Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 276: Can you be free overseas?

On the Internet, Junsu and Taeyeon's dating exposure this time is very strange, why is it suddenly exposed in broad daylight? Even if the company makes a reasonable statement, there are still many fans who do not believe this explanation. After all, the two people's "love talk" has never been broken on the Internet. But fans feel very strange about this incident. It stands to reason that the two should not go to the coffee shop in the daytime?

Because the "love" relationship between the two was not the first day in Korea, so as long as the two of them are alone together, in everyone's eyes, they are 100% dating. Presumably they know this, and since they know it, why would they do that? The company explained 'buy a car'? Well, even if you really go to buy a car, shouldn't you go back after buying a car? Why do you have to sit in a crowded place after buying a car, and drink coffee together without any cover?

In the eyes of fans, this is a bit strange. The two of them are sitting together so calmly.. This seems to be intentional for everyone to see? But why do they do this? Is it for publicity? Certainly not! Because whether it is Junsu or Taeyeon, their level has reached the stage where there is no need to hype up with scandals, so hype is not needed at all.

So why do they still do it? Could it be that they don't know the consequences of sitting together like this without the other members? They must know, but why? Or is it really like everyone said, are the two going to make it public? But since it chose to make it public, why did the company come out to explain it in the first place?

In fact, some things are originally very simple, but the various guesses of the human heart make it complicated. Just like what happened at this time, Junxiu thought of satisfying his simple wish of shopping with Taeyeon from the beginning, even if he played a foolish scene after being discovered, it doesn't matter, but in the eyes of fans, it doesn't matter. Various analyses have emerged.


The two returned home after trying a public date. Although the date was not so smooth this time, it was very satisfying for Taeyeon. As the online analysis said, this career that lost 'freedom' was chosen by themselves, so there is nothing to regret later. Besides, love is the matter of the two of them, it's enough for them to be satisfied, why do they have to be publicly blessed by others?

After getting home and tidying up, the two sat casually on the sofa in the living room, Junsu opened the movie selection and played the "Hunger Games" that Taeyeon had always wanted to watch. And she hugged the fruit bowl in Junxiu's arms and watched the movie happily: "It's more comfortable to watch a movie at home, just sit if you want, or lie down if you want. And you can use whatever posture you want. You can lie down, even in the VIP screening room of the movie theater, you still need to pay attention to the image. By the way, oppa, have you attended the premiere of the movie? Is every move in the movie theater watched by the projectionists?"

Junxiu smiled and nodded: "When the movie is shown, although the lights in the projection hall are all turned off. But to the projectionist, everything inside is in sight, and the night vision surveillance in the projection hall is no joke. Yes. Those who care about me in the movie theater, those who want to do some outrageous things in the movie theater, are actually watched by the projectionists."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "The Internet has been saying that you must not make out in the theater because the projectionist is watching. I thought it was a joke, but is it true?"

"It's true. Artists who have participated in the premiere know this. The theater is set up with night cameras and 360-degree blind spots. Of course, the reason for setting this is to prevent piracy, and it also depends on whether the screening is smooth, or There will be smoking and rioting in the auditorium. In order to ensure that the staff can arrive in time in the event of an emergency, the projectionists find that there are moviegoers in the projection hall who have behaved uncivilized, as long as they do not affect others watching the movie. Under the circumstance, they will not deliberately stop it. For example...you know~!"

When Junsu said the last sentence "You know", he raised an eyebrow at Taeyeon deliberately. And Taeyeon didn't show a shy expression at all about his teasing, because what's so shy about only the two of them present? Both of them are husband and wife! Although it is called Girls' Generation, Taeyeon is not a casual girl.

So she just curled her lips and said, "Isn't it? Is there really someone doing such an outrageous thing in the theater? You say kissing or something, I think it's quite normal. But... eh~~" At the end , Taeyeon couldn't help shivering, because she remembered Junsu's saying '360-degree night camera with no dead ends' is equivalent to letting others watch the live broadcast?

"Of course, under normal circumstances, they won't be so impulsive, unless the movie they watch is the kind that can ignite a fire. Do you still care about the location after the fire in your heart is ignited by the movie? The theater itself It's just so dark~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They always think that others can't see it, in fact... um, there is a way that they can't really see it.." Junxiu didn't continue talking here. because..

Taeyeon looked at Junsu, who had stopped suddenly, and said, "How can you not see it?"

Junxiu shook his head and said, "You can figure it out if you think about it."

"I.. what do I think about. Forget it, watch a movie, watch a movie.." Taeyeon depressedly grabbed a grape and put it in her mouth.

"Haha.. you started this topic." Junxiu said, reaching out and grabbing a grape, and then continued: "Do you watch movies like this at home every day during the next holiday?"

"Otherwise? You went out and tried it today. The news about us hasn't calmed down yet. Everyone is waiting for us to give an explanation."

"An explanation? What explanation? Who do we want to give an explanation for our affairs? Really.. Do you want to travel overseas? For example, to the United States, we will have no one there who can recognize us, and we can go out every day. Going shopping or something is better than watching movies at home every day, right?"

Junsu's sudden suggestion made Taeyeon start thinking: "Go to America?"

Because Taeyeon felt like lying at home so casually every day, she didn't feel any inconvenience, I wonder if she was used to such a living state?

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