Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 292: birthday (1)

As the plane prepares to descend before landing, Junxiu overlooks the entire land of Tokyo, and the neon on the ground turns into a beautiful firefly at this moment, adorning the city. Although the plane hadn't landed yet, and the two of them hadn't met yet, Junxiu suddenly felt a sense of joy in his heart, and this joy made him smile naturally.

This joy became stronger as the plane landed, and Junxiu felt as if countless ants were crawling all over her body at this time. This was the excitement before the meeting. It was already very deserted outside the airport in the early morning, and Yui did not go to the exit to wait for Junxiu, because the passengers on the flight he was on probably knew a lot of them, right?

Yui looked at the time displayed on the car, and it was the estimated time of arrival. She also smiled involuntarily at this moment, the two hadn't seen each other for another month, and the yearning for this month became more and more intense in this early morning. Especially when Junsu went to film "The Jungle", his mobile phone had no signal, so it was said that the two had lost contact for a month.

However, the news of Junsu and Taeyeon's love has been making a lot of noise in Korea during this time, and Yui has adopted an attitude of being out of sight and out of mind towards such news. No matter what the media wrote, she wouldn't be too stupid to ask Junxiu seriously. As Yui herself said on the show, she feels like a coward when facing love. Her character is such that she is generally not moved, but once she is moved, she will give everything of herself to the other party without reservation.

Yui is the kind of person who loves very thoroughly, just like the host asked Yui, if a man betrayed or cheated on him, would you forcefully propose to break up? Yui's answer was 'no'.

Yui also said, 'In this world of high temptation, men can be forgiven for mistakes they make when they are young. ' It's like she knew Junsu and Girls' Generation's Taeyeon couldn't tell, but she never took the initiative to ask about Taeyeon. She is the same as Taeyeon, she is silent about 'her'.

Sitting in the parking lot, Yui kept her eyes on the airport. After waiting for a while, she saw Junxiu who stood out from the crowd. Because his clothes always give people a different feeling, although it is an extremely simple pure white polo shirt with dark trousers, and a pair of white oxford shoes. Dressing in a casual style does not lose the sense of fashion. Perhaps as models often say on variety shows, fashion is finally determined by 'face'.

Looking at the route Junxiu was coming over, Yui flashed the high beam twice to remind him of his location. After turning on the lights, Yui saw Junxiu trotting towards her direction.

After waiting for Junxiu to get into the car, he took out a rose in a box from his backpack: "Happy birthday! Oh, and this..." Junxiu quickly took out a rose from his backpack. A birthday card, simple, simple to the extreme birthday gift. A flower, a card of blessing, perhaps in the eyes of many people, Junxiu's birthday present is too child's play, just like a kindergarten child.

But for Yui, this is the best gift. Junxiu just recently filmed a movie, so Yui knows it. He can put down his work and take a day off to accompany him to live with him. This is the best gift for Yui, and his company is the gift that makes him happiest and most satisfied!

"Thank you." Yui happily took this romantic flower from Junxiu, and at the same time opened the greeting card in her hand. The pure handwritten greeting card represents sincerity and sincerity. There is nothing lacking in their lives, so the handwritten blessings make people more easily moved.

Yui is not a material woman, she can even be said to be a bit stingy in private. She never buys luxury goods when she buys clothes. Occasionally Junxiu will buy two T-shirts from well-known brands to support the scene. Clothes will never be bought. In her eyes, a T-shirt cost more than 6,000 yen (about 350 yuan), and she began to hesitate to buy it?

But for celebrities, there are basically a few pieces of clothing from well-known brands in their personal wardrobes, such as high-end brands worth around '50,000' yen. But when she opened the closet, all the T-shirts were two or three thousand yen, and the cold ones were sweaters. Rarely would she pay for it herself. Anyway, she always felt that it was not worth it to wear such luxury goods. Who would she buy such expensive clothes for as a otaku?


Yui looked at Junxiu's crooked Ri font, and she smiled happily: "I remember oppa, your font is very beautiful, why is it so ugly to write in Japanese?" Yui has seen Junxiu write in English and some in Korean Lyrics and fonts are better than this Ri text.

"Although I can speak Japanese, I seldom practice writing. And Japanese is very strange to express in words, because one time it is Chinese font, and the next time it is Japanese font. Forget it, don't say that, Aga, happy birthday ."

After the nickname 'Gakki' was widely used~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu occasionally called Yui 'A.Ga'. Junxiu heard this word from Yui from time to time. He also asked what Yui meant, and Yui said it was their Okinawan dialect. the meaning of. This seems to be a habit of Yui. From time to time, this dialect will pop up. Junxiu thinks that she is super cute when she says this word, so she uses this word as a 'pet name' for her.

Of course, there is also a nickname, which is the name Junsu used to call her in Korean, which is the 'dear' that often appears in Korean dramas. Although there is no such word in Japanese culture, very close couples use 'you' or use 'Hani~~' if they are a bit nauseous. In the end, Yui still thinks 'Dear' is better among 'Hani' and 'Dear', because even if others hear it by chance, they don't know what it means. There is no such thing in Japanese culture, so I just accept some such sweetness in my heart.

Junxiu's simple happy birthday made Yui smile contentedly, then she put her arms around Junxiu's neck and kissed him on the cheek, and said, "Thank you."

Yui was really moved, and he didn't forget to celebrate his birthday when he was busy. And she came all the way from Korea, just to spend her birthday tomorrow with her, she was grateful, grateful, and moved by such a man!

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