Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 127: An opportunity to America?

When Yu Yongzhen heard Junxiu's composition with classical music this time, he also felt that it was very in line with the costume movie that Junxiu made this time: "It's a very good song, what's the name of this work?"


"Hahaha..marriage? I'll look at Zuo's words first. 'Ω, boy..hehe.." Yu Yongzhen laughed happily after hearing the name of the song. Marriage is fate, and it contains too many women. More than that, from the song title, Yu Yongzhen began to wonder if Junsu had met a woman who made his heart move recently? So this time I deliberately used 'marriage' to create the song.

Yu Yongzhen opened the word of marriage, and while printing it, he enjoyed it on the computer.

Make a promise with me, when this moment is gone

Until the day we meet again

I'm going to give up everything and stand by your side

Just walk the rest of the way

This is the so-called marriage, it is irresistible. . . .

When Yu Yongzhen looked at Junxiu's beautiful lyrics, he nodded: "Yeah, marriage, fate destined by God, encounter, acquaintance, acquaintance, love... The words are great! Maybe many young people have this word for you. , I can't understand the true meaning of it, but this work can definitely be recorded in the classics. Your lyrics are getting better and better, at least I think your grasp of words is better than me. "

"Teacher, what are you talking about? I still have enough to learn. Teacher, I recently wrote a song in English, can I express it?"

"Oh? Do you want to go to the United States? Our company does not have a partner company in the United States. Don't think about it. The United States is not suitable for you TVXQ for the time being. Seizing the Korean and Japanese markets is enough to make you tired. Okay. Alright, alright, open your voice, let's go to the recording first."

The United States, although it is the highest palace, has not yet had any Asian artists going to show there. So Yu Yongzhen saw that Junxiu was interested in the United States, but Junxiu didn't seem to think about the reality, so Yu Yongzhen also reminded Junxiu not to think about such distant things for the time being. TVXQ is doing so well in Korea and Japan now, so don't think about America. He also hopes that Junxiu can think clearly about the truth of chicken head and phoenix tail.

Seeing that Yu Yongzhen was unwilling to talk to him about American affairs, Junxiu had no choice but to give up. After all, some things can only be told to the right person.

Junxiu stood up from the sound-controlled chair and prepared to open his voice again in the room: "Cough cough~~ ahhh, ahhhh~~~" But just as Junxiu opened her voice, Lee Soo Man pushed open the door of the recording studio and entered.

Junxiu didn't stop his vocal movement, but just nodded to Li Xiuman. Li Xiuman also smiled and stopped at Junxiu, signaling him to stop. Junxiu stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Xiuman casually pulled a chair and sat down, took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave it to Yu Yongzhen. After lighting the cigarette, he said, "I went to the practice room to find you just now, but I heard you came to the recording studio. Here. What? The theme song for the movie is ready?"

"Well, it's done, ready to record."

Li Xiuman nodded, took a puff of cigarette, and said to Junxiu with a gentle smile: "I'm here to find you, it's a good thing..." He seemed to be saying to Junxiu, 'You Come ask me. ’

However, Junxiu looked unbelievable: "Hey? Something good will fall on my head? How is this possible? Forget it.. I recorded it, I don't need that good thing."

"You know 'B1ack-eyed-peas'? (Black Eyed Peas

"I know, how could I not know about the 'Black Eyed Peas' that has been so popular all over the world for the past two years? What?"

"Fergie, the female lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas, is planning to make her own solo album. I have invited you, and you are the first person in Asia to be invited by the Black Eyed Peas!"

"Huh? Inviting me? Is there a mistake? How did she know about me? It seems that I'm not famous in Europe and America, right?"

"Hehe.. After Samsung cF was launched in Asia this time, someone put the advertisement on YouTube. Didn't you sing rap in English in it? After she saw it, she contacted us. She hopes to exchange music with you. , and hope to collaborate with you on her solo album."

Samsung's commercials are all over Asia, and Junxiu does have a great reputation in Asia because of the broadcast of "Full House". So it is normal for someone to put this short cF on YouTube. And this video website is the largest website in the world (except China/China), so it is not uncommon for them to see this work.

Junxiu smiled in surprise: "Is she going to ask me to be a producer? I'm more interested, hahaha..."

"And the producers. The Black Eyed Peas themselves are the best producers! They are talking about exchanging music. Of course, there are suitable songs that may be able to work with you."

Perhaps it was because of a misunderstanding in Lee Soo Man's translation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jun Soo was very upset when she heard these words. Having the right song doesn't have to work with you, it's just 'maybe'. What might this mean? Is it to see the mood? Is it a gift to yourself? In what Li Xiuman said, I felt that Fergie was a big star in the world, and she was completely aloof. It seems that what she said "maybe I might work with you" is not an endorsement of Junxiu's talent!

Since it is a kind of disapproval of his own music, Junxiu will of course not do anything hot to stick his cold buttocks, Junxiu has his own pride, he said dissatisfiedly: "Is this her reward to me, grace? Is there a suitable song? If there is a suitable song, it depends on whether I am willing to cooperate with her? What happened to the world star? At least I think I am a dignified musician!"

Li Xiuman looked at Junxiu's burst of disgust, and he was also stunned: "Uh... well, Junxiu, maybe my English comprehension is not enough? She doesn't mean that kind of arrogance, but really wants to make peace with her. You can exchange music. She said she liked the "anyc1ub" you made, and this time she came to Korea on her own initiative."

"She came to Korea on her own?" The people who took the initiative to come have already explained their attitude. If Junxiu was asked to go, it could also be said that she was pretending...

(To be continued.)

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