Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 331: Minhyuk's American Dream

Chapter 331 Min Hyuk's American Dream (Page 1/1)

On the last day of 2012, the "doomsday" rumored all over the world has not yet come. As the New Year is approaching, everyone in this world has a happy smile on their faces. The rumored end of the world in 2012 is just a joke from yesterday, and everyone has long forgotten it. Since noon today, Junxiu's mobile phone has been receiving New Year's greetings messages from all parties.

Why is it noon? Because he is in New York, the noon time here in New York is the beginning of the New Year on the Asian side. This year, he is again waiting to participate in this year's New Year's Eve concert in Times Square, New York. He has become a frequent visitor to this New Year's Eve concert. Every year, he is invited to this stage to join the enthusiastic fans at the scene. New Years.

In the past few years, Junsu has had to stop all year-end activities in South Korea because of the New Year's Eve concert in the United States, including the TV awards ceremony. He has works released every year, but he has no time to go back to the awards every year. Although it was a pity that Junxiu couldn't be present at the TV station, the TV station was much more accessible than those large organizers. They don't care whether Junxiu is present or not at their awards, it should be his award that will never say that he will give it to others if he is not present.

Because ah, the ratings of the TV dramas that Junxiu starred in are displayed there. You can clearly see these when you check them online. At the beginning, Junxiu's TV series made a lot of money for your TV station. Don't you even give an award in the end? Is it handsome? This is beyond words. So, TV awards are not as picky as those 'grand ceremonies'.

The waiting room for the New Year's Eve concert is in a hotel not far away. This year, there is a busy man called Min Hyuk in the waiting room of Junxiu. He came all the way to New York to participate in the New Year's Eve with Junxiu? Does this make Junxiu very confused? But what he said to Junxiu was that he had been busy for so many years, and it was not until this year's New Year's Eve that he gave himself a vacation, so he came to New York to watch Junxiu's New Year's Eve.

In Junsu’s waiting room, Minhyuk looked at the various snacks on Junsu’s table. He smiled and said, “Your habit is still the same. You always like to put some snacks on the table.” He said. Then, he casually opened a bag of potato chips. Junxiu, who was sitting next to him receiving makeup, didn't even have time to say a word, he had already opened it.

Junxiu shook his head and said, "I don't have the habit of eating snacks. I used to ask you to prepare snacks for Yunho and the others. I thought that everyone could use snacks to fill their stomachs a little while they were waiting for makeup. Except for the water on this table, which is mine, all these snacks are prepared by Tyler."

When Min Hyuk heard that he was not Junxiu, he was so frightened that he ate a potato chip and immediately put the potato chip back in his hand. Junxiu glanced at him and smiled: "I said, you've already opened it, why do you put it back? Eat as much as you want, it's rare to see you, a busy representative, eating snacks. Seriously, what do you think this year? It's New Year's Eve in the United States? Don't tell me that you are here for inspection, and you must say that you plan to let the company's children enter the American market."

Junsu really didn't know why this busy man came to New York all of a sudden. Even if he was giving himself a vacation as he said, it should be Hawaii, a warm island like the Maldives, and no matter how bad it is, go to Los Angeles instead of New York, which is very cold. New York is a cosmopolitan city, and its urban rhythm is even faster than that of Seoul. From a fast-paced city to a faster city, is this really a vacation?

Maybe Minhyuk has his own ideas for his vacation, just like many people who have never been to Europe, always choose big cities in Europe as their travel destinations. But they forget that the European way of life is slow-paced. Those companies in European countries start their lunch time in two hours. And many countries in Europe are the same, as long as there is any dissatisfaction, they will start a strike, and then take to the streets to protest.

So Junsu thinks that Minhyuk may have his purpose in coming to New York for New Year's Eve. After thinking about it, Junsu finds that his purpose seems to be to enter the United States. This seems to be a common problem for those large brokerage companies in Korea. Yes, YG has it, JYP also has this problem. The three largest brokerage companies in Korea have this problem, and now because JS Entertainment has a branch called '', Junsu's brokerage company has also become a big company in one fell swoop.

In addition, Hyuna, Lee Ji-eun, SISTAR, and Zheng Eun-di, who has been very popular recently because of the "Please Answer" series, came out of the company's girl groups. Junsu wondered if Minhyuk also moved his 'American heart'?

The main reason is that Junxiu does not do well in Europe and the United States. He is now a world-class 'singer', and every time his music is released, it will occupy the billboard in the United States and the music charts in many overseas countries. So, will Minhyuk think of pushing his own children over and letting Junsu take care of them?

So Junsu doesn't care if Minhyuk thinks this way or not, he puts out his 'American Dream' ahead of time at this moment. If it's really just a vacation, then Junsu will cut off his American dream in advance and let him go. He has since dismissed the idea.

Junxiu went on to say the last sentence: "Remember, our company, Japan can go, Huaxia can go, but it must not go to European and American countries~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because the entertainment circle here is more cruel than South Korea. The way forward. ."

Minhyuk smiled and shook his head and said, "Oh, don't worry, I really want to come and see 'Liberty'. I also want to come and urge you, but you promised to sing songs for GSD's children, and This year, you also promised to put more attention on your own children. Isn't the New Year coming, by the way, when will you go back? "

Maybe Minhyuk had such a little idea of ​​'America', but after seeing Junsu's strong opposition, he stopped thinking about it. Because he knew that even after Girls' Generation and the others appeared on American shows, Junsu ordered them to return to Korea, and he would never let them stay in the United States too much to develop.

In Junsu’s words, despite me doing well in the U.S., I still spend more time in Korea throughout the year because Korea is our home base.

This is what Junsu does, and every year he has at least one work in Korea. Whether it is a music work or a film and television work, he will never put his work in Europe and the United States ahead of his career in Korea. The career in South Korea is the focus of his work.

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