Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 321: HAHA's Wedding (Part 2)

When Junsu appeared in the spotlight, Ha Donghoon's wedding scene instantly became boiling. As if it was a Junxiu concert, the guests sitting under the stage erupted into fiery screams. I don't know who the comedians in the audience are, and shouted in a loud voice: "Junxiu oppa~~ Sharon hey~~"

The sound of this "Sharon Hey" was so loud that it even overshadowed the current sound effects. After the sudden sound appeared, the whole audience burst into laughter. When Junxiu heard the voice, he instantly recognized who was shouting. Although Junxiu couldn't see where the person was sitting, it was pitch black, but he stopped singing the lyrics and responded to the loud shouting instead. : "Yingzi is angry, I love you too~~!"

Under the interaction between Junxiu and Li Yingzi, the guests present burst into laughter. Anyone who is familiar with the voice can tell that this voice is Li Yingzi, the senior comedian, because her voice is very distinctive. Li Yingzi is Junxiu Food's recommender, and the gourmet restaurants she knows have never failed. Moreover, her research on cooking is also very profound. She knows the taste of food raw materials very well. Li Yingzi is a gourmet, a real gourmet.

Yoona and Taeyeon in the guest room widened their eyes when they saw Junsu. Yoona turned her head to look at Taeyeon, as if asking her, 'Didn't you say Oppa won't come today? ' Taeyeon smiled and shook her head and said softly, "This oppa is still keeping it a secret from me, and I'll be cleaning him up later."

Taeyeon really didn't know that Junsu would be here today. She felt that even if Junsu planned to appear in a surprise way, she could let her know first, and it was impossible for her to reveal anything in advance. But Junxiu didn't even hide it from her, which made Taeyeon a little dissatisfied. She pouted at Junxiu's performance. The three-minute song passed quickly, and Junsu came to Ha Dongxun and gave him a hug: "Haha brother, happy wedding."

He Dongxun also smiled happily after receiving the blessing of his good brother: "Wow.. Junxiu, why are you here? Didn't you call yesterday and you were still overseas? Ya~~~"

Just when Ha Dongxun was moved by Junsu's arrival, he suddenly shouted "Yeah" at Junsu. Because after Junxiu hugged Ha Dongxun, he actually stretched out his hands towards the bride, and the comedians in the audience also burst into laughter at Junxiu's behavior: "Hahaha~~ This Junxiu~~"

Junxiu withdrew his hand and said to HAHA: "Of course I came back specially for your wedding, didn't I promise to send a congratulatory song at your wedding? It's a man's principle to do what I say. Well, I wish you a happy wedding again. I will leave first to participate in the awards."

Junxiu came back on purpose to sing a congratulatory song at his wedding, and he had to leave immediately after staying at the wedding site for less than five minutes. What else can Ha Dong-hoon say besides being moved? He nodded and patted Junxiu on the shoulder: "Thank you, Junxiu! By the way, we are going to Phuket after my wedding. Many people are going. If you have nothing to do after the awards, come and play."

"Hee hee~~ I heard that you actually chose to travel with your friends on your honeymoon. I'll go say hello to Brother Zaishi and leave first."


After Junxiu got off the stage, he came to Liu Zaishi's "Infinite Challenge" table and greeted them with a smile: "Brother Shi, everyone, I won't stay here to participate in 'MAMA', and the agent is still waiting downstairs. What about me. If you eat, drink, and play, I'll go first."

After greeting Liu Zaishi and others, Junxiu went to Kim Jongguk's table to talk, and then came to Taeyeon and Yoona's side. Before they could speak, Junxiu said first: " I'll go first, and I'll have to put on makeup after the past. You two should pay attention to safety and drink less alcohol. I told Brother Zhong Guo and Brother Zaishi to take care of the two of you. I'll go first, and we'll talk when we come back. ."

Junxiu came in a hurry and left in a hurry. Those who came to the wedding felt how much Junxiu attached great importance to friendship. He could deliberately go around such a big circle for his friend's wedding. In fact, he had to leave after only staying for five minutes at the wedding venue, so even if he didn't come, Ha Dongxun would have completely understood it. But he insisted on coming back even when there was only one congratulatory song, so he could see Junxiu's character.

Junsu didn't wait for Taeyeon and Yoona to answer, and hurriedly left the wedding venue with a trot. Junxiu had just stepped out of the gate, but there were still reporters waiting at the door. The reporters swarmed around after seeing Junxiu come out of the venue for two seconds.

Junxiu looked at the reporters surrounded, he kept saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't accept your visit today. I have to go to the airport immediately, and if I delay here for a while, my flight will not be able to catch up. "

Listening to Junxiu rushing to the airport, the reporters were too embarrassed to block him, so they had to let him go. When Junxiu ran to the elevator and waited for the elevator, the reporter seized the opportunity to ask: "Junxiu xi, about HAHA's marriage, do you have any questions? What do you want to say?"

"Of course I wish the two of them a happy wedding! Alright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have to rush to the ceremony." Junxiu left the venue as quickly as lightning.

The reporters were asking, when did Junxiu arrive? They were always waiting in front of the venue, why didn't they see Junxiu coming? As they flipped through the news on their phones, they saw a news update that Junsu had returned to South Korea an hour earlier. Because there are always reporters waiting at the Incheon Airport, Junsu’s appearance at the airport when he returns to China is naturally because the reporters were photographed. The reporters in Incheon thought that Junsu came back to participate in the ‘Blue Dragon Film Festival’.

As a result, Junsu did not attend the 'Blue Dragon Film Festival'. After his film was released, it reached the fastest breaking 10 million film, but he did not participate in any film festivals in South Korea. Not long ago, their "Gwanghae" won a full 15 trophies at the "Daebell Awards", and it was in the case that Junsu, the leading actor, was not present.

Since Junxiu did not participate in the 'Big Bell Awards', he would definitely not be able to participate in the 'Blue Dragon Film Festival', otherwise, Junxiu would definitely offend an organizer. He simply did not attend all the 'film festivals', so he chose to attend the music awards ceremony.

Some time ago, Junsu released the prelude song in the United States, and he was unable to attend due to overseas trips. And the 'Big Bell Award' didn't mind Junsu's absence, and awarded him the trophy that belonged to Junsu.

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