Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 217: "Love" Gakki Mai

Japanese women's groups and Korean women's groups have different entertainment properties in the two countries, so there is no way to compare women's groups in terms of strength alone. Junxiu didn't know how to compare the girl groups of the two countries when facing the host's question. The systematic training methods were different. Junxiu didn't know what to say, so he could only give a simple example. In Korea, if you want to become a girl group idol, you must go through professionalism and systematic practice before you can make your debut.

The host heard that Junxiu kept talking about the Korean girl group, and he asked curiously: "Junxiu-sang, do you know the Japanese national girl group AKB48?"

"I know, of course I know. I have been active in Japan for eight years, how could I not know them? They are a very dynamic group of girls!" Junxiu really disagreed with the overall strength of AKB48, so he It can only be said that they are a group of very energetic people. In addition to "vigorous" Junxiu, I really don't know what words can be used to describe them. Japanese girl groups seem to pay more attention to the development of their performances, and the stage is much worse than that of Korean girl groups.

"Since Junsu knows them, you look at them from a producer's point of view, what kind of situation do you think their strength belongs to? Compared to Korean girl groups, what is their strength?"

Compare? How to compare? Use the top girl group AKB in Japan to compare Girls' Generation, the top girl group in Korea? And also in terms of strength? AKB will not be **** in seconds? Regarding the news of AKB, there have been many critics in Japan who said that their album sales should not enter the sales chart, because the people who bought them did not value their music, but wanted to go to a handshake meeting.

So facing the host's question, Junxiu just smiled and said: "The entertainment culture of the two countries is fundamentally different, so the groups created by companies in different countries have different choices to deal with the market. This can't be compared. Let me say, I can't say why. The girl group that fits the market is the best girl group, don't you think?"

Junxiu actually wanted to say that South Korean girl groups develop their own direction on the basis of strength, and there are groups first and then individuals. The girl groups on the Japanese side first focus on personal entertainment. The whole nature is as if they went on stage directly after becoming company trainees, participating in entertainment programs, and letting the audience grow up with them. The cultivation of an idol? Idols developed with fans' votes, as for strength, as long as you like someone. Singing, dancing, these are all floating clouds.

The host nodded and began to say the closing remarks: "Yes, everything has to conform to the market. Whether it is our entertainment industry or other worlds, everything has to conform to the market. Today we thank Junxiu for coming! It's a pleasure to be with you. Let's chat together!!"


After finishing today's talk show, Junsu really felt a little tired. How can a Japanese girl group, a Korean girl group, and two different girl groups be compared? In terms of strength, it seems that this is not the best way to compare. In Junxiu's eyes, if you really have to choose the best way to compare, you can only see who makes more money and who is a successful girl group!

Sitting in the car on the way back, Junxiu asked his agent, "Do you know Xiaochun's phone number?"

"Koharu? Are you talking about the dancer, Sugawara Koharu?"

"Of course, I want to ask her to help with the dance of this advertisement. Because I think the dance I designed should not be suitable for Yui who is not very good at dancing. Xiaochun's dance involves a lot more than me, so... Do you think you can contact her?" (Sugawara Koharu is a very powerful dancer in Japan, she made up the gakki dance)

"I can get her call, but I don't know if she's in Japan or not. I'll try it when I get back to the company."

Junsu's song was almost done yesterday, but it wasn't finished. He still had some parts to complete today, so after returning to the company, Junsu plunged into the studio, and the manager went to practice Sugawara Koharu for him.

More than ten minutes later, the agent came to tell Junxiu that he had already contacted Xiaochun, who was in his dance studio. Junsu said he would visit her when he had his hands ready.

An hour later, Junxiu went to Sugawara Koharu's dance studio with the recorded song. This time Junxiu didn't let Yui sing the song, he sang it all by himself. Because Junxiu thinks about Yui's TV series, he has enough time to make Yui difficult when it comes to dancing. If he asks her to join the recording, wouldn't it have to delay her for another half a day?

So Junsu did not choose to cause trouble to Yui~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He recorded the song by himself.

After Junxiu took the song to Sugawara Koharu's dance studio, she was very excited to cooperate with Junxiu, but when she heard that Junxiu's song was an advertisement song, she almost lost interest, but Junxiu said that the dance was for Aragaki Yui prepared it, which made her agree. Because Yui is one of the most popular actresses in Japan at present, and she is someone who has never danced before. It is also a happy thing for her to do her own choreography.

For the dance of one minute and thirty seconds, Sugawara Koharu choreographed the dance with simple movements as much as possible. It only took Junxiu ten minutes to learn this dance. For those who have dance skills, they can read it once. The main reason is that he has to memorize the dance moves, so he only practiced for ten minutes by himself.

After watching Junxiu's dance, Sugawara Koharu smiled and said, "I think Yui Aragaki to dance this dance must be very cute, and I hope to have other cooperation with Junxiu-sang next time."

"Well, next time I have a chance, I will definitely collaborate with you on my album. Thank you today!" Because Sugawara Koharu doesn't have to pay for Junxiu, after all, the dance is too simple, as simple as perfunctory, so She herself was embarrassed to ask Junxiu to pay. And according to the payment standard, they only charge the fee for one class, which doesn't cost much. It's better to sell Junxiu a face, and hope to have a cooperation on Junxiu's album next time.

For dancers, being able to collaborate with popular artists is what they want most.

After saying goodbye to Sugawara Koharu, Junxiu returned to the company's practice room. He practiced the dance alone and waited for Yui to arrive. When Yui became familiar with him, he had to pass the video of the song to the manufacturer.

Junxiu believes that Yui's cuteness will definitely make manufacturers excited!

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