Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 189: powerless

The three big drinkers of s.m really lived up to their reputation. They drank directly from lunch to dinner at Junxiu's house, and they ate a wine table for nearly eight hours. Junxiu drank happily with this group of drinkers who were no different from himself. This was definitely the most enjoyable time Junxiu had ever drank since his debut. They were happy to drink because Junsu agreed to help Lee Yeonhee, and Junsu was happy that he finally found someone of equal size to accompany him to drink.

As Junxiu who loves restaurants, there are not many people around who can accompany him to drink like this. Ha Dongxun often drinks with Junxiu, but that guy doesn't drink up even after he opens the restaurant himself. So often he was drunk, Junxiu was a little drunk at most, unless Junxiu was using a shochu cup, and he was drinking from a soju cup, and the timing of getting drunk would be the same.

However, today, BoA, who is famous for drinking, is actually drinking with Junxiu one cup after another, and it is three pretty beauties who can drink with Junxiu. Such an opportunity is really rare. And they are all in the same circle. Everyone knows what it was like to be in their youth, so the topics they talk about are also around the past and some interesting things at work. This meal can be said to be closer. distance from each other.

Maybe they used to be very close, but they forgot their original closeness after they were busy fighting for their own careers. Today, after a lapse of many years, it is rare to have the opportunity to sit down and have a drink together. When they talked about some funny childhood memories, the friendship that fell in their hearts began to warm up.

Now that everyone has successfully debuted and achieved some career success, they gathered together to look back at the youthful age of the wine. It is really full of joyful atmosphere. This wine really makes everyone drink it. It's all fun!

Junxiu was also drunk for a rare time today. After they left, Junxiu returned to the room and fell asleep on the bunk. When he woke up from his sleep, it was already the next morning. The sleep time this time could be regarded as Junxiu making up for the missing sleep time in the previous filming, right?


This is the first time that Junxiu has slept for more than 12 hours this year. Alcohol is really a good thing to assist sleep, but I can't drink too much. Because after drinking too much miscellaneous alcohol, even if I wake up with enough sleep the next day, my head is still drowsy with a hangover.

Junxiu came out of the shower and stood in the kitchen, his head was still in the chaos that was about to explode, and the meridians on both sides of his head were hurt by his strong beating temples. He opened the refrigerator and took two sips of ice water. Then he slapped his forehead and said to himself, "I haven't had a headache from a hangover for a long time. I'm going to die. I still can't drink like this in the future. I wonder if it's because of my age?"

After outdoor variety shows appeared in South Korea, artists who have appeared in such shows for a long time have become accustomed to talking to themselves, because the camera is always following you, and if you don’t speak, it is equivalent to finding editing points for the editor. Therefore, artists have to learn to talk to themselves when facing the camera in order to have more shots of themselves.

Junxiu just opened the refrigerator and stood at the door to enjoy the coolness, looking at the ingredients in the refrigerator, planning to make a sober soup for himself. However, there seems to be nothing else in the refrigerator that is suitable for hot dishes for breakfast except kimchi. Now Junsu has two choices, kimchi soup and miso soup.

Junxiu didn't want to eat kimchi soup with a mix of sweet and sour flavors, so Junxiu chose miso soup. While rummaging through the miso box, Junxiu suddenly found that there was "miso" next to the miso box.

Junxiu smiled and started to make breakfast by himself. After frying two pieces of hairtail, a bowl of Okinawan-style miso soup, and some pickles from the market, breakfast was finished. Junsu then took a picture with his mobile phone and sent it to Yui, who was far away in Japan.

Yui is currently working on a TV series with 'Li Gou Hi', so at this time she has arrived on the set to shoot. Just when Junxiu sent the message, she was resting here. She saw Junxiu's breakfast photo, especially the luncheon meat in the bowl of soup was obviously Okinawan flavor.

"Okinawa miso soup? Why do you only have breakfast at this time?"

"I had a drink with my friends after I came back yesterday. I drank too much. I just woke up and made breakfast, so I'll report to you. Miso soup looks good, right?"

"It's very simple. If you don't do it well, you will be ashamed. Let's stop talking. I'm shooting here. Come here when you are free. I miss you."

"Okay, I'll take the time to come over these few days, so I won't disturb your shooting."

After hanging up Yui's phone, Junxiu called Suyan while eating. He didn't forget what Minhyuk told him yesterday because he drank too much.

"Oh, Soyeon, where are you?"

"Haneda Airport {Japan}. Oppa, where are you?"

"I'm in Seoul, have you just passed by, or are you planning to come back?"

"Come back, I have two activities to participate in. After the activities are over tomorrow, I will go to Japan. Oppa, call..."

"I only found out about your team's affairs when I came back yesterday. I saw that your company has given official news, and I can't do anything about it. After all, your contract is not with me. Let's talk about it when you come back. , call me after you finish your trip, let's have a meal together, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"We all understand. After all, there is nothing you can do about this matter. Let's talk about it when we come back. We will board the plane soon."

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Come back and talk about it."

So Yeon hung up the phone and said to the members, "Oppa, I'm back home, invite us for dinner tonight."

Liu Moumou rolled his eyes and said, "He can't change that when he comes back now. The official position has come out. If he came back sooner, maybe it would be a bit possible? Hey~~ Not necessarily, he is not our company. 's boss, he's Js's, he's just our producer."

Liu Moumou has become extremely arrogant in speaking recently. Maybe she thinks that the current tara has reached the level Junxiu often said? As long as the quality of the song is not too bad, it will basically sit firmly in the first place!

However, her tone attracted Su Yan's dissatisfaction: "That's it~~? Hehe.. Without Junxiu, do you think we have today? You can't forget your roots like this!"

Seeing that each of the members gave her a sharp look, Liu Moumou took a step back and said, "I'm just telling the truth, and I don't mean anything else. Originally he couldn't help much in this matter. Busy, this is our company's decision, he can only give some advice at most, and he can't intervene in this matter."

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