Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Love is fickle, or people are fickle (middle)

When Junxiu was hailing a car, Sha Youli did not know where he had the courage to step forward and grab Junxiu's hand, preventing him from calling for a car, but the car still stopped. When the car stopped in front of them, she apologized to the taxi driver and said that she would not leave for the time being. This made Junxiu standing beside him look at Sha Youri in confusion. He didn't understand what happened to this girl suddenly?

Everyone left one after another, why didn't they plan to leave when they came to her? Junsu's heart was full of strange feelings, but he still didn't realize that it was his own mistake that caused such a misunderstanding. Although he was very happy and satisfied to dine with these girls in front of him, at that time he really didn't have any thoughts about 'H'.

The world is like this, eating alone, or eating with a group of men, is always no match for men and women eating together. It is possible that eating alone is just to fill the stomach, and a group of men eating together is mostly drinking and bragging, but a group of bachelors and a group of women who have no objects to eat, that kind of atmosphere is the most satisfying.

Maybe this is the so-called male-female match? Whether it is work or eating, as long as it is a match for men and women, it is pleasant. However, Junxiu was eating alone with a large group of women at the time. Of course, there would be no 'H' thinking in his heart. Maybe he knew in his heart that a group of people was not possible. So in my mind, I don't automatically think about the 'H' thing.

But now that the car was parked in front, Sha Youli didn't choose to get in the car and leave, which made the atmosphere a bit... Junxiu was also stunned for two seconds at this moment, and he turned his head with a hint of He looked at Sa Yuri beside him in amazement.

Perhaps Junsu's eyes were filled with doubts, or perhaps he was ashamed of his boldness, but in any case, Sa Yuri's cheeks turned crimson. Junxiu looked at her cute and shy appearance, and he smiled softly: "If you have nothing to do, then go shopping with me. I rarely have time to stroll around like this on weekdays."

Junxiu took the initiative to send an invitation to the shy Yuri Sa to resolve her shyness at this time. Presumably other Asian women are reserved, and Japanese women know when to attack. In other Asian countries, girls may only have the courage to express themselves in junior high school, and generally they rarely take the initiative when they reach adulthood. Because women in adulthood will use more 'suggestions' to express their goodwill.

But Japanese women are different. They clearly know their pursuits, and even if they use 'hints' in the face of people they like, they will use some tricks. For example, deliberately hooking up with your feet under the table or something. The implication of Japan is: express it clearly in the dark.

The hints of Japanese women are mainly to hide their competitors. Instead of using words or actions to seduce men, let men take the initiative. Japanese women are more active than expected at some times, this is what Junxiu has seen himself. Didn't Nagasawa Masami go to Korea alone to find Junsu? Her boldness is beyond imagination!

However, Junsu also has to admit their courage, because they dare to take the initiative! It's absolutely true that it takes courage to pursue your love. Only if you have the courage to attack can you have a chance to succeed. If it is just a hint, some men may not necessarily understand the hint. Love, you have to say it before people know it, and only after you say it will the other party think about whether it is suitable for love? isn't it?

It is equivalent to saying that there is a 50% chance of saying it. If you don't say it, he won't say it, and the originally good marriage will also be missed because of this. So Junxiu sometimes admires the bravery of women, who bravely pursue their right to happiness!


Junxiu put out the cigarette in his hand and Sa Yuri walked slowly and leisurely on the bustling street of Ginza, both of them silently passed the glittering shop windows of well-known brands one after another. Looking at these shopping places, Junxiu said with a smile: "It's been almost ten years, and basically I haven't gone out shopping to buy clothes myself. The clothes I wear now are all given to me by 'Uniqlo'. I've seen them before. AKB’s show, are you uploading high school students’ clothes on the show too?”

Walking on the shopping street was very strange, she didn't know what to talk to Junxiu, without Ma Yi, she didn't know how to start the topic, she could only answer Junxiu's question mechanically: "Yes, we are shooting the show. They all wear that kind of work clothes. It’s great that seniors have sponsorships, and we still need more efforts to get our reputation privately, right?”

"It's only been two months since you debuted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a little famous now, but it may take a long way for you to get private sponsorship. After all, the shows you shoot all have work clothes. You can't wear it to appear on the show, let alone sponsor it privately. If you really want to do this, you might have to wait until you start shooting advertisements for clothing brands, right? As a spokesperson, manufacturers will send a lot of clothes."

While chatting and strolling, Junxiu didn't know where the two of them would go if they went on like this? Go buy her something. Once you buy something and give it to her, the nature of the two will change. In Japan, there are a lot of people who are doing "three children" things, as long as they have money to take them. And Junxiu bought things for her in Ginza, a place full of luxury goods. Isn't this telling her in disguise that he wants to develop in that direction with her?

Junxiu frowned tightly after saying that. He became inexplicably upset at this time, and his upset was not thinking about whether he was going to cheat now? But he suddenly discovered that the 'heart' seemed to be very easy to 'change' after being flat. Is it the restlessness of the heart or the restlessness of the emotion? Or is it human insecurity?

I don't know if he has been in this unchanging life for a long time, and all the new things around him have gradually made him restless. Some time ago, he had a lot of headaches because of Taeyeon and Yui's problem, but now he has the intention to "go shopping" with her in the face of Matsumura Sa Yuri who is taking the initiative.

Everyone in the world understands one thing, that is, once a man is willing to go shopping with a woman, 100% of his mind has that kind of thought. If you don't have that kind of thought, you will leave after eating. Who has the patience to go shopping with you?

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