Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 278: A trip that doesn't end

Junsu and Taeyeon's dating news is still fermenting on the Internet, but after the company made a statement on this matter, it ignored the clamor of netizens. Things are just as Junsu said at the beginning, anyway, I'm obviously cheating, what's the matter? Fans on the Internet are clamoring for them to give a statement? But Junxiu said in a playful language: 'What do you want to say? There is no other way to say, the company's statement is the only way to say it, as to believe it or not, it's up to you! ’

The company was silent, Junsu and Taeyeon kept silent after the incident, and there was no other dynamic. As everyone knows, Junsu has just finished filming "Law of the Jungle", and maybe the next time he will appear in front of the media will be in a month. And Taeyeon's team just ended the promotion period and entered a state of rest. I don't know when her next appearance will be, maybe she will have to wait until Girls' Generation returns?

In short, the company was silent, and after the whereabouts of the two became a mystery, there was no absolute conclusion on this matter. Whether it is doubts on the Internet or speculations by the media, the ending is the answer given by that company.

During dinner, Junxiu stood in front of the stove and cooked dinner for the two of them. The exquisite steak dish exudes an attractive aroma in the handsome pan, the aroma of red wine cooking, and the aroma of the preheated butter, which are mixed around this open kitchen and become an attractive taste. Taeyeon held her cheeks and smiled obsessively at Junxiu's sexy/sexy cooking attitude. She jokingly said, "Hey~ the chef in this kitchen is quite sexy."

Junxiu looked back with a meat clip in his hand and smiled, then put on an exaggerated muscular man appearance and said: "I've always been so sexy, but you just didn't pay attention. But it's not too late to find out today!! Tonight, this super girl is in front of you. It's your honor to spend a romantic evening with a **** man!"

Taeyeon was amused by the childish Junsu, she stood up from the chair and looked at Junsu's cooking pot and said, "Wow~~ honored? Why didn't I feel honored? Instead, I feel that we are women who suffer. What? Hee hee~~ oppa, okay, I'm hungry!"

"Okay, okay, what are you anxious about? Generally speaking, aren't all men in a hurry?" There was a meaty interjection in the two conversations, which made Taeyeon say depressed: "I finally I understand why Shun Kyu has recently started walking in the direction of the Nineteen Bans, it turned out to be your family's inheritance."

Junxiu took the steak out of the pot and began to beautifully set it up. At the same time, he also began to teach Taeyeon: "The nineteen bans are inevitable human relations, human relations are joy, do you understand?"

Taeyeon wrinkled her nose at Junxiu mischievously and said, "I don't understand!"

Junxiu immediately looked at Taeyeon with a wicked smile: "I don't understand? Okay, I'll teach you, hehe~~!"


"Yes, I'm vulgar, you're elegant. Elegance, please have a meal and two drinks?" Junxiu opened a bottle of red wine while cooking the steak, so don't waste the rest after cooking. , he picked up the red wine glass and poured two glasses for himself and Taeyeon.

Taeyeon usually doesn't drink because he can't drink enough, but drinking in front of his own man doesn't make him worry too much. And red wine, steak, dim lights, and someone you love is the real romance.


The two touched the red wine lightly, tasted it, and then began to cut the beef. Junxiu cut the steak in front of him and pushed it to Taeyeon. For women, the most romantic thing is not a man's sweet words, but such a small gesture, which seems plain, but gives them a kind of caring warmth.

Taeyeon smiled happily and ate the steak that Junsu had cut for herself: "Oppa, why did Brother Minhyuk call you just now? Did you invite you to dinner?"

"Is he so kind to invite me to dinner? He asked me to go to the company tomorrow, SISTAR is about to welcome their summer comeback, and the album production only has the last MV shooting. He asked me to come and see them. Choreography."

Taeyeon raised her brows after hearing Junsu's words, because the change of 'SISTAR' last time left a deep impression on the entire music industry. Taeyeon just felt that their comeback was too fast: "SISTAR is coming back again? The last time their comeback caused a great response in the music industry, their **** trend has not subsided until now, and listening to It is said that their commercial performances are still full."

Junxiu nodded and said, "Well, they do have a lot of business performances. After Jien and HyunA, they have the most activities in the company."

"Ji Eun.. Did Ji Eun follow your teacher to learn badly this time? She released an album quietly, but she doesn't promote or play songs like you? The only difference is that her album this time has a substance."

This time Girls' Generation ended the song early because Lee Ji-eun suddenly released a new album in mid-May, and like Junsu, it was put on the shelves without any publicity. Li Zhien inherited Junxiu's domineering~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sound source appeared on the chart and immediately started the road to invincibility. The one that Tai Dixu maintained was also instantly removed from 'One' after Li Zhien's music appeared. Pulled down.

"Hehe.. I don't care much about her recently. She is more mature than her age. How to arrange my work is all up to her and the people in the company to discuss together. As for her decision this time. Playing songs is because she is preparing for a national tour, and she decided to start the tour in June, soon. It will start soon. As a teacher, I have never started a 'personal tour', she actually Started my own 'personal tour' before me."

"Oppa, if you start preparing for a personal tour, it will be global. And the time arrangement will take at least half a year. If you don't give up your "Law of the Jungle" now, can you spare half a year? However, I believe all the fans are looking forward to your tour."

Junxiu also nodded and said, "Yeah, if I start a 'tour', it will take at least half a year to prepare for the city tour. Now looking at the time to get that half a year, the only possibility is I can only quit the "Jungle" fixed. Well... let's talk about it, I haven't thought about quitting the "Jungle" for the time being." (Kpopstar of Korean Entertainment;)

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