether it is suitable for her. You must know that BoA is not as obedient to Junxiu as Girls' Generation. There is no way Junxiu is their chief producer. He said that the style of the next album is whatever style, and they have no choice. But Baby is different.

BoA, who has such a strong self-opinion, will quarrel with Junsu, who is determined and independent. It is also a problem.

After Junxiu's first rejection, Bo'er shook his hand and said, "I don't have any idea of ​​asking you to invite a song, I just came here today, and I want you to take care of Li Yanxi in the circle on weekdays." Taking care is not taking care of in a love story, but giving something from a career.

"Oh?" Junxiu turned to look at the still-beautiful Li Yanxi after listening to Boa's words about taking care of her: "Have you been resting recently?"

Li Yanxi nodded embarrassedly and said, "Well, I have been resting at home since the last filming of "RM"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's been half a year since the last filming, and Li Yanxi has been resting all the time. Junxiu also said in surprise: "After taking such a long rest, is there no script to come? "

Faced with such a question, Li Yanxi just smiled awkwardly, while BoA next to Junxiu said to Junxiu: "There is no script to come to her door, not even an invitation to a variety show. As she said herself It's as if people from all walks of life in this world don't need her anymore."

In the past two years, Li Yanxi was really popular, but now there is no invitation to come. In fact, the main problem is that there are more and more people who love beans from the shadows. There are too many people who can replace her with her 'pure' appearance. Isn't there a Lin Yuner in S.M? So when there are so many alternatives for the director to choose, she is gradually marginalized. After all, idols are the trend.

"Exaggeration!! What does the world mean when you don't need yourself anymore?" Junxiu enlightened the 'patient' Li Yanxi: "You don't just think about it when you are at home all day long, right? It seems that you want to find something to do for you. Just in time. , I have received a lot of script invitations during this time, why don't you take it and see it? This way, when you go to the audition, you can invest as soon as possible."

If Junsu remembers correctly, the last time Lee Yeonhee appeared in a drama was filmed with Changmin. And the production time of this show is 10 years, so he has no schedule for two years. If Junxiu hadn't taken her on a trip to Running Man, she would have really gone without a trip in two years.

So Junsu finally understood, what they came to do today, they were seeking work for Lee Yeon-hee.

Listening to her taking a two-year break, Junxiu smiled and jokingly said, "Would you like to go to "The Jungle" with me?"

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