Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 204: The biggest temptation for trainees, food!

Junxiu affirmed the existence of this matter, but the children present couldn't laugh one by one. Park Jinyoung could write, sing, and dance very well. The only thing was that Lee Sooman fell into troublesome problem. Junsu used a real incident that happened in the past as a digest to tell the trainee children, which made them feel that the distance between Junsu and Junsu was shortened a lot.

In front of Junxiu, who acted like a world star, then this will make Junxiu feel more like a very kind big brother, a very good senior. Obviously his achievements are so dazzling, but he exudes a feeling that people want to get close to him and like him. It turns out that Junxiu is not so arrogant, but a humorous senior, and a senior who is very comfortable to get along with.

The team leader standing next to him finally understood why Junxiu had so many personal fans. It turned out that his affinity and the kind of warm intimacy he naturally gave people made him always loved by everyone. Adding some humor, this made him a very high reputation in the entertainment industry, and the team leader had to admit that Junxiu was a very attractive person.

This afternoon, Junxiu stayed in the practice room of Class A. He simply reviewed their strengths and then told them a lot of interesting things from the past, getting along like friends. He didn't give them any advice, because they were long before their debut. After all, the company just launched a men's group, and now more resources are being poured into the newcomers, let alone what kind of girls will be launched at this time. group? Let them practice slowly by themselves, lest the conflict between what he taught and what the teacher teaches now will make them confused.

Junxiu stayed downstairs for too long. Taeyeon and others had already eaten Junxiu and disappeared after eating. They also called and found out that Junxiu was downstairs. They said they knew and then hung up. broken.

Sitting with the children, Junxiu talked about a lot of happy things. Usually they only know how to practice. Today, Junxiu's arrival told them about funny things in the music circle and let them relax for an afternoon. It's like a face-to-face meeting, a very comfortable meeting.

Before I knew it, it was almost time for dinner. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon. The management team leader had left the trainee and went back to work. Junsu was still sitting and chatting with the children when Jiang Seulqi asked Junsu, "Senior Junsu, I heard that you were a trainee in many agencies?"

"Yeah, basically I've been a trainee at the big brokerage companies. JYP, YG, DSP, I've been a trainee."

"You went to so many companies, what do you think is different?"

"There are too many different places, and each company has its own characteristics, so the way of singing and vocalization, as well as dancing are different. It's like "The World Reunited Again"...." Junxiu personally gave The trainees sang S.M, YG, JYP, three different styles of vocalization...

"Have you found it? S.M's voice needs to be clear, and your female voice is more of a fresh feeling. However, JYP's voice is half-air and half-voice, which sounds more **** and sings. It seems to be a little more mature, and this way of sounding is very suitable for lyrical songs, because it has a slightly smokey voice, and the magnetic permeability will be stronger, but the explosion is insufficient, and the high-pitched voice has too high requirements. On YG's side, it's a bit lazy, like I'm talking about CL and GD, the voices seem to be very distinctive, but they sound a little sleepy."

After Junxiu performed different singing styles of the three companies for them, the trainees looked at Junxiu with admiration, because the feeling he sang was completely different from the artists of the three companies. Junxiu is simple this time. 's acting course really gave them a long experience.

As trainees, even after watching the stage of the three companies, they did not carefully notice the difference between the companies, because if they were to be more careful, they would definitely not be able to tell, the only thing they knew. Is the company's style is not the same, a general explanation. Junxiu carefully showed them the voices of the three companies and then gave them the answer, which allowed them to distinguish the differences between the three companies intuitively and clearly.

Junxiu continued: "Actually, I personally don't have any rigid requirements for the way of vocalization. Finding the one that suits me and the right song is the perfect way to express myself. When it's time to sing rap~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's time to sing. When lyrical, sing lyrical, don't fix yourself too dead. Music is as ever-changing as mood, what kind of mood has what kind of expression. Laugh when you're happy, and suffer when you're sad. Um... Now I'll tell you this It's too early, you should practice the basics. I've talked to you all afternoon, and everyone has spent the afternoon happily and easily. What I want to say is, don't make yourself too tight, Occasionally relax and adjust yourself, so that you can practice more easily. It's almost time for dinner, so let's go here for dinner today."

Junxiu got up after speaking, and the trainee children also got up from the floor and bowed deeply towards Junxiu to express their gratitude. Although Junxiu did not give any advice on their strength today, they spent an afternoon with him easily. Time is an honor.

The ten-odd children collectively bowed to Junxiu with a ninety-degree belly button. This is a sincere thanks: "Thank you, Senior Junxiu."

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "Well, practice hard, I hope to see your wonderful performances on the stage in the future." Junxiu walked towards the door. When he just arrived at the door, he turned to look at the practice room. It said, "Seulgi, Joohyun, and that... Canada's Wendy, come with me too."

Junsu named the three of them directly from the trainees. Seulgi and Bae Joohyun were because Junsu had known each other all the time. As for this Wendy, she reminded Junsu of Penny, who had just come to Korea, because there was no relative here. will be more difficult. Especially since she joined Class A after her arrival, there must be many children who have practiced for a long time and are very unhappy with her, so it is still very difficult to join the small group!

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