Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 261: Some love is always cruel (below)

Mai clearly knew her position, so even if she was attracted to Junxiu at that moment, she would still maintain her basic rationality. But she felt that Sa Yuri didn't see the situation clearly, and of course it was possible that she didn't see the situation of the two of them clearly. So when the topic of chatting with them was brought into the special word 'romantic', Mai directly threw this 'straight ball' at Junxiu.

‘Anything romantic? ’ This question is direct and straightforward, and she wants to know through this question, is Sha Yuri a silly ‘wishful thinking’? Or did Junsu also think about being with Sa Yuri? No matter what the answer is, they all understand. After all, love is what it is. It is impossible to say that all love can experience the legendary 'eternal life'.

No matter what it is, you have to make it clear, make it clear? Even if he just wants to have a 'one night/love', it must be made clear, right? Only by making it clear can we all face the future calmly. He chose a momentary impulse because he didn't want to cause trouble, so Sha Youli wouldn't foolishly dig into it to entangle that love, and then ask for trouble? After all, they are all in the early stages of their careers. If they don't bother about love, they can devote themselves to their work.

Junxiu didn't expect that he hadn't invited them to the French restaurant with few people, so they took the initiative to bring the topic to the problem he wanted to solve. So Junxiu said with a smile, "Hmm~ I'll be eating for a while.. Huh~~" Junxiu looked at a women's magazine on the empty chair next to the linen, and he picked up the magazine and read it seriously: " Gakki? No way~~"

The magazine Junxiu was holding tilted his head and looked at the **** the cover who looked very similar to Yui Aragaki, which made Mai next to him laugh: "It's not Gakki, it's the magazine's exclusive model Meiling Kiritani, but many people think that the two of them It's very similar. In the past, Kiritani Meiling was called 'Little Aragaki Yui'."

"Oh. There's something like this, I don't know what Yui said when she saw it? Ask her another day, hahaha~~"

When Junsu talks about Yui, the smile on his face doesn't feel the same as when he faces them. What's the difference? They couldn't tell why. In short, it seemed that there was something more in that smile, but they couldn't tell. Anyway, it was a different feeling from their smile.

Maybe the difference in their eyes is the difference between a genuine smile and a mechanized smile? Generally speaking, a sincere smile can only come out from the bottom of the heart of people who face their sincerity. The smile that Junxiu shows to the outside world on weekdays is actually just a smile mask he wears. As for the situation behind the mask, there is no How many people know.

However, Junxiu temporarily avoided Mai's 'straight ball' here in a way that diverted the topic. It's not that he can't make it clear here, but Junsu's organization in terms of language... He doesn't think he's ready yet.

Because there were some super-friends of physical contact in the karaoke room last night, which resulted in a series of consequences, it was all his fault, and Junxiu was not a person who dared not take mistakes. Wrong, we braked at the last minute, can't it be corrected? But anyway, you have to use language to minimize the harm people take, right? And an apology has to be an apology, right?


I simply drank coffee in Starbucks and sat until lunch time before leaving. Junxiu was never recognized by anyone during the leisurely sitting in the cafe. The three of them just sat leisurely in the cafe and chatted about some interesting things. However, what concerned Mai and Sha Yuri the most was the topic that Junxiu talked about during dinner.

Now Junxiu has brought the two of them to this French restaurant. The design style outside the door is a crisp white wall. The entrance to the restaurant is hidden in the small alley behind the shade of trees on the left, followed by the dark entrance. No matter how bright the willows are, the corners are lightly turned to the staggered hall. The front desk of the reception is a bureau set up by the restaurant. The entrance is a chaotic area linking the black and white worlds. The entire restaurant is in darkness. Only the overhead part of the dining table has a clever spotlight on the table.

The dim light of the spotlight allows you to see the road just enough, even if it's lunchtime, and you're going from day to night in one fell swoop. And most of the wine and feast, don't they all happen at night? The night design of the entire restaurant is the biggest highlight, it better protects the privacy of the guests, even if you are sitting at the next table, you can't see who it is.

After the waiter brought the group into the table~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He gave Junxiu today's menu, a total of seven dishes, and then asked Junxiu and the others what drinks they needed, but Junxiu said that he had come by car, He ordered a glass of lemonade. Junxiu turned his head and asked if the two of them would like some red wine? They all nodded and agreed. Western food with red wine seemed to be a must, just like fried chicken with beer.

While waiting for the dishes, Junxiu wiped his hands and said, "The environment of the restaurant is also a very important part of the mood of the diners. This restaurant has done a good job and has a high level of privacy, which allows diners to concentrate more. The mind comes to taste the emotion brought by the food.”

Mai whispered: "Senior, this is the first time I have come to such a restaurant. The dining atmosphere in the whole restaurant is different. Compared with such a dark environment, I prefer to eat in a bright place. A little noise, but that seems more human."

"The dining environment may depend on what kind of people you come with. If you come with a dedicated gourmet, this environment can make your heart focus on the food. If it is a lover~~ This may be in your mouth. Is it romantic?"

After Junxiu took the initiative to start, Mai asked Junxiu: "Senior, you haven't said it yet, do you have someone to enjoy romance with?"

After being silent for two seconds, Junxiu said softly, "Yes." Because of the light in the restaurant, Junxiu couldn't see the expressions of them sitting across from him, but he clearly saw the white towel. It stopped its trajectory after it responded with the word 'yes'.

Junxiu's answer may be cruel, but there are always some loves that are so cruel, at least Junxiu didn't deceive them! Deception is more disgusting than the cruelty of love! !

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