Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 343: "Li Shunxin" (Part 2)

At the filming site of "Best Lee Soon-shin" in Seongbuk-dong, the road that was not very wide was now occupied by 'N' many nanny cars and TV station work vehicles. Fortunately, most of the people who live here do not have private cars yet, and those who have cars basically live in mansions in Seongbuk-dong. However, the residents who live in the mansion are still very supportive of the shooting, so the shooting here did not affect too many people.

Because it is a long-length TV series, the filming time is very long, and the borrowed place must choose a venue that will not cause inconvenience to the surrounding area. Therefore, after the crew's investigation of Chengbei Cave, everything is very suitable, and there are many insiders living here. It may affect their travel, but everyone in the circle will definitely understand.

All the actors in today's shooting scene sat and chatted together in twos and threes. I don't know if it was during the filming break or waiting for the filming to start. The actors were all wearing extra-long down jackets sitting in front of the oven and reaching out their hands to receive the warmth it brought.

Of course, Yoo In Na and Lee Ji Eun were sitting together chatting, she smiled and said to Ji Eun, "Have you watched the news on the Internet? Your teacher is back, and as soon as he came back, he went to the TV station to watch Girls' Generation's stage, and he also invited fans from his childhood. Let's drink coffee. Now the Internet is all about how warm he is."

"Teacher is back?" Li Zhien glanced at Liu Renna in surprise, then continued to hold his own script with his head down and looked at it: "I can't finish the script now, so I don't have time to read any online news. Hey~~ This is This is the first time I feel that there are too many lines and it is tiring. I have to recite them, and I have to figure out how to act in my mind in advance. I really don’t know how the teacher does when he is acting in a TV series? Gu Wenbi this Isn't modern drama more difficult?"

Yoo In Na also appeared in the costume drama "Queen Inxian", many of her lines are ancient words and phrases from the Joseon Dynasty, and it is indeed a bit difficult to recite. (This is like the difference between our classical Chinese and modern Chinese. Many sentences in ancient Chinese are different from modern expressions.)

Liu Renna nodded and said: "Well, when there are many sentences in Guwen that we don't understand, we all have to understand the meaning of the sentences in advance before we can play the feeling we need in the play. The ancient lines in costume dramas are not for us to get the script. After that, rote memorization will do.”

After listening to Yoo In Na talking about the hard work of costume dramas, Li Zhi Eun sighed: "Hey~~ Modern dramas are so tired, costume dramas... Forget it, I definitely don't want to take costume dramas."

Just as the two of them were chatting, the staff called to them: "Zhien xi, someone is visiting the class."

Exploring class? Both Lee Ji Eun and Yoo In Na raised their heads at the same time and looked at the periphery of the set, only to see Junsu standing at the director's place and talking about something? "Teacher (Junsu)?"

After Junxiu looked at the two looking at him, he smiled and waved at the two of them, and then continued to say to the director: "Director xi, what time did your crew book for dinner? , I have to notify there to deliver food."

"Our meal time is from six o'clock to eight o'clock. We are a long-form drama, so the actors have to take turns eating, so the meal time dragged on for a long time. Thank you very much, Junxiu xi, come to visit the class and give us a gift buffet."

"It's okay, if there is something wrong with Zhien, please bear with me."

The director smiled and nodded, and then he took his loud voice on the scene and said to all the staff and actors: "Everyone, pay attention, Junsu came to visit Lee Ji Eun and Yoo In Na, he ordered a buffet dinner at the hotel for everyone, everyone. Thank you so much for Junsu and our actors Lee Ji Eun and Yoo In Na!!”

When the staff heard that there was a hotel-style buffet dinner today, they all exclaimed excitedly: "Wow~~Thank you~! Thank you, Junxiu!!"

Junsu came to the two of them amid everyone's gratitude, and both Lee Ji Eun and Yoo In Na stood up to greet Junsu. And Li Zhien whispered to Junxiu: "Teacher, you are very generous. The buffet dinner in the hotel? There are nearly 80 people in our working group. Don't you spend millions? Just buy some drinks."

Junxiu stretched out his hand and pinched Li Zhien's face: "Isn't this the first time for us Zhien to be a leading actress? Of course I have to be more generous as a teacher, so that everyone will be more tolerant of you. You have never heard of 'eat people' Is your mouth soft'?"

Junxiu's sensibility and ideals are good, but Li Zhien ruthlessly hit him: "The ratings are high, and the director will naturally tolerate some minor mistakes. If the ratings are bad, you won't have any big meals. What a tolerance."

Junsu handed the 'warm sticker' he took from the Girls' Generation waiting room to Lee Ji Eun and Yoo In Na: "Hehe~ That's for sure. However, your drama schedule went away in March, before the results were released. Director Li will take care of you a lot for the sake of this buffet. This thing is attached to your vest, chest, and if you are shooting a night scene, the soles of your feet will also be attached. Don't feel embarrassed, keep warm this day the most important thing."

Junxiu has experienced filming in the cold winter, so he clearly knows how important these little things are, especially during nighttime scenes, his feet are like freezing, so keeping the temperature of his feet will warm up a lot. .

"Understood, thank you teacher (thank Junxiu After the two put away Junxiu's warm post, Li Zhien looked at Junxiu and said, "Teacher, do you have any plans after coming back this time?"

Li Zhien asked Junxiu's 'arrangement' to ask him if he had any idea of ​​releasing an album~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu shook his head and responded to Li Zhien: "Let's talk about it after a break, I may have more time to work with the company's girl group first. The matter. You know, Minhyuk is about to scold people for this."

"Hahaha~~ He scolds you in front of me every day."

Junxiu shrugged helplessly: "Just scold, I can't hear it anyway. It's the first time with so many scenes, how does it feel?"

Li Zhien pouted and said, "It's just that it's really tiring to memorize the lines. In fifty episodes, I have more than 100 lines in each episode. And when I was shooting, I was jumping and jumping, which was a little troublesome."

Junxiu rubbed Li Zhien's head with a smile and said softly: "Of course, there are multiple scenes in one scene, and of course they have to be used multiple times."

This is the difference between a supporting role and a protagonist. The supporting role is a fixed segment when she has her part in the scene, so there is no dance scene shooting for the supporting role, she only needs to cooperate with the schedule.

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