Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 243: Common Problems of Men (Part 1)

As the number one diners in the entertainment industry, Junxiu skillfully stirred up the fire, and the right Saga beef was placed on the porcelain plate of Arita Porcelain in front of him, and his appetite was already surging to his fingertips. The girls stretched out their chopsticks one after another, and the gravy overflowed with the frosted fat that melted in their mouths, so happy brain waves rippled all over their bodies.

Wagyu's top-quality Saga beef tastes as soft as cream, and even has a light and lingering sweetness of toffee. After the entrance, the beef fat instantly fills the entire mouth, and the meat melts in your mouth when you feel the aroma. When the girls tasted the first slice of top-quality beef, their eyes were already wide open. You must know that such beef is rarely bought by ordinary families. A family with better conditions buys an A3-level beef. It's already very good, who has nothing to eat at the highest level?

Junxiu also tasted the first piece of tested beef, and he nodded contentedly: "The first piece of beef just needs a little kosher salt to taste its texture and the aroma of the beef itself. Second A piece of lemon sauce is used to relieve greasy. The higher the level of beef, the higher the fat it contains. If you eat too much, your heart will be blocked by the greasy taste, so when you eat such beef, it is usually a good match. wine. Both wine and lemon juice have the same effect, so you can get rid of tiredness!”

Junxiu told them some questions about beef like a professional gourmet, which made them listen with gusto. As Junsu said, the beef is delicious but also very greasy. If there is no lemon sauce, I really can't eat a few pieces.

Delicious beef, mellow wine, and beautiful girls, this meal made Junxiu so happy. If it was the very familiar Girls' Generation eating dinner with Junsu, it would feel like a family eating together, nothing special, and there would be no feeling of ecstasy. Do men more or less have such a "cheap" mentality in their hearts? Always feel that the woman you just met is fresh?

At least for now, Junxiu is full of joy when she sees the girls sitting in front of her. I don't know if he is too busy with work, if his life is the same, or if he is a little tired of the life pattern at this time and the people who have been by his side for so many years. His life seems to have been like this since his debut, and very little has changed.

The people around him come and go in such a fixed way. After a long time and being together for a long time, how can there be any freshness? Even if the nine members accompany Junxiu to dinner, he doesn't feel much, because they all become Junxiu's family.

Sometimes it's not that Junxiu doesn't want to socialize, it's that he's really busy with work, and when he's busy, he naturally doesn't have time to contact more friends. When he is not busy, he can rest a little, but he has to see them who he misses again. Over time, maybe even Junxiu himself doesn't know that his social circle seems to be limited to that range. It seems that his circle of friends can't be expanded?

There are also actors from the crew who took the initiative to show goodwill when Junsu was working, expressing that they will be friends in the future, etc. But after the TV series ended, there was no private contact between them. At most, they sent a few words of greetings politely during the festivals, and then they were gone! !

Of course, I still met some active and not-so-well-known artists in private, but Junxiu had a vigilant mentality and always approached me like them/they took the initiative? Do you want something from yourself? Because the name 'Junxiu' is the center of the topic of all media, he also knows that he has to be careful, even making friends has to be extra careful!

Maybe Junxiu always has scruples in his heart, and he can't open his heart because he is worried? So his social circle was fixed to just a tiny bit.

However, today in Japan he met a beautiful girl he never knew, and the feeling of youthful times rushed to his heart again. In fact, to expand your social circle, you have to let go first, and the best way to open up this road may be to meet the opposite sex, and it is the first time you meet the beautiful opposite sex.


After three rounds of drinking, they also became more cheerful. It seems that Japanese people have such a habit. Before drinking, they will gradually let go after drinking, so they can talk about everything at this time. Mai Shiraishi's face had already appeared a little crimson, and her eyes became a little blurred, and the four of them drank a pot of sake.

"Senior~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is the idol group in South Korea the same as us? The company ordered us not to be in love, and if we were found to be in love, we would be fired immediately?"

Matsumura Sa Yuri nodded and continued with Mai's words: "If you want to become an idol, you have to sacrifice love. If you want to make money, you have to sacrifice love. Isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds? We just want to be like an actor. There are so many constraints, sometimes I think about it, it’s better to be a model than an idol. As long as you are famous, you can be on the show.”

The short-haired Hashimoto didn't drink because she was underage. She said to the two teammates who were slightly intoxicated: "Is there a special stage for us to show idols after being selected? So idols' The way is better than the model's way!"

Junxiu also knows that there is a special girl group titled program in Japan, which is the "AKB" series. And they, as official competitors, must also have programs belonging to their Nogizaka, but Junxiu hasn't watched it, but he knows.

Junxiu also nodded and agreed with Hashimoto's words: "Well, what Hashimoto said is indeed very reasonable. If it is in Korea, maybe the road of modeling is a little easier, because the film and television dramas in Korea now like to find some models. I've come to star. But as a girl group idol in Japan, it must be easier than a model. After all, you have a regular broadcast every week, a regular appearance, and a regular self-promotion. Models want to enter the circle. .On the Japanese side I think unless you can do that. And how much is the Japanese side?"

Japan's beauty and fashion leader, Yi Ruoyi. She is very famous among women, so when Junxiu said her, they all looked at Junxiu in surprise and asked, "Senior, do you know Yi Ruoyi?"

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