Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 252: early birthday present

Inside the car, Yui's manager was extremely surprised to hear the content of their chat. How did Yui, who was usually extremely gentle, become so strong in front of Junxiu? He even wondered if Yui and Junsu had a tendency to 'S' and 'M'? In fact, he didn't know that Yui was spoiled by Junxiu. Yes, she was spoiled by Junxiu so much that she lost the gentleness and kindness of ordinary Japanese women.

The manager immediately thought of the way the two fell in love. If Yui and Junxiu were to separate in the future, and she always maintained such a character, then... I guess many boys can't stand it, right? Even if Yui said she didn't look at the conditions to find a "shou", but the most basic conditions are to have a stable job, and the worst and worst is a person at the level of section chief, right? However, how many people who have reached this level can stand such Yui?

At least the manager was sitting next to him and looked at the love between the two with a bystander attitude. He felt that he couldn't stand Yui now even if he changed it. Looking back now, when Yui changed, he couldn't remember anything. Anyway, he has been wearing Yui since before, and in his eyes, Yui is definitely a weak woman, at least emotionally.

But how can Yui still be gentle now? Anyway, what he saw at this time, Yui was not weak in front of Junxiu. The agent wondered if Junxiu had to get up early to prepare breakfast for Yui after Yui became stronger? It's me who can't stand my own woman who doesn't prepare breakfast for me.

Little did he know that Yui's tenderness was something he would never see. When she was working outside, she always used the most polite and warmest side to face all the staff. But Yui's tenderness belongs only to Junxiu. Since she chose to be with Junxiu from the beginning, she has already destined her life. No matter what the final result is, when she meets him, her life is without complaint. No regrets.

She is so madly in love with him, tirelessly and without regrets! And Junxiu fell into her smile because of Yui's tenderness to herself. Every smile of hers could make Junxiu laugh with her unconsciously, because he loved this stubbornly for himself just as deeply. A woman, even if she thinks of death after drinking, Junxiu still loves her the same.

Love her smile, love her tenderness, love all her petty tempers, love her always wrapping herself around her to sleep like an octopus. Yes, he loved her so tirelessly. Even though the relationship between the two has passed the intense period at the beginning, he and she can live so tenderly every day in the dullness!

The current Yui is not angry, but just playing a small temper, and her small temper is cultivated by Junxiu. Just like when she was talking about Junxiu drinking with some girl group members, it was so sour, but in Junxiu's heart it was so sweet! Every time she is jealous, Junxiu will feel happy, because she will be jealous because she cares. If Yui is no longer jealous that day, that is the beginning of danger.

After briefly chatting with Junxiu about the girl group and Junxiu's girl group, Yui said to Junxiu, "oppa, give me your wallet."

She didn't know why Yui asked for her wallet, but Junxiu obediently took out her wallet and handed it to her. Yui took Junsu's purse, and then from a seat in the back picked up a pocket with the word 'HERMES' written on it.

Junxiu laughed after looking at the shopping bag: "Wow.. Our Yui actually went to a luxury brand store? What a rare thing?"

Yui ignored Junxiu's ridicule, she just hummed at Junxiu very cutely and took out a small wallet-sized box from the Hermès shopping bag: "I know you don't like long wallets, specially The folding wallet I bought for you is your birthday next month. And you are going to Siberia next, and you can only spend your birthday during filming, so I will give you a birthday present in advance.”

As Yui spoke, she began to take out money, cards, ID cards, and a family photo from Junxiu's wallet, and put them into the new wallet she bought. This Hermes wallet does not have any LOGO on the surface. Only after opening the wallet can you see the logo printed inside. This is the so-called low-key luxury.

Junxiu looked at Yui who was gently transferring his wallet to himself, and he laughed: "Wow.. This is the first time I have used such a high-end wallet, and I'm not used to it. The wallet in my hand is still my sister's when I was an adult. I have been thinking about it for many years. Thank you, I will use it well. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

"Warning, don't drop it. If it does drop, hum~~ Bring your head up and see me!" Yui carefully took out the yellowed card from her wallet when she said this. The old photo, this is a photo of a family of three. The little boy in the photo is Junxiu. This is a photo of him and his biological parents when he was studying. Twenty years have passed since this photo. So Yui had to be careful with this old photo that was extremely precious to Junsu.

"Don't worry, even if I lose my head, I won't lose my wallet. Thank you~~ Let me treat you to a delicious meal tonight to express my deep gratitude?" Junxiu said and pulled He raised Yui's hand, and Yui gently returned the wallet to him, then smiled warmly at him.

Yui's hand was placed in Junxiu's warm palm like that, and he was also moved by his tenderness. Her tone finally became gentle: "Well, go home and cook me a bowl of your specialty matsutake soba?"

"OK~! Don't talk about a bowl of soba noodles, I'll make you all the kaiseki dishes!"

When Junxiu was bragging, Yui showed no mercy and said to Junxiu, "Don't brag, what kind of kaiseki are you doing? Creative cuisine is almost the same, but I am very I like your creative cuisine, oppa."

"Hehe~~ Creative cuisine and kaiseki cuisine are actually similar. Kaiseki cuisine is just a little more delicate, and it pursues the original taste of the food. But the real cuisine still has to eat Chinese cuisine. I went to Din Tai Fung this afternoon, the small I still reminisce about the long baos. Gah~ Do we want to go to Huaxia next time on vacation? I have heard a lot of delicious dishes from Chef Huaxia."

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