Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Dating with consequences

Junsu's sudden thought is always so strange, but this "strangeness" is not too tempting for Taeyeon. Because Taeyeon recently got the new nickname 'Tai Zhai' (Tai Zhai) given by fans, Taeyeon at this time has discovered a huge change from Taeyeon two years ago. She used to be a radio DJ and a program MC. With a 'Boom Son Group' breath.

In the past, Taeyeon was always crazy in the program group. From time to time, she would look up and laugh when she saw humorous jokes, and her aunt laughed often. But the incident with Junxiu happened one year after their Girls' Generation went to Japan, and she became quieter and quieter. I don’t like being on shows, I don’t like going out, and I don’t even like communicating that much.

Although the affair between her and Junxiu was temporarily put down, she would never return to her original state after she had calmed down. The injury that time was indeed a very serious injury to Taeyeon. And the sequelae of her serious injury is that she will no longer look up and laugh, and she will never laugh until she makes a 'giggling' sound like a street mom without even caring about her own image.

I don't know when she didn't like going out anymore. I don't know if she was worried that she would cause trouble to the surrounding when she went out? Or does she get scared when she goes out? In fact, Taeyeon didn't know that she had some early signs of depression. The reason why she chose to stay at home was a kind of self-avoidance.

The prevalence of depression among Korean artists is very high, especially in this small market, where the popularity is a concern, as well as the pain of being 'monitored' by everyone, as well as those who come out to criticize when they have nothing to do. The existence of such people, etc., makes the star feel extremely pressured. There are too many internet trolls asking celebrities about their family members by name, so every message is a kind of harm to herself and her family.

Those trolls hiding behind the computer screen don't know that they are hitting the hearts of the artists, just because they make too much money, and they are greeted with ruthless 'greetings' as a result? It seems that they who make too much money are dead wrong. Those mentally deformed people only dare to hide behind the screen every day and use their distorted psychological judgments to attack this and that with vicious language.

As the leader of a popular idol group, Taeyeon has also suffered a lot of cyber violence. Especially when netizens analyzed her relationship with Junxiu, she has always endured those online verbal attacks. Taeyeon can ignore the hurtful words on the Internet, and she can endure the rude greetings to her family, but Junxiu did something more hurtful than netizens during that time. After Taeyeon suffered a blow, she became quiet and silent.

Even if that matter is temporarily put on hold, she still doesn't like going out so much, and she doesn't want to go out. As for whether the 'door' was her own door, or just the closed door to the room, only she knew it.

When Taeyeon of the super house suddenly proposed to go to the United States when Junsu suddenly proposed to go to the United States, she tilted her head to consider whether she should go? She was reluctant to go in her heart, maybe it was that "house" heart that made her reluctant to travel far? And she thinks that she may meet some Koreans when she goes to the United States, so it is impossible to want complete freedom. Even in the United States, maybe you can only have a relative degree of freedom, right?


Looking at Taeyeon who was hesitant, Junsu said, "We can only stay at home every day when we stay in Korea, so I personally think that after it is rare for you and I to have vacations at the same time, we can go overseas to see, although it is said that in It is also possible to meet some Koreans overseas, but relatively speaking, we are much freer when we go out and shop. You and I have never experienced the same way of falling in love as ordinary people. I just thought about taking advantage of our rest. Isn't it to make up for our regrets by going on a trip overseas?"

"Oppa, Korea also has a population of 50 million. It is possible to meet Koreans wherever we go, so once we are found out, our relationship..." Taeyeon was worried that the relationship after she was caught on a trip overseas was completely exposed, In China, two people who are drinking coffee on the street like today can still cheat and get in the way. But if it is discovered that there are only two people overseas, it is not something you can fool around with.

Listening to Taeyeon's worry, Junsu let out a gloomy sigh: "Hey~~" There was a lot of helplessness in his sigh, because many times when he talked about love so much, Junsu also had a lot to say, but I don't know what to say, he really wanted to make it public without fear, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then walked down the street holding hands with her and not caring about anyone's eyes, but the problem was that if this was really made public, what would be left? Is the next one about to 'exit'?

Taeyeon and Yui, the two of them are currently in a delicate balance. Taeyeon already knew about Yui Aragaki and Junxiu's problem, and Yui also noticed the relationship between Junxiu and Taeyeon, but neither of them broke the matter completely, and Junxiu had to make a break. Taeyeon forced him with her cold war, so she had seen Junsu's state of pain at that time. And Yui also expressed the anxiety, worry, and other emotions that Junsu had when Girls' Generation was active in Japan.

Looking at Junxiu in such pain, the two of them who loved him so much tacitly chose to take a step back, and neither of them forced Junxiu to make a choice. This is how things kept the silence between the three, and gradually the silence formed a balance. But once this balance is broken, one party will definitely choose to quit, and the one who quit is Yui? Or Taeyeon? It's up to Junxiu's choice!

At the moment when Junxiu sighed, he seemed to suddenly understand why Taeyeon and Yui both like to stay at home. Maybe it's not that they 'like' it but to make Junsu hard to do? Because once it was discovered who of them went out with Junxiu, once the 'love' was put on the table, one of them would definitely choose to quit. Only by their own choice to withdraw, will they not embarrass their beloved ones?

So Junxiu's sigh at this time is more helpless, even if she has the courage to go overseas with them on a sweet trip, she has to be worried.

He didn't think about it so much before, so Junsu asked Yui to go on a trip together, but now that he has figured it out, does he dare to ask Taeyeon to go overseas?

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