Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 287: looking sad

The 'sadness' in Minhe's mouth was only later understood by the other side. This sadness refers to a feeling of powerlessness after they tried all their strength to no avail. At this time, Taeyeon put her head on Junsu's shoulder and watched the short video played on the ipad in his hand: "Oppa, I remember they are artists who have already debuted? Why are they performing on the streets of Hongdae? This seems to be called Fang or something, and I saw her once in starking."

Junxiu couldn't watch it anymore, he turned off the video in his hand and threw the ipad on the sofa casually. Turning his head to look at Taeyeon, he smiled bitterly and said, "Oh yes, they are indeed artists who have made their debut, and they are the children of our js entertainment."

Taeyeon's eyes widened, she looked at Junxiu with a shocked expression, and she spoke in an unbelievable tone: "What? She and the others are your company's children?" Taeyeon really didn't expect this group to perform free performances on the street. The debut artist is actually the children of Junxiu. Taeyeon knows that there will be many idols who have already debuted in Hongdae. Usually, those children are from small agencies.

She never imagined that this group of idols who used street performances to attract everyone's attention were actually the children of the 'Junxiu family'. After js entertainment has increased its reputation successively by Bai Zhiying, Li Zhien, etc., although their company does not say that it has reached the first line in South Korea, it can definitely be ranked. And behind js entertainment, there is Junxiu, the super giant Buddha!

He is really good at making girl groups, but everyone in the outside world doesn't know why Junsu is not so diligent about making his own children. On the contrary, he was here and there, and the children of other families succeeded a lot in his hands, but only a few of his own children changed in his hands? Fortunately, I only recently saw that he started to make a sistar, but the problem is that there are more than sistars in his family who are "waiting to be fed"!

How can the outside world not understand what Junxiu is doing? The recent tara in his hands has even surpassed Girls' Generation. If he used the resources given to tara on his own children from the beginning, it is possible that 'js entertainment' has become a first-tier company. But now I seem to be looking at Bai Zhiying and Li Zhien, these two soloists are supporting the company's reputation.

Taeyeon's shocked expression made Junsu understand all the meaning of the "sadness" in Minhyuk's mouth. After a long sigh, he moved his body to lie down on his back, his head resting on Taeyeon's lap, and his eyes turned to Taeyeon's face, who was looking down at him. Taeyeon's expression also changed from consternation to tenderness at this time, which made Junxiu close her eyes comfortably and said, "It seems that I really care too little about my children, they have been out for more than two years. , not only are they still doing publicity and performances on the streets, but not many people even know that they are artists of that company."

Taeyeon smiled gently and stretched out her hand to touch Junsu's outline, using joking language to relieve Junsu's depression: "Hehe oppa, you don't care much about the children over there, the media are not all Is it reported like this? You are the 'most irresponsible boss', and the company doesn't care about anything, even the artists!"

Taeyeon's joking words made Junsu open his eyes and look at her, and then said solemnly, "So I have decided that next year I will spend all my free time on 'my own children'. If I don't come up with a few decent girl groups, I'll do it."

"Hahaha 'I'll do it' for a long time. If there's no 'I'll give you a result, I see, you are indeed an irresponsible boss."

"Yeah" Junxiu finally launched a counterattack after being teased by Taeyeon again, he reached out and grabbed a hand on Taeyeon's waist, which made Taeyeon scream in fright and dodge: "Ah!! "

Junsu's head also slipped from Taeyeon's 'long legs', and Taeyeon slapped Junsu's chest with a quick 'pop' after screaming, and Junsu screamed out "oh" . Listening to his pained voice, Taeyeon was concerned: "Are you alright?"

Junxiu pretended to start clutching his chest and said, "Internal injuries, at least one bobo can heal."

As a result, bobo didn't want to arrive, but got a sentence: "Go to hell!"

After Junsu asked for a bit of fun, he smiled and picked up the movie script Gwanghae brought by himself from the sofa, and the man who became the king began to read it. And Taeyeon also got up from the sofa at this time: "I'm going to wash some fruit, do you want coffee?"

Because of the script, Taeyeon asked Junsu to drink coffee to refresh himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junsu also followed Taeyeon and said, "Drink, go and cook some."

After a while, Taeyeon made coffee and came over with fruit. She glanced at Junxiu who had sat up and started smoking: "You're taking on the film this time, the show crew won't stop broadcasting and wait for you again, right?"

After Taeyeon came over, Junxiu, who was slightly relieved of his cigarette addiction, simply took two puffs and put out the cigarette in his hand: "It shouldn't be? I told the manager when I went to the company to get the script and asked him to communicate with the show team. I plan to appear as a long-term, non-fixed guest on the show. Next, I hope to wait for when I am free, I will appear again. "

Junxiu is planning to quit halfway, in fact, this is fine, it will neither affect the normal shooting of the show nor delay Junxiu's personal development.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes at Junsu: "The last time you took on a TV show, you should have insisted on quitting that show. Fortunately, it's not too late now."

Especially when Taeyeon knew that the next time their show was filmed in the Himalayas, she was really worried, because those high mountains are easy to get hurt. Especially this time, there was an example of Guangxi being injured and sent to Siberia, and after he came, she was so distressed when she listened to Junxiu talk about their hardships this time. Exit it.

In the end, she had not waited for his next departure, which was as she wished. After Junxiu came today, she told Taeyeon that she had asked her manager to discuss with the show team about quitting. However, the 'quit' he said took a nice name called half-quit, and he will appear as an unfixed guest in the future. But Taeyeon felt that as long as she didn't go to dangerous places like the Himalayas, she would feel more at ease.

Taeyeon looked at the script in Junsu's hand and continued to ask, "What type of movie?"

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