Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Pork (bottom)

The live broadcast ceremony of 'Pork Dividing' cannot be stopped because of Junsu's 'diss', so the live broadcast of the performance continues. Besides, the H.K fans at the scene couldn't understand what Junsu said in the lyrics, and if they understood what Junsu said, they wouldn't translate it on stage. Everything was as if it didn't happen at the moment. After Junxiu's performance, he sat in the guest seat under the stage, and Quan Zhilong, who was beside him, whispered to him, "Brother, you are really not afraid of offending people."

Junxiu shrugged helplessly and said, "Just tell the truth, what's not to offend? The ceremony they held is exactly what they are. If they feel that my words hurt their self-esteem, then they should reflect on it. That's right, they should focus on 'fairness' instead of doing whatever they want. It's better to call it a Hallyu concert than an awards ceremony. Because the 'awards' here don't look at the score sheet."

However, Quan Zhilong laughed: "Hee hee~~ Brother, could it be that your "Jiang/South Ribbon'er" only won one 'popular singer' last year and was angry?"

Last year, Junsu released a song that became popular all over the world, and it stands to reason that he should have won many awards. However, he did not attend the 'MAMA Music Festival' because of the release of his album in the United States and the need for activities there. Therefore, "dividing pork" is definitely impossible to fall on his head. It's still good, the organizer still has a conscience to give Junxiu a "popular singer", isn't this equal to a consolation prize?

"Do I have to be angry with this ceremony?" Junxiu gave Quan Zhilong a roll of eyes.

In the past two years, their BIGBANG has occupied the position of the top men's group, not only in Korea, but also in Japan once their songs are released, they will occupy the first position. And ah, their annual 'concert' makes them a lot of money. So they have become the general trend, but they are not on the Grammy's stage like Junxiu, but they are on the Grammy's homepage.

Facing Junxiu's rolling eyes, Quan Zhilong said with a smile: "Listening to your lyrics is what you mean, isn't it? You think they're unfair, your album was so big last year, but you only won one popularity award? Yes, it was me.. I was also upset. However, as you said, this award is just like that. There is no fairness at all. Anyway, I don't care about their trophies. Brother you attended this year. , you'll definitely get a grand prize, 100 percent."

MAMA has a total of three heaviest awards, singer of the year, song of the year, and album of the year. Junsu won the last two awards at the 'Grammy' in March 2011. But in MAMA, it is impossible for one person to win two awards, which means that the three awards they set up will be won by three people. Anyway, here comes a prize for everyone!


Awards, as Quan Zhilong said, because Junxiu won several awards after his presence, what is the Best Dance Performance Award, the Best Music Video Award, the International Popular Artist Award, and the Best Song of the Year Award. He appeared on the stage four times because of his presence, but the final three awards will be won by three winners as guessed. SUJU, Junsu, BigBang. And Li Zhien, because he didn't show up and didn't have the award ceremony, that is, the words "Best Female Singer: IU "You and Me" appeared in the video on the scene.

It's a 'subtitle', it's not about taking the stage to accept the award. Because there is no such thing as accepting the award on behalf of others, 'Best Female Singer' is a pretty good award, but it can't be 'received on behalf of'. Only a few words are written on the winner IU, which seems to be the subtitle of the behind-the-scenes personnel who appeared after the movie screening, which no one will care about.

Because it was already early morning after the award ceremony, none of the guests present tonight could go back. There is no flight to Seoul late at night, unless you charter the flight in advance, but Junsu has never heard of any agency that will charter a flight for artists.

Junsu, including Junsu, had to stay at H.K for one night. After the awards were presented, many fans on the official website of South Korea's 'MAMA' started shooting at them. No wonder Junsu wanted to say on the live broadcast that you are sharing pork. Still a virtue after all these years. It seems that you will not see your changes in your lifetime. ’

‘What’s the point of giving Junsu so many awards? Didn't he scold you for dividing pork? However, you are indeed dividing the pork. Anyway, everyone who is present is rewarded. Didn't Girls' Generation release an album this year? Or maybe Tara didn't release an album? How funny, Kara? ’

‘Only Junsu dared to scold you for dividing pork on the spot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu oppa did a great job! ’

'Boss, bring two catties of pork! ’

The lively official website was almost overwhelmed, and 'Junxiu, divide pork' instantly became one of the hottest searches.

After four hours of the awards ceremony, Junxiu was also hungry, but H.K is a city that never sleeps. So after returning to the hotel, Junxiu changed his clothes and planned to go out. When Junxiu opened the door of his room, he was shocked. The five children of F were standing at the door. Xiaojing took the lead and smiled. Looking at Junxiu: "Sure enough, my sister is right."

Junxiu smiled and shook his head and said, "What did your sister say? Come in." Junxiu thought that they had something to do with them, so he opened the door to let them in.

But Xue Li said with a smile: "oppa, we came to you not to ask you any questions, but to hope that you would take us out."

Because when they are overseas, girls are generally not allowed to leave the hotel, but Junsu is a person who will not be subject to any management. So Sika gave Xiaojing a trick, Junxiu can take you out. After the ceremony, if you want to go shopping and eat, ask Junxiu to take you out, that's right.

Junxiu frowned and said, "You guys are going out? Why are you going out? You don't rest at night, do you still want to go out and experience H.K's nightlife?"

In the end, Song Qian, the captain, said to Junxiu, "Senior Junxiu, we haven't eaten all day today, and we're all very hungry now. In addition, we will be leaving H.K tomorrow morning, so we want to go out to find some food, And now the hotel kitchens are out of get off work.”

"Do you want to go out to eat? Okay, let's take you out, but let me say it first, no one can act alone after you go out."

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