Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Some love is cruel (Part 1)

Chapter 259 Some Love Is Cruel (Part 1) (Page 1/1)

Mai Shiraishi knew how big the gap between herself and Junxiu was, so even her little heartbeat at that moment was wiped out by the gap. She clearly knows the impossibility between them, so she no longer fantasizes. Yes, she thinks even fantasy is a luxury, which shows how tragically she was hit by this reality, which is why she wants to The reason for persuading Sa Yuri.

But for Sa Yuri, Mai Shiraishi's persuasion had no effect at all, and she was even regarded as a kind of envy and jealousy. Because only last night she felt the emotional impulse that Junsu expressed on her body, which also made her mistakenly think that the "like" Junsu said when he was eating was a confession to her.

Mai saw that her persuasion caused Sha Yuri's indignation. She waved her hand and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this topic, anyway, you won't listen to what I say now. Let's go buy coffee, or senior It's embarrassing to come back from the bathroom and see that the table is still empty."

Only then did the two of them get up and go to the front desk to buy coffee. When choosing bread for breakfast, Mai chose about three or four that she liked. If it was yesterday, she might have thought that it was too expensive, and she would have to drink a cup of coffee. It's a few hundred yen, not to mention the cakes. Even if it's a senior's treat, you can't go too far in ordering food, but after learning about Junxiu's performance fee just now, she also understands that their meal of coffee is a drop in the bucket for Junxiu.

And since he has already treated guests, he will definitely not care about the extra thousand yuan for bread. Although they only knew each other for a day, she knew that Junxiu was someone who was willing to spend money on 'food'. Mai also remembered that in the future, if he gets along well, he must take care of his juniors like Junxiu seniors, and treat guests to eat and don't care about how much they spend.

However, Junxiu's influence on Mai Shiraishi is indeed very deep, because after her career got better, every time she shoots or something, she will pay for those sisters who can't make too much money to bring some delicious food. Gradually, she also learned that the seniors take care of the juniors seriously and carefully, so that they can earn their respect and respect with sincerity. Only generous people will have better luck. Of course, a 'generous' person will never stumble upon you or speak ill of you behind your back, even in your career.

After Junsu came back from the bathroom, there were only some pastries on the table, and the coffee was not ready. As he sat down, he took off his mask and lowered his hat slightly. Maybe Mai and Sa Yuri are the kind of girls who are very eye-catching, so they will be favored by many people when they sit there.

Junxiu smiled and said: "Wow, the two of you are sitting in the coffee shop, and many people's eyes are coming over here. If they didn't see me sitting here, I guess many people would come to chat up, right? Beauty's The treatment is different.”

Being praised by Junxiu as a beautiful woman, the mood of the two of them also improved. Mai smiled and waved his hands and said, "What's the difference? It's all the same."

Sha Youli watched Mai chatting with Junxiu so naturally, and she always felt a little weird in her heart, especially when the two of them were sitting in front of her wearing similar styles of clothes, she didn't bother to mention it. Her eyes kept wandering on the two of them, and Junxiu also saw what she was paying attention to, so she said with a smile: "Today is amazing, only after I came out did I realize that I was wearing similar clothes to Ma Yi, It's like a couple's outfit. I don't have a chance to wear a couple's outfit on weekdays, but I wore a couple's outfit when I was shooting a Uniqlo commercial with Yui Aragaki, hehe~~"

As a Junsu fan, Sha Yuri finally found a topic to talk about. She said with a smile: "There are news reports that the brand's overall sales have increased by 30% after the senior endorsed 'Uniqlo'."

"It's good that my endorsement can increase sales. If it doesn't increase, but reduces sales, doesn't it mean that they won't sign with me next time?" The front desk was already calling the guest's name while chatting briefly, Shiraishi said. Mai got up and went to serve coffee alone.

When Junxiu and Sha Youri were left alone, Sha Youri smiled sillyly at Junxiu, and Junxiu responded with a shallow smile. Regarding 'Smile' as an artist, Junsu does not know how many times he has practiced. On the contrary, his smile sweetened Sa Yuri's heart again. Perhaps, as Mai guessed, once a person falls into emotion, it is difficult to extricate himself.

Junxiu looked at her silly smile, he scratched his head, because what he was going to say today might be cruel. But it was just such a small action that made Sha Yuri smile stupidly and say, "Kawaii~~!"

Junxiu looked at her in surprise and said, "Me? Kawaii~?" How can cuteness be used on himself? Just when Junxiu was strange, his eyes drifted towards the front desk, and he saw a thin figure standing there The front desk stupidly looked at the signboard, and after looking at the figure, Junxiu got up with a smile and walked towards her.

Junxiu just walked right past Mai Shiraishi who came back from the coffee, which made them both look at Junxiu curiously. Junxiu came to the petite girl and hugged her shoulder intimately and said in Korean, "Yeah~~Why are you here alone?"

After hearing the familiar voice, the girl slowly raised her head to look at Junxiu: "Teacher?" Li Zhien also looked at Junxiu who appeared in the cafe with her big eyes in surprise.

Junxiu habitually stretched out her hand and squeezed her face: "What about you, why are you alone, where is your manager?"

"The agent went to the bathroom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I came to buy a cup of coffee, I said 'American coffee' and she didn't understand why she didn't understand. I just thought about looking at the picture and ordering a cup, why are you here, teacher? "

"I'm here to shoot the commercial. This is your last week in Japan?" Junxiu habitually reached out and pinched Li Zhien's face after he finished speaking.

"Yeah, in the last week, I'm going to Korea again after playing songs at night, and preparations for the album over there have begun. This time I wrote a song myself and put it in it."

"The song is pretty good for me. By the way, I heard Minhyuk say that your song was created with the appearance of 'FX Sulli' in mind?"

"Mmmm, hahaha~~ That song is called "Peach", teacher, don't you think the peach looks pretty?"

"Oh? Peaches are very beautiful, but what about Shirley, really~~" Junxiu rubbed Li Zhien's head and took her to the front desk to order coffee for her..

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