Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 239: Nogizaka 46 (top)

Junxiu was sitting alone for dinner in the charcoal grill. In front of him was not only some delicious food and wine, but also a group of young girls sitting opposite him. It's just that these girls made Junxiu very depressed at this time, because when they whispered to Junxiu as 'Changtai', Junxiu, who had good ears, heard it, which made him blushed instantly and felt ashamed.

Didn't you just glance at the Japanese chick who said she was 'too much'? This has become "too much", and after thinking about it, I feel that such a statement is too absurd. But how absurd, Junxiu still did not dare to go forward to find a theory, saying that he was not a 'change too'! Junxiu poured the sake from the boss into the cup and drank it three times in a row. Maybe he wanted to use 'wine' to suppress the depression and shame in his heart?

After drinking a glass and a half of beer and three glasses of sake, the stomach finally warmed up. At this time, Junxiu also began to put in the first dish of the night, seasoned beef intestines. The oil on the small intestine was quickly stimulated under the charcoal fire, and the aroma of the butter instantly wafted into the nostrils. Junxiu couldn't help but move his index fingers. He seriously watched the roasting of the small intestine in front of him. He said to himself, "The smell of beef fat is always so charming."

The beef intestine is roasted, put it in a bowl to cool for a while, and then dip it into the special sauce from the store. Looking at the food in front of his head, he said, "Wow~~ Any charcoal grill restaurant is so delicious?"

There are very few people in Japan who talk to themselves while eating like Junsu. Of course, there are those who like to chat with people while eating, but generally such people will choose to sit at the bar, because sitting there can chat with the boss instead of affecting other people's meals. Therefore, the most lively place at night in such a small restaurant belongs to the 'C position' of the bar.

And Junxiu didn't know when he got used to it. Delicious food has to be shared with others. This 'sharing' may be to describe its taste in words, or it may be to tell others that the food there is very delicious. The only secret in this world that can be shared with others is where the delicious shops are, and delicious food is an indispensable consultation in any era.

Maybe Junxiu is used to talking about food with others, so she has always been considered a gourmet by them, but Junxiu feels that she is still a long way from being a gourmet. A true gourmet must at least understand the original taste of food, as well as the way of cooking, the combination of ingredients and so on. In Junsu's mind, 'gourmet' is equal to half a chef. In the material age, when others pursue famous products, Junxiu pursues delicious food. Between the famous and delicious, Junsu prefers delicious dishes!

So after he ate a good meal, even if there was no one around, he would talk to himself about the food all by himself.

And the group of girls sitting across from him who thought he was a 'Tai Tai' couldn't understand the handsome Korean, but his Korean attracted them on the opposite side. The group of girls started laughing at Junxiu: "Have you noticed? This person is so strange. He is still chattering while eating alone. Don't know what to say?"

One of the girls with straight long hair turned her back to Junxiu and said in a low voice: "Why do you care so much, it would be rude to hear us say 'he' here later. Eat, eat, finish. Get out of here, this man... is a little weird."

Junxiu didn't know that he had turned into a strange person after being labeled as 'Tai Tai'. He was already intoxicated with delicious food and wine. The wine recommended by the boss to Junxiu was very suitable for this package. While drinking, he felt the deliciousness of the transition between food and wine. Because Junxiu was drinking too fast, before his internal organs were finished, a pot of wine had already been eaten.

Junxiu stood up and took a few steps, then came to the aisle and said to the boss: "I'm sorry, boss, another pot of this wine!"

Junsu was intoxicated by the deliciousness, so he forgot about the girls sitting across from him. When he got up and walked to the aisle to order a drink, his height that surpassed most of Ri's own became extremely eye-catching, and his height was definitely outstanding among men in this country. That is, this height allows the short-haired girl sitting opposite to see the hidden face under the hat.

During this time, Junsu and Yui's advertisement video was clicked like crazy in Japan, so his appearance seems to be very recognizable during this time. When this girl looked at Junsu's appearance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and added the Korean language he was talking to himself, she had already determined that this person was JS Junsu! During this time, Yui Aragaki has swept the JS Junxiu all over Japan! !

The short-haired girl who was eating, covered her mouth in surprise, and stared at the Junxiu who was ordering wine with her eyes wide open. Incredible was written all over her face! Did you meet the world star 'JS Junsu' here?

When the other companions who were eating saw her surprised expression, they all turned to look at Junxiu behind them, but when they turned around, Junxiu had already sat back, but after walking out this time, Junxiu used her back. To them. They asked in a low voice, "Why are you so surprised?"

Now the style of painting has changed into this girl staring at Junsu's back in surprise, she was completely terrified by the appearance of Junsu in front of her: "It's over, it's over, that...that...change...no, not 'change' Too'. That person is.. is.. Junsu, JS Junsu!!"

The reason they were terrified was that they were still saying that JS Junsu was a 'Changtai' and a strange person.

"JS Junsu~~~" After hearing that, the girl with long straight hair, just like the surprised short hair girl, her eyes widened in fright and she quickly turned to look at Junxiu's back.

Junxiu, who had his back to them, also heard them calling his name in surprise, so he could only turn his head towards the group of girls with a smile and a booing gesture. Junxiu wanted them not to be so surprised and not so excited.

After Junxiu turned around, he finally saw the girls clearly, all of them were of a very beautiful type. Junxiu didn't even think that the group of girls sitting behind him who called him "changed too" actually looked no worse than the members of his own girl group.

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