Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 295: birthday (four)

In the evening, the sun outside the window has turned golden red, it has exhausted its last beautiful color and dyed the sky red, and the clouds in the sky are also moved by its beauty and red cheeks. Junxiu had already prepared dinner tonight, and the two of them sat on the terrace of the house looking at the sunset in order to wait for Kawashima Kaihe, while Yui looked at the red clouds on the Tokyo Tower in the distance, and she suddenly said: "oppa, there is I really envied you at the time."

Yui said something inexplicably, which made Junxiu look at her in confusion: "You envy me? I really don't think I have anything to envy in your eyes?"

Because Junxiu feels that the nature of their work is the same, and Yui's popularity in Japan is also one of the best among female stars. The two of them are both busy with work on weekdays. Perhaps the only difference is that they speak different languages ​​at work, so Junxiu really doesn't know what he has to make her envious?

Looking at Junxiu's surprised eyes, Yui smiled happily: "Hehe~~ Because I envy Oppa's ability to change languages ​​at will. Korean, Ri, English, Chinese, you can change your language at will. Sometimes I also want to travel overseas with my family, but when I think about language communication, I have a headache."

Junxiu thought that Yui was envious of herself, but what she envied was that she could speak multiple languages. Junxiu laughed involuntarily when she thought of their 'Ri-style English': "I thought you were envious of something, but it turned out to be language. I also learned Ri language because I couldn't do anything here, so I had to force myself to go. Learning. And my Ri language is also learned slowly after living here for many years. You know how bad my Ri language was at the beginning. As for English, it is also because I lived overseas since I was a child.”

"I'm just talking. Occasionally listening to Oppa you speak a foreign language fluently, I also inexplicably want to learn a foreign language." Yui really moved her heart to travel overseas after this TV series ended, but she thought about it. If she travels alone, she cannot speak the language overseas. So soon after the idea came out, she could only give up, that is, at this time, she really envied Junxiu, because he didn't have any language barriers in overseas.

Junxiu smiled and said, "If you want to study, study, and studying while you are resting is also enriching yourself."

At this moment, the doorbell rang. It seemed that Haihe, who was celebrating her birthday, had arrived, and Yui got up and walked in the direction of the doorbell. The doorbell was called by the security downstairs, because the apartment must have the owner's permission before outsiders can enter. If the owner of the house is not there, outsiders will not be able to come in at all. The strict security system is also the key to Junxiu's choice of this apartment.


A few minutes later, Yui opened the door to greet her junior sister. At the moment when Yui opened the door, Junxiu heard Hai He say, "Hey~~ Yui, it's very tedious every time I come to your house. I It was these two front desk staff who came here last time, but they still want to contact you, and they wouldn't let me in without your consent. Uh..."

Just when Haihe was depressed and complained, Junxiu also appeared at the entrance of the porch. When Haihe saw Junxiu at home, she was instantly embarrassed and stunned on the spot. Yuyi looked at her baby's dumbfounded appearance and smiled softly: "Haihe, why are you so stunned, come in. It's not like you haven't seen him."

During the call, Hai He did not forget to say hello to Junxiu: "Oh, oh, hello, Senior Junxiu."

Hae He's heart was extremely depressed when Jun Xiu was there, why is he depressed? Because she was worried that her arrival would delay their two-person world. When she called Yui some time ago, she heard that she had no other plans for her birthday. Yui's original words were that she planned to sleep at home for one day. Yes, but only after she arrived did she find that Junxiu was there, or maybe she meant sleeping...

Junxiu smiled and said to Hai He, "Long time no see, Kawashima-san (Miss), please come in."

Junxiu went in first after welcoming Kawashima Haihe, and Kawashima Haihe, who was wearing shoes at the entrance, looked at Yui with doubts in her eyes, her eyes seemed to ask 'Why is Junxiu at home? ’

After Yui understood her eyes, she showed a happy and sweet smile: "He came here specially to live with me, and the last flight will be back to Korea tonight."

"Uh, I called you some time ago..."

What Kawashima Kaihe wanted to say was interrupted by Yui's smile: "Because I saw the news of his movie launch conference some time ago, I thought he wouldn't have time to come, who knew that he deliberately asked the crew for leave I'm here, I'm sorry to think about it."

Listening to Yui's explanation, Kawashima Kaihe showed an envious expression and said to Yui: "He is so kind to you, a man can put everything down and come to accompany you on the day of your birth... honestly. Yes, such a man is already very rare."

"Hehe.. In the future, you can also meet a very good man~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He will definitely treat you very well, because our Haihe is so cute. Let's go, go in, he prepared a lot at home today Delicious food."

"Wow~~!! I've always heard that Junxiu-senpai's cooking skills are very advanced, so I can finally try it today."

Haihe followed Yui into the dining room, and the two of them sat at the dining table and watched Junxiu who was busy in the kitchen. The flowers on the table and the prepared candlelight showed that Junxiu prepared carefully for Yui's birthday. A man who is so busy can do such a thing for his woman, which really makes Hai He, the person next to him, envied and moved, not to mention Yui Aragaki as the hostess?

When I first learned that Yui and Junsu were in love, it was because she was invited to this house for the first time. At that time, when she came here, she saw photos of the two in love all over the room. Yui and Junxiu in the photos were so happy, showing how sweet their love was.

And today, she finally saw with her own eyes what true love is. Because people who love each other will inevitably put some important 'time points' in their hearts, instead of using 'busy' as an excuse. As long as you have the heart, no matter how busy you are, you can actually squeeze out such a day to accompany you. To put it bluntly, it depends on whether you are willing or not.

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