Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 354: Origin of the squad

Junxiu sat in the elevator still very puzzled about the issue of the 'squad' in the new group. He didn't know what purpose Minhyuk had for such a stupid arrangement? After all, there is a small team in a girl group that has debuted for less than a year? What do you want to do? Will this give other members a psychological hint that the company is going to give up other members?

It's impossible to say that the team was formed after imitating 'Girls' Generation', right? Girls' Generation set up a team because other members had other work arrangements at that time, and the three of Tedi Xu did not have any jobs at that time, so the team of Tedi Xu was launched. But what about their EXID? Even if you haven't done a good job in your own combination, there will be a small team? This is too absurd, right?

Junxiu came to Minhyuk's office with a lot of questions in his head. Minhyuk knew early on that Junsu had arrived. He didn't know if he was pretending, or if he was really working. In short, after Junsu came in, he kept his head down and ignored Junsu, but was dealing with some documents.

Junxiu stood in front of him with a light smile and nodded his head: "Fake, continue to pretend, how long do you have to pretend today?"

Minhyuk raised his head and glanced at Junxiu: "What are you pretending, what do I pretend to do, see? This is the agreement to arrange the release of our movie!" After he finished speaking, he closed the folder in his hand and continued. Said: "The Gift of Room 7 you ordered is going to be released at the end of this month. Sign an agreement with the cinema, what do you think."

"Oh? That small investment movie you mentioned, have you watched the movie? How is it?" Junxiu picked up the document in front of him and looked at the broadcast sharing agreement signed between the theater CGV and the company.

Minhyuk nodded and said, "Look, the story is very touching. However, you shouldn't expect too much from such a movie. If the box office can reach 2 million times, we will make a profit." The small investment movie is still not so promising, the story is very warm, there are no exciting fights, special effects, on the other hand, it tells the touching story of the prison.

The story is very bland, nothing thrilling, but a little comedy and full of warmth. In this era of commercial films, Minhyuk feels that the market for such warm films is very small.

"I see, I didn't have much expectations. I just wanted to accumulate experience for the company's 'investment' and lay a solid foundation for future big productions!"

Min Hyuk smiled and said, "Let's go and take a seat. I'll ask the secretary to go down and buy you coffee when you come in. How's the preparation of the children's songs during this time?"

The two sat in the reception area, Junxiu crossed Erlang's legs and took a cigarette that Minhyuk handed him to him, lit it and took two sips before saying, "I'll talk about the song later, I want to ask you, that Xu Solzhi. Why did their EXID suddenly come out with a small team? It seems that they have not debuted for a year. At this time, they set up a small team..."

When Junxiu talked about this, Minhyuk laughed: "I thought what was going on, you said they were a team. This time their song was written by the Sinsadong Tiger, and he said it was imitated by you. SISTAR's music style came and then gave it to us. After I took the song, of course I gave it to their group to publish, but the group couldn't integrate such a style song, and the whole team was adapting to the choreography. , No matter how you practice, it looks very awkward. The dance teacher said that it may be that everyone's practice content on weekdays does not have 'sexy' choreography and dance moves. So some people are very ugly to such dances, only Xu Sol Chi and Hani are doing better. We arranged for the two of them to form a team, which the team members agreed. Now the company has begun to strengthen the practice of 'sexy' dance moves for all debut artists and trainees ."

After listening to Minhyuk's explanation, Junsu finally understood, because the 'Sexy' style was his first application in a girl group. Therefore, the former trainees did not have any practice for some of the more provocative dance moves.

When the 'sexy' style became popular in the market, the brokerage company began to hurry up to train children's 'sexy' dance. But some people are more receptive to such dance moves and learn it quickly, but some people are always a little bit resistant to dance moves in their hearts, so it is more difficult for them to learn. It's not that their dancing talent is not good, but an inexplicable sense of resistance, which caused them to be unable to perform dance moves.

The dance movement may be a charming hair lift, a **** wiping mouth, or a charming look, a big hip and so on. But these actions are too **** for some underage girls. Maybe Junsu is now making 'sexy' a kind of 'beauty' instead of Sao in everyone's eyes, but many people still need some time to accept it.

Junxiu then sighed: "Hey~~Sexy is an interpretation of beauty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is a way of releasing the beauty of a woman through form and other means. When animals send Qing, they also emit smell, Or say it twice, can't women bloom their beauty? It can only be said that we in Asia are still too conservative."

Just as Junsu was talking about the Sexy that the woman showed, the secretary who went to buy coffee came in. After she came in, she put the coffee in front of Junsu and Minhyuk, and then she twisted her hip-packed skirt and went out.

Both Junxiu and Minhyuk's eyes fell on her back. Minhyuk didn't know what to think. The secretary's appearance and figure were really good, I wonder if it was Xiaomi that he raised. However, all this has nothing to do with Junsu, how to live is his choice, and Minhyuk now has the money ability. Neither of them asked too much about their personal lives, just like he never asked about Junsu's life.

"Even if it is open, it will take some time to transition. Not too far away, have you ever seen female classmates take the initiative to lift their skirts to their thighs when you were studying? Well, it seems that there are too, right? But those who lift their skirts up Which of the women on the thighs is not out in the society? You are looking at the miniskirts and shorts in the summer, one by one can't wait to wear underwear on the street. So, it's not too conservative. But it takes a certain amount of time to accept, you have to know that Asians are still very accepting."

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