Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 319: HAHA's Wedding (Part 1)

On the last day of the month on November 30, there are also more awards ceremonies in South Korea as the year is approaching. Today is not only the "Qinglong Film Festival" on the film side. The 'MAMA Asian Music Ceremony' was held. I don't know why the big award ceremonies are all chosen to be held on this day at the same time. Of course, there was also the wedding of artist Ha Dong-hoon on this day, and Ha Dong-hoon's wedding was not bad at all compared to the awards ceremony, because there were too many big names in variety shows present.

He Dongxun went from a down-and-out entertainer to where he is today after Junxiu's help. On his happy day, countless big names and bigwigs in the variety show world came. This all stems from his diligent weaving of his personal network. He mixed into the variety show world after Junsu first pulled him, and in the variety show world he got the help of the 'great god' Yoo Jae-suk, so he began to exude his personal charm, which made Ha Dong-hoon, HAHA, Haroro, get loved by countless people.

Today is Ha Dong Hoon's birthday. The members of "No Pick" are here, and the members of "RM" are here. Kang Ho-dong is here, Yoo Jae-suk is here, and Kim Ji-dong is here. The three MCs that once appeared in "X-man" are also known as the three major mountain ranges in the variety show industry. It can be seen how well He Dongxun is getting along now, and Junxiu said jokingly: "I don't know whether so many people can come to my marriage?"

Because of Junxiu's network of contacts, he didn't take it seriously. So, there are only a few people who can hand out the invitation letter with his own hands. The words are so ugly that he can break them clearly with the fingers of both hands.

Now that Ha Dongxun is married, I don't know why Junsu feels a sense of loss in his heart? He is Junxiu's closest friend, the friend Junxiu meets the most in private, the friend the two get drunk the most with, and the friend who knows each other best. After today, Junxiu knows that he will not be as 'free' as before. In the past, Junxiu would definitely come to drink with him as long as he made a phone call. From now on... I will understand after reading more. It is only necessary to obtain the approval of the 'superior'.

On the way to the hotel, Junxiu asked the married senior 'his manager': "Ha Dongxun is also married, and there will be one less person to drink with in the future, right? After marriage, is it not so free? ?"

Faced with the topic of 'after marriage', the agent could only face Junsu's question with a bitter smile: "Hahaha~~ How do you say this? Let's see what you say? I don't know what you said" "Freedom" refers to a state of doing what one wants to do? Or is it a sense of freedom that two people feel at ease when they are together? Hmm~ There are advantages to getting married, and there are advantages to not getting married if you are not married."

Junxiu glanced at the agent angrily: "When I say 'freedom', does it mean that after marriage, even going out of the house will be restricted?"

"Restrictions? That's not enough, just ask. Because after marriage, there are two people, not what you want to do. As long as the two don't go out together, you go out alone, no matter what your other half is. They will all be worried. It’s like you’re going out for a drink. If you’re someone who knows how to stop drinking, it’s alright, but if you ask for a drink, it’s mainly because the other half will worry about what happens after drinking?”

The agent's words made Junxiu cry out in frustration: "Yeah~~ What is a person who is enough? What does it mean if I call it drinking?"

How can you not get drunk when drinking with Junxiu? The main reason is that his alcohol intake has exceeded that of ordinary people. How can he not get drunk in order to cooperate with him? Besides, men have a quirk when they drink together. As long as they drink it, they somehow hope that the other party is drunk. Therefore, before he is completely drunk, he will try his best to "pull the other party into the water". I don't know if this counts as a 'being in trouble' in a man's heart?

The agent smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "What I said is true. You are very famous in the circle for your alcohol intake. Xing, you must have seen the miserable state of He Dongxun after drinking with you. In the past, she It's because I didn't marry He Dongxun, I'm sorry to say it too hard, but it's different now. I guess she hears you calling her man now, and her heart is throbbing. Because He Dongxun used to be alone when he got drunk and went home alone. , it doesn't matter if he lives or dies. It's different now, he's two people after he goes back, and it's okay to sleep when he's drunk. If he vomits all over the floor... Do you think Xing hates you?"

After listening to the agent's explanation, Junxiu understood why he said that a man is in two states before and after marriage. And the "freedom" in his mouth will also disappear after marriage, that's because the two people have a common goal and yearning after marriage, and that is the real "home" of "home".

At home, there are people who are worried, and people who are waiting. In order to reduce their worries, they willingly gave up their 'freedom' outside. To build that home and the future of both of them.

Marriage is the sacrifice of both parties. You sacrifice some circles, Ta sacrifices some freedom, and then both parties work together to create a lifestyle that belongs to them. This is married life!


Junxiu said with a smile: "In order to avoid Xinglai hating me, it seems that I have to contact Ha Dongxun less in the future."

The agent continued Junxiu's words and said, "It's not that you should contact us less~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but it should be drinking less alcohol. If it is a normal meal accompanied by some alcohol, as long as it is in moderation, I can definitely say 'Xingxing'. 'I won't interfere with the friendship between the two of you. But every time you ask Ha Dong-hoon to go out and let him go back drunk, I think no one's wife will be happy. Let me tell you this? You are all addicted to alcohol, and you get drunk every day, I believe that no matter how much Taeyeon loves you, she will eventually be unable to bear it and leave, the reason is the same."

Wine is probably the last thing couples want to see each other stained with after marriage. However, in Korea and Japan, these two high-pressure countries, alcohol has become an indispensable means of communication in work and life. Do not drink, this word is really rarely heard in Korea.

Junxiu said with a smile: "I drink very little now, and I know the right amount. I won't drink like I used to be stupid, like drinking for the sake of getting drunk."

Junxiu's remarks immediately attracted the manager's disbelief.

Looking at the manager's appearance, Junxiu shouted: "Ah, I really drink very little, don't believe it, today I'm going to He Dongxun's wedding, see if I drink!"


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