Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 302: long-lost dinner

Junxiu returned home after filming, and the agent helped him to move the purchased ingredients into the house together. When the two of them opened the door, they saw everyone in Girls' Generation lying on the sofa in a scramble. They don't feel that this is someone else's home at all, and their natural state is to treat it as casual and comfortable as their dormitory.

Seeing Junxiu and his manager come in together, everyone in Girls' Generation quickly adjusted their sitting postures one by one, and those with their feet on the table quickly folded their legs. Seeing that they were about to get up from their positions to greet them, Junxiu's manager said to them first: "I just help to move things in, I'll go back right away, I'll go back right away."

Junxiu could only stare at these 'boom boys' with a wry smile. It would be fine if there were only one or two of them at home. When the nine of them gathered at his house, Junxiu knew that the next time would definitely be uneasy. Now it's because there is an agent next to Junxiu and they look very ladylike. As long as they wait for the agent to leave, they will immediately show their true colors.

Junxiu took advantage of the manager's presence and they still had some scruples, so Junxiu directly faced Pani, Yoona, and Yuri who were sitting on the sofa and called by name: "Yeah, did I say you three are wood? Seeing that we have so many things, you don’t know how to come to help? Especially you, Yoona, what do you save your energy for? Do you want to eat?”

After being called by Junxiu on the spot, the three of them all walked towards him with a smile on their face. Paney smiled and nodded at Junxiu when they passed each other to help with things. Her smile meant 'We'll settle the accounts later. ’

They are so many and powerful now. Usually when Penny is alone, she is always angry, but today with so many helpers, she is not afraid of Junxiu, so there is a little provocation in her smile. .

The manager left soon after, Yoona, Pani, Yuri, and the three put the purchased ingredients in the kitchen, and they surrounded Junxiu in a triangle as if they had negotiated. Junxiu laughed when he saw the three of them with high spirits, "Hehe~~ I don't see that the three of you are very bold, why? You want to fight with me today, right?"

At this time, Junxiu's momentum must not be weakened, because once he admits counsel at this time, the remaining people will also join this 'crusade team'.

Yoona, Yuri, it's okay for these two to be mischievous, but once Junxiu becomes tougher, they immediately soften their sense of humor. Yuner smiled and said to Junxiu, "oppa, we just want to ask what you plan to give us today?"

Junxiu looked up at the foam box containing the seafood and said, "You guys, sort these things out, I'll go and change my clothes first."

Just when Junxiu was about to leave, they also walked in in swimsuits and towels, and when Junxiu came back, the group of people who were relaxing by the pool had to come in to say hello. Their swimsuits are all long-sleeved shorts, not bikinis on the beach: "oppa~!"

After seeing the arrival of the main force, Junxiu instructed them: "It's just right for you to come in. Find a few people to fix the grill. I'll come out and light it later. We'll have barbecue tonight. I'll change clothes first."

In the end, Junxiu didn't take two steps when he heard screams from the kitchen, because the crabs and shrimps in the foam box were all alive. They opened the box, and the group of guys ran out in an instant, causing the three of them to scream in horror. This was also Junxiu's punishment for the three of them.

Looking at the crab that suddenly ran out, Shun Kyu gave Yuna a light glance and said, "I said that my brother is stingy and will definitely take revenge on you. Believe it now, Yuner."

Junxiu from a distance heard Lin Yuner's violent voice: "oppa~~~!!!"


The crab that came out was cleaned up by Junxiu after changing his clothes, but Yoona had to clean up the water stains on the ground. After Junxiu returned home, they finally found the backbone of the scattered sand. The division of labor was clear to start action for tonight's BBQ, including sorting vegetables, sorting the grill and placing the table, and helping Junxiu in the kitchen. Lin Yuner.

Yoona's friendship with Junsu has surpassed her brother and sister. She is the one who likes to stick with Junsu the most in Girls' Generation, and even sometimes makes them think that Yoona is Junsu's lover. Because Taeyeon and Yoona are two sides of yin and yang, Taeyeon is quiet, Yoona is hilarious, and their personalities are diametrically opposed.

Especially when Junsu was making sashimi snow crab legs, when the snow crab legs bloomed with crab flowers after being soaked in cold water, Yoona's eyes widened. Junxiu smiled and shook his head, took out a crab leg from the water, dipped it in the Korean sauce vinegar and spicy sauce and fed it to Yoona himself. Yuner closed her eyes and let out a moving moan, Junxiu asked Yuner with a smile, "How is it? Sashimi crab legs, no food wasted, right?"

Hearing Junxiu's question, Yuner opened her eyes and shouted, "Wow..oppa, this is really the first time I have eaten crab sashimi, so the aftertaste is so sweet?"

Sitting on the sofa, Sika curled her lips and said, "Are you two flirting there? I can warn you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is best to find a way to bribe me, or I will Report to Taeyeon."

Yuner immediately selected a steamed crab leg from the ingredients, and she held the crab leg to show its beautiful bright red: "Sister Sika, come and help to taste it? This is boiled. Have you tasted the crab legs?"

The expression on the cold Sika's face immediately brightened. She ran to the kitchen in small steps, stretched out her forehead and bit the crab leg handed by Yoona. When she sucked it, the whole crab leg swished. Entering her mouth, the plump crab meat and the aroma of crab meat filled her mouth instantly. She pulled the crab legs and dragged them, and only bones came out.

"Mmm~~~~" Sika was also overwhelmed by the deliciousness of the crab legs: "It's delicious, so delicious. Tender, sweet, plump, and Q-bombable."

Just as Sika commented on the deliciousness of crab legs, a foodie Xiuying's voice sounded behind her: "Okay, you two, you actually stole it in the kitchen, I said, Sika, why did you go to the bathroom, and it's gone forever. Back? I came here to steal food, I... ah, come in quickly, they are here to steal food!!"

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