Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 320: HAHA's wedding (middle)

Junxiu's words really made the manager speechless. You know that after the end of the congratulatory song here, you will leave soon to attend the awards ceremony in H.K. Drink, how is that possible? Junxiu still does this very well, and it is a habit that he has always adhered to. As long as he knows that when there are work arrangements in the future, he will never drink during any meal time.

However, some people don't have Junxiu's persistence. Maybe he can avoid drinking at noon when he has work in the afternoon, but at dinner, knowing that there is work to come, he will also taste two glasses or something. If you want to say it, it won't hurt to taste two glasses, at least it won't affect your work. But Junxiu will never drink. The premise of his drinking is that the work day is over. Even Junxiu's younger sister, Li Shungui, "inherited" this tradition, and only drink two drinks after work.

Today, Ha Dongxun's wedding did not take the form of "unpublished", but generously disclosed the wedding to the media. Of course, the content of the wedding scene was not made public. Because there are so many media arrivals today, the hotel even set up a media photo area on the red carpet of the awards ceremony. Before the arrival of the artists, they took photos and brief interviews in the photo booth.

Ha Dong-hoon is Junsu's friend, and Girls' Generation, who did not go to 'MAMA' today, also sent two representatives to participate, one is Taeyeon and the other is Yoona. Because Shun Kyu went to the Middle East to accompany his parents and did not come back, the 'representatives' in Girls' Generation are the facade and the captain. However, some people in the know know that perhaps Taeyeon's arrival today does not represent Girls' Generation, but...

When Taeyeon and Yoona were interviewed while standing in the photo booth, Taeyeon responded: "I think they are a very, very well-matched couple, and I also envy them, I hope they can be happy."

Immediately after Taeyeon responded, a reporter said, "Taeyeon xi, you and Junsu are a couple that the whole nation envy."

Taeyeon pretended not to hear the reporter's words and continued, "I hope HAHA brother will have a daughter like our Girls' Generation in the future."

"Taeyeon xi, will Junsu come to the scene today?"

"I don't know, you should ask Junsu, or brother HAHA, instead of me." Taeyeon didn't know whether Junsu would come or not. When she called Junsu yesterday, Junsu was still overseas. Taeyeon also asked Junsu if he would come today, but Junsu's answer was vague and didn't know. Because Junsu said he was going to H.K to attend the MAMA Awards, it seems like he won't come, right?

The same question, when Ha Dongxun and his wife were interviewed earlier, a reporter asked if Junsu would appear today? Will there be a congratulatory song for his wedding?

Ha Dongxun told reporters that Junsu couldn’t return to Korea to attend his wedding due to overseas travel. Junsu personally called to say sorry, and specially arranged for the agent to send a super gift in advance.

When the reporter asked how much 'Super' was, He Dongxun just smiled and said, "One month's salary for white-collar workers." He didn't say how much, but just vaguely said 'salary'. The wages of white-collar workers are also divided into many levels, with half of white-collar workers and senior white-collar workers. The gift that Junsu sent was '9.99 million' won, and the number of the gift wished the two of them a long-lasting love.


Ha Dong-hoon thought that Jun-su could not attend his wedding, but some of the guests knew that Jun-su was coming to sing a congratulatory song today. Among them, Kim Jong-kook knows, Yoo Jae-suk knows, and the host Kim Ji-dong knows. Of all the wedding guests, only the three of them knew. Junxiu was able to take time out of his busy schedule to come, and it really proved that he is a person who values ​​friendship.

Maybe only South Korea has a special "congratulation song" section? Junxiu was sitting quietly in the backstage at this moment, waiting for the call from the front. The whole wedding was extremely noisy. What kind of a kiss, a tongue kiss, etc., in short, it was extremely noisy. I don't know if it's because there are too many comedians? When it was quiet, only the newlyweds entered the venue and when the witnesses said their congratulations, it was quiet for a while.

However, when it arrived at the performance of the congratulatory song, the whole scene instantly became a mess, because the members of the congratulatory song "Infinite Challenge" at this time sent it. They were not professional singers at all, and they even sang different songs. The whole wedding scene was full of laughter, and even Ha Dongxun, who was standing in front of him to receive blessings, couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The whole wedding was spoiled by the singing of the members of "No Pick", and Taeyeon and Yoona in the audience were already holding their stomachs with laughter. So did Junsu, who almost fainted from laughter while hiding behind the door listening to the super funny singing inside. This is a funny concert, where is the wedding?

After the people present were finally tortured by the members of "No Pick", the host Jin Jidong said: "Wow, your singing is not ruining the song, it is ruining the wedding. Know why I don't get married, I will I'm afraid that my wedding venue will become such an asura venue. Oh, Liu Zaishi, you can't sit down after singing, do you still want to sing? Do you think this is your "No Pick Song Festival"?"

The members of "Infinite Challenge" all returned to their seats with laughter, they thought they were going to the next part, who knew that Jin Jidong said: "Okay, people who have been tortured, here is a request We are the real congratulatory singers today."

The lighting at the wedding scene was painstakingly arranged~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the newlyweds were still standing in front of them to receive their blessings, the lights at the scene did not turn on, and only the newlyweds were in the spotlight. Just in this dark place all around, a cappella voice suddenly appeared 'It\'s.a.beautiful.night...'


"Marry.U" Junsu, a song originally composed for Taeyeon, was later released as a wedding song on his English album.

Now the sound is heard at the scene, and the lighting engineer has also captured Junxiu's position. They turned another spotlight towards Junxiu. When Junxiu was wearing a suit, walking with a microphone in hand, he appeared in everyone's field of vision. At that time, Ha Dong-hoon's wedding scene became screaming constantly.

Most of the people present were entertainers, but the moment they saw Junsu, they acted like fans saw the artist.

Junsu appeared at Ha Dongxun's wedding in a surprising way, which was unexpected for Haha himself. Both he and Sung stared in surprise.

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