Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Return from Siberia

May, I don't know if it's Junxiu's birthday? So even the comeback with the three of Taidi Xu became a 'promotion' for Junxiu. There's nothing I can do, Girls' Generation and Junxiu are too deeply involved, who told them to have Junxiu's sister in their team? And they have stepped to the position of today's "No. 1 girl group" step by step because of Junxiu's support, which is known to everyone in the entertainment industry. They started to "get rich" after Junxiu assumed the role of producer.

The original Girls' Generation went through a dark period. When they were at their lowest point, when they were about to collapse, Junxiu stood behind them. He used his (TVXQ) popularity to drive them forward. She revealed her close relationship with Girls' Generation. He also took the initiative to assume the role of the chief producer of Girls' Generation. The "Gee" he produced gave his sister Girls' Generation a new lease of life.

Since then, he has provided title songs for all of Girls' Generation's comebacks, and every wave of songs produced by JS Junsu has allowed Girls' Generation to refresh their music industry records again and again, and it has remained so to this day. Even for Girls' Generation's comeback at the beginning of this year, Junsu provided the theme song. So, Girls' Generation are the people who know Junsu best in the circle.

During this time, Junxiu had too much news. The most important thing was that he rarely appeared on a talk show and talked about topics such as 'love'. Since his debut, Junxiu has never seriously talked about 'love'. Therefore, the sensational effect caused by the show after the broadcast was very big. You must know that even if the "Junxiu's Love" is only about the past, the title alone has more to watch than his own "Jungle".

And Junsu went overseas for the filming of "The Jungle", so even the media who wanted to interview Junsu couldn't go to Siberia, right? So the only one who can ask "Junsu news" can only be Girls' Generation. That's why the topic of today's show is about Junsu for half of the time.

After staying in Siberia for more than half a month, "Law of the Jungle" finally came back and forth. After returning, Junxiu's mental state fell into a kind of malaise. Those who have not experienced the extreme day in Siberia cannot feel the 'time disorder'. mentally distressed. When sleeping, the light penetrates to the eyelids from time to time, and the mental state is in a blur every day. Maybe it's two or three o'clock in the morning? And when you look at the sky, it's still daylight.

Taeyeon, who just ended the promotion period, learned that Junsu had returned for two days, and he hadn't even posted a message in their group during these two days. She was a little uneasy and quietly came to Junsu's house. .

After she entered Junxiu's bedroom, she saw that the whole room was dark. This time Junxiu even pulled the blackout curtains. Junxiu, who has the habit of waking up early to exercise, usually only closes the thin gauze curtains, and rarely pulls up the shading. And this time Junxiu actually pulled the blackout curtains? This made Taeyeon feel a little unusual.

The faint light of the door opening made her roughly see the bowed human-shaped quilt on the bed. Taeyeon was stunned for two seconds and then muttered to herself, "How tiring is this filming? Have you slept for two days?" Because Junsu has not heard any news for two days, so Taeyeon thinks Junsu is sleeping at home?

Taeyeon quietly came to Junxiu's bedside, wanting to turn on the dimly lit bedside lamp to see how he was sleeping without disturbing him. But as soon as the light turned on, Junxiu's eyes opened, perhaps because he had been in extreme daylight conditions for more than half a month, so even the light caused him to inexplicably produce a conditioned reflex.

And Taeyeon didn't know it was a conditioned reflex, she thought Junxiu was awake originally: "Wake up when you wake up, it's almost lunch time, how long have you been sleeping?"

Junsu moaned shamelessly, hugged Taeyeon who was sitting beside the bed, and carried her into his arms on the bed. He hugged Taeyeon tightly, sniffing the natural radiance from her body. Fragrance, said lazily in her ear: "Yeah~ you came in to wake me up, what do you mean I woke up? I'm very tired!"

"It's not the first time for you to go to "The Jungle". What happened this time? How come even Guangxi fell and returned to China?" Huang Guangxi broke a bone during the filming of "The Jungle" and had to get out of the filming and return documents. This is Guangxi News published in the news after returning home. Taeyeon was also worried about Junsu when she saw the news, but in that place where birds don't **** and there was no signal on her phone, she would definitely not be able to contact Junsu.

And since Junsu returned to China, the phone was always turned off, which made Taeyeon come to Junsu's side worriedly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu looked at Taeyeon in her arms, her seductive eyes shone with light , he couldn't help but kissed her twice before complaining: "This is the hardship that we, and the staff, have never met before, the hardship of going to "The Jungle" before is a kind of body On the other hand, the film crew also has two film crews who can work with each other to change shifts. This time we went to Siberia, not only physically but also mentally tormented. Have you ever seen the sun that never sets? Twenty-four hours are all day, no night. We only went on the first day. After we started shooting, we waited for everyone to see the time for the first time. It was already three o'clock in the morning, and the sun was still high in the sky. This is the phenomenon of extreme day. , there is no alternation of the sun and the moon here, only eternal day or eternal night. The first day was fine, but after two more days of filming there, the mind began to become confused and began to be in a trance. And there was no food, we could only pick up the ones on the ground Caoguo, it's such a big one..."

"We couldn't find anything to eat there for two days in a row. The only thing we could eat was the grass fruit on the ground. That thing was very sour, and if we ate too much, we would vomit. Finally, Brother Bing Wan saw the mouse. Just chasing the mouse like crazy, there is no way the show team really won't give it to you. We can only do that in order to survive, but there are all the bushes and thorns over there. How can you catch the mouse, it runs so fast. Later, the light Xi found the bird's nest and we wanted to eat, so I thought about going up to the tree to see if there were any eggs in the bird's nest. As a result, because the place is very cold all year round, we let the branches over there go. The branches of the tropical rain forest are different, the branches over there are all frozen as brittle as dead wood, and Guangxi stepped on it in order to dig out bird eggs for us and fell off!"

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