Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Hot Spring Hotel (Part 1)

On the shallow snow-covered road along the lake road, the footprints of the two handsome and handsome were left. The mirror-like lake surface was dyed sparkling in the sky, and the wind gently swayed the lake surface and their hearts at the same time. . The extremely quiet street Junxiu held Yui's hand and strolled by the lake like that. When they stepped on the thin snow layer on the ground, the creaking sound was like a beautiful movement.

Snow-white Mount Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi with green waves, and the person he loves beside him, this is the most beautiful picture of life. Junxiu turned her head to look at Yui with a woolen hat and ear bags next to her. She also showed an extremely sweet smile to him because of Junxiu's turning of her head. The smile and the things she was wearing made Yui extremely cute.

Yui's happy expression and her cute appearance infected Junxiu, her heart was extremely steady at this moment, in fact, what the two needed was very simple. Junxiu clenched her hand tightly in her palm: "Aga, we won't be going to Europe in two days, it's just as cold in Europe. Why don't we go to Tahiti, where it's as quiet as here. "

Tahiti is a world-class resort on par with the Maldives and Bali. But what sets Tahiti apart from the other two archipelagos is that it takes a high-end route. Tahiti is not only difficult to get a visa, but also expensive! But the price is justified, because it is very quiet there, the privacy on the island is very good, and the most important thing is that the 'Huaxia's Auntie Group' has not yet captured there.

Mainly because everything over there is too expensive. First of all, there are no discounted tickets for round-trip air tickets, and hotels over there don't expect discounts all year round. There is also a very high consumption there. A simple lunch for the two is slightly cheaper, starting at 200 euros, and a meal alone is enough for a flight to Phuket for the ‘Huaxia Auntie Group’.

Therefore, American travel magazines rated Tahiti as "one of the top ten attractions in your life you must save money to." The sea water there is said to be very rich, far beyond the Maldives and other places. Also because there is a high-end route there, there are very few people who have been there. If there are fewer people, the protection of the natural environment will be much better than the Maldives and other places.

Although the leisure items of island vacations are similar, snorkeling, parasailing, speedboats, etc., but because of the quiet environment there and the high-end routes set by itself, there are few tourists, which is deeply loved by European and American stars. So when you go there, you may pass by a big Hollywood star when you are strolling leisurely.

Of course, people who can go there are basically not so rude, so even if they see a passing star there, it is impossible for someone to immediately take out their mobile phone to take a picture or something. Most of them are just a nod to say hello, and the star will respond to your polite greeting.

Yui listened to Junxiu saying to go to Tahiti, she turned her head to look at him: "Does oppa want to go to Tahiti?" Yui Aragaki, who grew up on the island since she was a child, has no special hobby for the island. If she really wants to choose, maybe she wants to go to Europe more. Of course, if Junxiu wanted to go to Tahiti, she would also be willing to go there for vacation with him.

Junxiu shook his head and said, "It's not that I definitely want to go there. Relatively speaking, I just think that there are fewer people there. And the weather and the surrounding environment there are very good at this time, it doesn't matter, you If we want to go to Europe, let’s go to Europe. It’s not easy to be recognized when we go to Europe in this weather.”

Yui nodded and said, "That's what I mean, Europe is also in the northern hemisphere, and the weather there should be similar to Tokyo, so no one will recognize us when we go shopping dressed like this."

"Well, then go to Europe. The weather in Tahiti is always good. We will wait for the next vacation." Junxiu looked up at the distant Mount Fuji and said with emotion: "Hey.. The spring here must be more beautiful than in the photos. The cherry trees by the lake, the cherry blossom rain, the white hats of Mount Fuji in the distance, and the bicycles. It is a beautiful painting when I think of it, Aga~ Spring Let's come here again, I think I like it here."

Junxiu's words make Yui feel very happy, especially since he's 'wishing' to come back in spring, which means that he can accompany him during this year's rest time. Just thinking about it can make Yui feel happy.

She nodded with a brilliant smile and said, "Okay, anyway, I shouldn't be too busy in the first half of the year. As long as you can spare time, Oppa, let's come over."

"Well. I shouldn't have too many personal arrangements in the first half of this year. Let's go, go back to dinner, admire the moon, and go to the soup."


When the two returned to the hotel, the room service staff came to their room without two minutes and began to place the finished tableware. Junxiu looked at the time and it was only five o'clock. Although it was getting dark outside, wouldn't it be too early to eat?

Junxiu casually asked the waiter, "Did you start eating so early?"

The waiter in kimono responded to Junxiu: "Sir, our meal time is from 5:30 to 7:30 in the evening. You can call us at any time during this time. I will not disturb you. You rest."

Junxiu nodded with satisfaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the waiter left, Yui came out of the bedroom wrapped in a bath towel, she smiled at Junxiu and said, "I'll wash my body first, come here quickly. ."

Before entering the hot spring in Japan, you have to take a shower before entering the hot spring. Because most hot springs are public, you must take a bath and then soak before entering the public hot spring. But people like Junxiu who have an open-air hot spring in their room also do this. That is to warm up their body before entering the hot spring, lest the temperature difference between the room and the outdoors is too large, and the sudden temperature difference will cause the blood vessels to shrink sharply.

After a while, Junxiu also went to the bathroom naked. When he arrived, he got dressed and simply rinsed. After Junxiu arrived, she put the chair in front of her and let Junxiu sit in front of her. She washes Junsu herself.

Yui was also sitting behind Junxiu in red fruit and rubbed his back seriously: "Oppa, how long has it been since you washed your back? There are so many 'noodles'. You~~ I never take a shower seriously, I think it's simple. Just rinse it twice."

Junxiu smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm not in the United States, where is there anyone who rubs my back? Besides, I want to rub my back myself, but my hands can't reach it. So it's better to stay at home~ ~”

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