Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 333: Arrive in Tokyo

Girls' Generation's new album was released on the first day of the new year, although it did not receive any good reviews from the so-called critics on the day of release. But they are Girls' Generation, and the name alone is enough to boost their sales, and this is Girls' Generation's new album after nearly a year of separation, which is a day to celebrate for fans who have been waiting for it.

Although the outside world thinks that the title song in Girls' Generation's album is a bit inexplicable, these comments will not affect their results, and the album's sales have exceeded 200,000 copies at the time of pre-sale. In this digital age, the sales of physical albums are very good, not to mention that they have reached 200,000 in pre-sale this time. Such a result is enough to show that their status as the "Queen" is unshakable.

Junsu has been pressing Girls' Generation's title song as a 'single repeat' and has been hearing about Tokyo from the United States, and Junsu quietly came to Japan like this. Unconsciously, Junxiu has lived in the city of Tokyo for almost ten years, and he has gradually become familiar with everything here. The city not only has one of his homes, but also his hers.

A cold wind hit when he came out of the airport, and Junsu had to tighten his neck. He came from Los Angeles yesterday. No matter how cold it is in winter, it is still 20 degrees, so Junxiu is naturally dressed in autumn clothes, but the moment he came out of the airport wearing autumn clothes, he felt that his whole body was frozen.

Fortunately, Junxiu brought a woolen hat when he came back this time. After passing the customs, he quickly buttoned the hat on his head. When Junxiu was unbearably cold when he left the airport, a tall woman appeared in his field of vision. She was wearing a wool cap, earmuffs, and a high scarf to cover her appearance, revealing There are only two big eyes.

And these big eyes turned into smiling eyes the moment they saw Junxiu, and a gentleness also radiated from their eyes. Although the corners of her mouth were covered by a scarf, Junxiu had already 'seen' her bright smile. She stretched out one hand and waved at Junxiu, while the other hand had a thick down jacket hanging on her arm.

Aragaki Yui knew that Junxiu came back from Los Angeles, and the temperature difference between the two places was very large, so when she came to pick up the plane today, she specially brought Junxiu's down jacket.

Junxiu came to Yui with a full smile and first gave her a big hug to resolve their lovesickness. Yuyi smiled happily and enjoyed a moment of tenderness in Junxiu's arms, then quickly separated from him, and then put the down jacket in his hand on Junxiu's body: "Your cheeks are cold, put them on first. You really~ You know that Tokyo is so cold, you still wear this little bit? Los Angeles has no down jackets..."

Originally, Yui wanted to say if there is no down jacket to sell in Los Angeles? But she immediately thought that the weather in Los Angeles was similar to that in Hawaii. Even in the early hours of the morning, the lowest temperature there was in the 10's. In such weather, there was no need for down jackets. Naturally, there were no down jackets for sale there. . Possibly, but definitely not common.

Listening to Yui's gentle remarks, Junxiu smiled softly and stretched out her hand on Yui's cheek, and said to Yui softly, "Hehe~ We have lost weight, so we don't need to lose weight in winter. Haven't eaten anything delicious recently? Go, go home, and I'll make you fat."

Yui nodded gently and took Junxiu's arm and left the airport. Passengers from all over the world, or Japanese returning to Japan, did not realize that the romantic couple standing at the airport door was their national girl. Actor 'Aragaki Yui' and world superstar 'JS Junsu'.


On the way home, Yui occasionally casts gentle eyes and a warm smile at Junxiu while driving the car. Even if he is sitting beside her now, she still misses him for some reason. If she hadn't had to concentrate on driving Yuyi, she would have been staring at him and holding him. I haven't seen each other for several months, and this longing has been accumulated until today.

Junxiu lit a cigarette in the car and smoked slowly. She hadn't smoked for more than ten hours on the plane, and Yui also understood Junxiu's craving. After all, there are quite a lot of people who smoke in this circle. She couldn't possibly avoid the smell of smoke, so she got used to it gradually. But when she saw Junxiu smoking, she still had to say a few words: "Oppa, when you can hold it back, you should smoke two less, after all, this thing is not good for your health."

"I know, by the way, I called you a few days ago, didn't you say that there is no work arrangement in the future? I don't know if you have any plans to travel here? If not, come back to Korea with me. ?"

At the end of the year, Yui Aragaki served as the host of the 'Japan Record Awards', and Junxiu deliberately chatted with Yui before the show was broadcast live, because this was her first time as the host of the 'Awards Ceremony' Work, so Junxiu thought about giving her some encouragement, and at the same time expressing that he still cares about her even in a foreign country, not saying that he has no time to miss her overseas.

At that time, Yui said that after today's work is over, she has no work arrangements in the near future~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, Junxiu also proposed to ask her to go to Korea together, because he moved to a new home in Korea, I plan to ask Yui to come and take a look. And during this time, Girls' Generation was busy with their song promotion period, Junsu and Taeyeon hardly had time to meet, so Junsu also boldly invited Yui to Korea.

At that time, Yui did not immediately respond to Junxiu to go, or not to go, she just responded "let's talk about it". And didn't Yui keep saying that she wanted to travel overseas some time ago? But due to the language problem, and time did not allow it, she could only put this idea in her heart.

However, she finally had a rare time recently, she just wondered if this idea would come to her mind again?

She has been out for so many years, but she has never given herself a good vacation, allowing herself to completely relax and rest. So taking advantage of this long vacation, she can go out for a walk, and this time she is no longer for work, but to completely relax her mood. There is no reason for Junxiu to force her to go to Korea with him to live for a while.

Of course Junxiu hoped that she would go with him while she was resting in the next time, so that he would have time to accompany Yui every day.

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