Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 253: plain and sweet night

In the open kitchen at home, Yui sat at the dining table with a happy smile and looked stupidly at Junxiu who was cooking noodles for her. Today, the two of them still didn't go out for supper. They didn't go to eat Junxiu who wanted to eat. The chicken skewers, but chose to go home and make noodles to eat. And today, Yui didn't eat the crew's box lunch when the crew was setting dinner, because she originally planned to go eat skewers with Junxiu, but when he came over, she had already drank so much, so she simply said she was going home. As today's 'punishment', Yui just let Junxiu cook noodles for her to eat. It's only her and him at home for dinner, so you don't have to worry about whether someone else will find out or not. What makes Yui more comfortable is that she can do whatever she wants at home, even if she has already changed Putting on comfortable pajamas, he sat cross-legged on the dining table stool, quietly holding his chin and watching him give himself a slap.

This is a kind of warmth, a touch of warmth that he brought to the bottom of his heart. Yui enjoyed his extreme love for her, and she also liked watching him cook her food seriously, because every time he gave her a touch of honey, sweet in her heart.

The warmth of home and his tenderness made her think about it more than once. Maybe this is what their future life will look like in the future, right? Although they didn't express themselves too strongly, it was this kind of light love that made her feel happy and fulfilled with him. Because Junxiu at home is what really belongs to her!

Junxiu made the soba and placed it in front of Yui. He did not use the Japanese method. Japanese soba noodles are eaten with soy sauce, while Junxiu used the same method as Japanese ramen, soup noodles. But the soup base is a bit powerful. It is boiled with prawns, scallops, and pork. And this is just a fresh soup base, but the dishes in Yui's noodles are wagyu beef, matsutake mushrooms and cabbage hearts.

Yui looked at the handsomely crafted noodle in front of her, she was full of joy but shook her head and said, "You made this noodle for an hour, do you want to exaggerate?"

Junxiu said with a smile, "It takes so long to cook the soup base."

"You're clearly a clear soup, so what are you cooking? It feels like you put cabbage and noodles in tap water. If I didn't see so many ingredients in your pot, I really can't imagine this is What a strange noodle." Generally Japanese ramen is thick soup, especially the richness of the soup base of pork bone ramen can be described as thick.

On the other hand, Junxiu's simmering soup uses the technology of Chinese cuisine to cook the soup slowly over low heat, that is, the very transparent clear soup in Yuyi's mouth. And this soup base doesn't even have oil droplets, it's really just like boiled water. In fact, this is the Chinese master Li Yanfu asked by Junxiu, and it is the secret of the 'boiling water cabbage' soup base that he taught to Junxiu. Shrimp, shellfish, pork, soup made from only three ingredients, as long as the blood water is removed, all impurities in the water can be removed. This is called 'boiling water'! !

Junxiu smiled and said, "You will know after you taste it, this is the boiling water soba noodles I specially prepared for you. You recently photographed soba noodles. Soba noodles are the lowest calorie noodles, and the soup base also removes the fat from pork. It's delicious. You can try it first and then talk about it~"

Yui took a spoon and dug a spoonful of noodle soup. The noodle soup in her mouth was a deliciousness that could not be described in words. Although she saw Junxiu's cooking process with her own eyes, she didn't add any condiments, not even the basic salt. But the deliciousness after the mouth is really the best noodle soup she has ever had. Compared with thick soup, this kind of clear soup is more suitable for noodles, right?

Of course Junxiu won't put salt, because dry seafood itself has sufficient salt. After taking a mouthful of soup, Yui immediately took a mouthful of noodles, and then she closed her eyes tightly and said contentedly: "Delicious~~ This kind of noodles in clear soup is the best noodles I have ever eaten. It won't be wrapped in noodles. It turned out that I was wrong. When I breathed in the noodles, the noodle soup was already mixed with the noodles and entered my mouth. I sandwiched a piece of beef brisket and a piece of pine mushrooms. The delicious taste was instantly put in my mouth. I'm mad at the fireworks~! This is a beautiful and splendid smell~!"

"As long as you like it, you can feel at ease. I'm just worried about the conflict between umami and aroma." After Junxiu got Yui's satisfaction, he also came out of the kitchen and sat opposite Yui. Watch her deliciously enjoy the noodles she made.

Yuyi watched Junxiu staring intently at her to eat. She didn't feel depressed, and she didn't say that she couldn't eat it. Instead, she felt that there was a sweet taste in the noodles. If she was eating out and being stared at by others, she wouldn't know how irritable she would be, but when the man she loved was so obsessively watching her eat, she didn't feel that way.

Yuyi took a spoonful of soup and fed it to Junxiu, and at the same time she asked, "oppa, where are you going tomorrow?"

Because the revision of the advertisement will not end until tomorrow, if it is fast, it will be able to shoot the day after tomorrow. So Junsu has nothing to do tomorrow. Junxiu scratched his head and said, "Tomorrow? I don't know what to do tomorrow, so let's go out for a walk."

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can choose to go to Mount Fuji tomorrow, because April is the most prosperous time for cherry blossoms, so it's not bad to go there for a day. I really want to go, but I don't have time."

"Hey~~ I've been in Japan for so many years, I haven't been to Mount Fuji once, and I haven't even seen the scenery of Mount Fuji from a distance. Hearing you say that, I'm really a little moved, I'm just alone Wouldn't it be lonely to enjoy cherry blossoms?"

"You can ask someone to accompany you, such as AKB, uh, the girls from Nogizaka."

Junxiu said deliberately: "Good idea, it seems that I have to find a beautiful woman to enjoy the cherry blossoms with. By the way, isn't masami (Nagazawa Masami) from Shizuoka Prefecture? Why don't you ask her?"

Of course, Yui also knew that Junxiu was mad at her on purpose, but she didn't get angry: "I still want to be called Nagasawa Masami? Like me, she is filming a TV series. How can I have time to enjoy cherry blossoms with you."

"Hey~~ Forget it, anyway, the cherry blossoms bloom every year. If this year doesn't work, let's go next year. It's boring for me to enjoy the cherry blossoms alone. I can't share the beautiful scenery with you. What's the point of me going? Forget it. , I'll go shopping in the surrounding markets tomorrow. I haven't been to Tsukiji Market for a long time. I want to buy some seafood. What would you like to eat tomorrow? Would you like me to make a lunch box for you?"

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