Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 294: birthday (3)

When Yui Aragaki was sitting in the dining room eating this pasta worth at least 10,000 yen, she was even more curious about the shopping bag on the table in the living room. She was eating noodles like that, and her eyes were still on the shopping bag: "oppa, what is that bag?" Anything that suddenly appeared today would make Yui very curious.

Junxiu didn't do anything mysterious, he said with a faint smile: "Go and open it yourself, this is the birthday present for you."

After hearing Junxiu's words, Yui put down the tableware in her hand, got up and picked up the shopping bag. She was sitting on the side of the shopping bag in front of her. She didn't see the logo printed on the shopping bag. I saw the English word 'PRADA' clearly printed on it: "oppa, why do you buy such an expensive thing, I don't need it normally."

As Yui spoke, she took out the 'bag' from the shopping bag, which was the most popular 'Prada killer bag' this year. Many fashion stars in Europe and America have one for this bag. However, there are several boxes under this bag, two of which are from Prada, and the other is made of Japanese handmade leather goods. Yui opened the boxes in turn. , a Prada pink purse, a sky blue coin purse, and something like a 'bag strap'.

Yui with a wallet or something seems to be acceptable, because the wallet she is using now is the first time she collaborated with Junxiu in 2007, and it happened to be her birthday during the filming time. The crew prepared a cake for her, and Junxiu gave it to her. I got her a wallet that wasn't so precious. The wallet that Junxiu gave her had been used for five years, and it was understandable to change it, but what she was holding now was not a wallet, but a coin purse.

Yuyi looked at the coin purse and said speechlessly: "What? Is this a coin purse? Anyone who is so bored that they use this coin purse, it's all used to store change, and those hundreds of dollars outside will do? How much does this... how much does this cost?"

If Junsu told Yui that the coin purse was close to 100,000 yen, it must have been a nagging. When Junxiu bought a 'bag' today, he simply bought a 'full set' of handbags, wallets, and coin purses, and these three items are often used only by the cash society in Japan.

"This is the birthday present I gave you, what are you talking about the money? Really~~" Junxiu deliberately tried to fool around with an angry tone.

Listening to Junxiu's words, Yui could only sigh helplessly, then picked up the last 'sash' and said, "What is this? A sash?"

"No, it's a camera strap. According to your agent, you signed a contract with Canon Camera? So I ordered this camera strap for you." Not to mention the contract between Yui and the camera manufacturer, even Jun Xiu on weekdays Knowing that Yui likes to carry a camera with her, and the camera he gave her two years ago, she is so fond of it, she seems to use the camera to record every bit of her life.

Yui signed a contract with a camera manufacturer and she would definitely get a brand new camera, so Junsu decided to give her a camera strap. Yui doesn't like to wear jewelry on weekdays, so he didn't think about giving her anything like necklaces and earrings on her birthday. Instead, I gave the most commonly used things, wallets, and camera straps. These are things that Yui will not drop even when filming.

Taking this gift from the camera finally made Yui satisfied, and she was also a little surprised, she looked at Junxiu with her big eyes and said with a smile: "This thing is not bad, it fits my heart. Yes. But, oppa, don't buy these things next time, it's really wasteful. I rarely go out on weekdays, even if I don't use these luxury goods when I go out, I won't feel ashamed, these things are just It's for vanity, and it doesn't really make much sense."

Junxiu waved his hand and said depressedly: "I know, I know, I won't buy luxury goods in the future."

"Hee hee~~" Yui showed a cheerful smile at Junxiu, and then comforted her: "oppa, although buying these things won't add any burden to our lives, it's really not very useful to me. And people's vanity can never be satisfied, so it's really unnecessary to pursue these things. For me, some ordinary brand things are also good, not necessarily luxury goods."

Junxiu couldn't help laughing at the great truth that Yuyi was talking about, "Hehehe~~ You seem like a teacher is giving me a thought class, well, I won't buy luxury goods in the future, just Today is a special day, so please forgive me."

"Okay, forgive you, for the sake of your delicious food. Hee hee~~" Yui returned to her seat with a very cheerful smile and continued to eat her delicious food. She just sat down and thought of something. Said: "By the way, oppa, I invited Kawashima Haihe tonight."

"Oh, your 'young junior sister'. I know, I will treat her well with delicious dishes."

After Junxiu responded, Yui said apologetically: "Originally, I planned to spend time with you two, but at the beginning of the month I saw the news that you were taking on a new movie, and I thought you might not be able to come. As a result, Hai He said that my birthday is coming, and she is coming to celebrate my birthday, so I agreed to come down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It doesn't matter, it's a birthday, it's more lively, I just need to prepare more cooking."

"Thank you oppa, Sharon hey~~" I don't know if Yui Aragaki and Junxiu have been together for a long time. Occasionally, she would hear Junxiu say a few words in Korean, so Yui gradually learned some simple vocabulary. Just let her say a word or two in Korean to Junxiu from time to time. But today she used a special sentence, which made Junxiu couldn't help calling 'kawaii'.


In the afternoon, Yui was leisurely arranged by Junxiu to sit in the living room to 'watch TV', but her eyes did not fall on the TV. From the beginning to the end, she watched Junxiu busy in the kitchen. He carefully gave herself Yuyi's heart is warmed by preparing the birthday dishes. His serious appearance always makes Yui's mouth not fit. Just as her agent said, Junxiu will really spoil her.

Yes, the love he gave was so sweet and warm that she was reluctant to let go. Half a month ago, the 'anger' she had accumulated after seeing the news of Junsu and Taeyeon also dissipated in his tenderness. It is no wonder that such a man would indulge in his tenderness. Yes, she loves him deeply and loves him without any regrets.

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