Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 219: Handsome official match of 2 countries

Aragaki Yui and JS Junxiu are the official match in the eyes of Japanese fans. Whether it's Yui's fans or Junsu's fans, the two of them are very suitable. When Yui was still a model, Junxiu had just entered the Japanese market with members of TVXQ. At that time, when asked about his ideal type, he said it was Yui Aragaki. Since then, Yui Aragaki began to enter everyone's attention, and what really made Yui completely popular in Japan was the film with Junxiu.

So far, the films and commercials they have collaborated on have made countless Japanese fans feel that the two are a perfect match. The two films that Yui and Junxiu have collaborated on have both exceeded 2 billion yen at the box office, and both of them are a pair in the movie! The official match of the two of them won the favor of advertising companies from the movie, and then the advertisements broadcasted once again topped up Japan's "youtube".

And the so-called 'grass news' about Junxiu and Aragaki Yui has never been interrupted on the Internet, and many people are saying that the two must be in love. There is even an "official fan club" about the two, and this club lists things about the two there every day, and occasionally publishes that the two are wearing lovers' clothes and wearing lovers' jewelry and so on.

Of course, these fans are just personal conjectures, because those far-fetched reasons make the Japanese media who like to fabricate them feel absurd. why? Because fans can actually pull the color of clothes in Junxiu's drama into Yuyi's drama for comparison. Then I compared the color of the clothes Yui was wearing today in the advertisement, or event, etc., and Junsu don't know when she was wearing the same color clothes. Isn't that absurd?

This is the love of fans, there is no way, although such a YY method seems a bit deformed, but Japan has no shortage of such otaku and otaku girls.

On the day Junxiu left, the advertisement of Yui and Junxiu once again had an explosive response on the Japanese YouTube. Many netizens began to analyze the eyes of the two when they were shooting the advertisement, which is basically in reality. couple. However, the speculation of Japanese netizens was refuted by many speechless Korean fans. Korean netizens said that Junxiu showed deep love in every TV series, and also strongly recommended this time Junxiu and Han Jiaren starred in "The Moon Embracing the Sun" . Eyes are the basis of acting, and acting is the foundation of an actor. Yui Aragaki and JS Junxiu are both actors. What is wrong with their eyes as the pair of lovers they originally played in the commercials?

YouTube is just that, one of the fastest online ways to spread your enquiries. When Junsu and Yui's advertisements on the Japanese side detonated the Internet, Korean media, netizens, and fans all joined the debate one after another.

Junsu's Japanese fans always think that he and Aragaki Yui are the best official match, but Korean fans think Junsu and Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon are the real official match! Then fans on the Korean side started listing the evidence they found. They said: Taeyeon won Junsu's love, and it is not a matter of one or two days in Korea. In the record of Taeyeon's debut, Junsu appeared as a guest. (Junsu is indeed Taeyeon who met by chance, but if fans want to think that Junsu appears as a guest, there is nothing he can do.)

But after Korean fans gave the first example, Japanese fans immediately used Yui Aragaki as a model and was named by Junxiu as an ideal type. And the ideal type that Junsu said in South Korea is not Taeyeon. Although the two have been rumored to have an affair many times, the ideal type Junsu said on the show is A.S's Lin Zhenna. Because he didn't dare to say that his ideal type is Taeyeon on a Korean show, and said that waiting for the show to air would be troublesome.

And Junxiu said that the ideal type is Yui Aragaki. It just entered the Japanese market in 2004 and was interviewed. It was the media who asked Junxiu which Japanese artist he liked? And Junxiu happened to see Yui Aragaki written on the cover of the magazine, so he said it was her. At that time, Junxiu wanted to answer the reporter's question. The real relationship between Junsu and Yui was when Junsu went to Japan to "escape" in 2009 to avoid the problem of "TVXQ disbanding". But in 2009, Junsu and Taeyeon have been dating privately for two years.

After being "slapped in the face" by Japanese fans, Korean fans immediately followed by example Junsu's "love" for Taeyeon. Taeyeon is the only female singer who has won many Junsu songs. She has won more songs written by Junsu than his favorite student Lee Ji Eun, and more than his artist Baek Ji Young. You must know that Taeyeon's current achievements are not only the captain of Girls' Generation, but also the title of the new generation of OST queen. She is No. 1 on the OST download list, and her songs combined have surpassed Baek Ji Young in total downloads! ! Moreover, the OST of Ha Ji Won's TV drama recently released is also a song written by Junsu, sung by Taeyeon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a kind of Junsu's preference. You must know that his sister Lee Soon Kyu has never received such care. Maybe she is Junxiu's younger sister, and this title is already the biggest care, right?

On the other hand, on the Japanese side, Yui Aragaki did not have any musical communication with Junxiu. If Junsu's talk show hadn't been broadcast yet, Korean fans would definitely say that Junsu not only didn't give Yui a song, but persuaded her to quit the music scene. In the eyes of Korean fans, the cooperation of actors is very normal, whether it is the second cooperation or the third cooperation, this is a very common thing in the film and television circle. As a songwriter, Junsu, it seems strange to everyone that he only gives songs to Taeyeon.


The plane landed in Incheon, Junxiu sat in her nanny car on the way to the company, and the agent joked: "Junxiu, you and Yui Aragaki from Japan appear on camera once, and the Internet will be lively once! "

"It's lively? Why is it so lively? Are people on the Japanese Internet saying that the commercials were filmed well?" Junxiu knew that his and Yui's commercials were officially broadcast on TV today, but he didn't know about the Japanese after he got on the plane. side reaction. So in the face of the excitement of the agent, he thought it was the effect that caused everyone's heated discussion.

"See for yourself? The fans in Korea say that you and Taeyeon are a pair, and the fans in Japan think that you and Yui Aragaki are a pair. The fans of the two countries are fighting on Twitter. This performance is quite impressive. It's wonderful."

"Wonderful? What's so wonderful about mine? I feel a headache when I hear you talk about this!!"

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