Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 263: May (Part 1)

Taeyeon on the other end of the phone knew Junsu too well, and when she heard his voice become a little deep, she became extremely gentle. Taeyeon put aside the joking nature of the bangzidan, she said to her beloved Junsu with a tender voice: "Yeah, the cherry blossoms in Yeouido are in bloom, and the song "The End of Cherry Blossoms" has recently become super super. It's on fire, do you know the regiment 'busker.busker'?"

Perhaps the best way to treat Junsu's depressed mood is to use music as a chat topic. Taeyeon knows that as long as he talks about his favorite music topic, his mood will gradually improve. Sure enough, when Taeyeon talked about the musicians, Junsu's voice on the phone also became more aggressive, and he responded: "I found out after reading the news, they are a creative band from "SSK3". Well. As for the song "The End of Cherry Blossom" you mentioned, I haven't had time to listen to it yet, so I'll download it later and listen to it to see if it sounds as good as the report says?"

Taeyeon didn't know what happened to Junsu in Japan to make him look so dull, and she was far away in Korea, even if she wanted to hug him for comfort. So she can only choose to do what she likes, and let him divert his attention from the thing that makes him depressed. And the effect is very good, this is also Taeyeon's understanding of Junsu.

Junsu and Taeyeon were chatting on the phone like this, which made his original low mood quickly recover, although he felt a little guilty about what happened last night. However, this feeling came and went quickly after it was resolved. After all, the contact with them has only been so short for two days, so I can't say I feel anything.

After hanging up Taeyeon, Junsu drove his car to the market. This morning, Junsu jokingly asked Yui whether to deliver food to her, but now he really plans to do so. Because he really has nothing to do, the only thing left is to cook. After buying some fresh ingredients, Junsu went back home and started cooking dinner...

On the TV station, Yui's filming has come to dinner time, and the whole crew started to rest and distribute lunch boxes, and Yui's manager did not go to give her the lunch box. After a day of filming in the studio, Yui returned tiredly. When I got to my waiting room, I saw that there was no lunch box on the table, but the food box at home. Yui looked at the agent in surprise: "He's been here?"

The agent nodded with a smile and said, "Well, he came to deliver the bento to you. He even joked that he wanted to be a good helper for you. He gave me the bento and then went back."

Hearing the agent's words, Yui instantly felt a tingling sensation that made her whole body numb. The tiredness of the original shooting was instantly dissipated at this moment, replaced by a smile full of happiness.

Yui happily opened her dinner box, she looked at Junxiu's Chinese cuisine and smiled happily: "Hehe... Mapo tofu, green pepper shredded pork, tomato and egg soup are all my favorites. Chinese cuisine." Yui said 'I'm starting' and started eating the dishes that Junxiu prepared for her, while holding her phone and sending Junxiu a message..

"Thank you for the dinner prepared by Oppa, very happy and delicious." There are always such simple and moving existences in life. This is also the joy of life and the happiness that life gives. Eating the food of a loved one is the simplest yet most fulfilling happiness.


The next day, Junxiu left Japan after filming the commercial. Yui's TV series still has about two months to end, and it happens that her birthday is coming soon, in June. Junxiu promised to wait for him to come to Japan to celebrate her birthday with her after he returned from Siberia, and also to watch the upcoming fireworks festival.

After leaving Japan, Junxiu quietly returned to South Korea. On the day he returned to South Korea, it was posted on the Internet by netizens. Among the photos was a photo of him and Li Zhien having a meal in Noryangjin. The hottest teacher and apprentice duo in South Korea are sitting in Noryangjin and eating sashimi deliciously. In the photo, Junsu just opened his mouth and the chopsticks in his hand were about to put the fish in his mouth when he was photographed .

Junxiu's emoji pack has one more "Have you eaten". Two days later, Junsu's "Taxi Talk Show" filmed on the streets of Tokyo was also broadcast in South Korea, and the ratings reached a super high rating of five percentage points when it was broadcast on that day. Because it is a premium channel, five points is a super successful investment case.

After the broadcast of the show, Junxiu revealed her past 'love' for the first time, which made fans suddenly discover that Junxiu was also 'old', so many fans posted articles on Junxiu's official cafe to support Junxiu's love, Allow him to fall in love.

In this way, Junxiu has once again become a hot news search in South Korea, because he has been really popular recently. After the big hit of the TV series, his popularity has once again returned to the peak state. And this time, many uncles and aunts have also been fans of Junxiu's TV series. At least in the eyes of the older generation, they know that there is an actor named Junxiu.

Junsu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu, Junsu, many news are tracking news about Junsu. But Junsu disappeared from everyone's sight every day, and suddenly one day, a photo was updated on the "Law of the Jungle" website. It was a photo of Junsu skydiving alone. Only then did everyone know that the reason why he disappeared in Seoul was to practice skydiving. .

As the end of April greets May, and before "Law of the Jungle" is about to set off for Siberia again, Junsu and Girls' Generation get together to eat a photo on his Twitter feed. Because his birthday party was held in Siberia this time, everyone in Girls' Generation specially prepared a birthday party for him in advance before he set off.

This is Junsu's first birthday party since his debut. Almost all of his previous birthdays were spent at work. At most, it was just a matter of receiving some blessing text messages. And this time, it was rare to meet Junxiu who didn't have a schedule before departure, and it was rare for everyone in Girls' Generation to enter a period of rest, so they collectively held this birthday party for Junxiu.

To put it nicely, they held it for Junxiu, but in fact, they went to Junxiu's house with the ingredients they bought and asked the free chef to cook them a super hearty meal.

But this time cooking is rewarding, and each of them gave a birthday present...

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