Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 365: happy and sweet

?Chapter 365 Happiness, Sweetness (Page 1/1)

After Mai bought the socks, she went home and waited for the shooting tonight. On the way home, she took her mobile phone and started a message with Shayou Matsumura: "Silly girl, I just went out to buy something and met Junxiu senior. "Tonight, she and Sha Yuri are both recording the show, and they must be able to get in touch soon before the show starts.

However, Sha Yuri on the other end of the phone fell silent immediately after receiving the text message. She looked at the text on it with a complicated mood, and thought it was a bit ridiculous when she looked back. She held the phone like that for a long time and didn't know how to reply to this message. Looking back, I don't know what happened to me at the time? Why do you suddenly want to get into Junsu's arms? Knowing that there is such a big gap between the two, he fantasizes about the story of Cinderella, but how can there be so many Cinderella in real life?

Sha Yuri, who didn't know how to reply, received the second message from Mai: "After seeing Junxiu senior, he took the initiative to greet me. He was still very gentle and unassuming as the last time we met. I think It's strange, he is so busy, he is always in Japan when he has no schedule? We had a brief chat on the way to the Ji'an Temple. He said that the person he loves is in Japan, so he will stay there when he is resting. Japan. I saw the woman Junsu said he loved, but I only saw the back, not the front."

This message clearly states the reason why Junsu will appear in Japan, and the fact that there is such a woman beside him. Only then did Sha Yuri reply the message to Mai: "It turns out that he has someone he likes in Japan. Haha~~ It's silly to think of that time, me. He actually showed his love to Junxiu-senpai. But, to be honest, he really He is a very good man, and I sincerely wish him.”

"Yes, Senior Junxiu is really gentle and kind. If I become famous in the future, I will also learn from Senior Junxiu and never put on airs."

"Hee hee~ Come on, I'm waiting for the day you become famous! By the way, is the opening of the evening at the gate of the racecourse?"

"Well, I think it's strange to say that it's at the racecourse. I'm still getting ready to put on makeup. I'll stop talking, see you later in the evening."


While Mai Shiraishi and Sa Yuri Matsunura were chatting with Junxiu, he pushed Yui's shopping cart and the two picked food and fruit in the fresh food area. There are really very few people in the fresh food area of ​​Ji'an Palace. There are only two or three people in the huge fresh food area. The people who come to this store mainly focus on the cosmeceutical part, and the fresh items are only bought by the aunts, but those are housewives. They also come to visit in the morning. Dinner is over.

So Junxiu and Yui pushed the shopping cart to browse the vegetables and fresh fruits here, Junxiu picked up the oranges and said, "Aga, buy some oranges, I like Japanese oranges very much (after the introduction of China, they are called ugly oranges, I don't know fire) ."

Yui nodded, then she picked out the bright red persimmons and said, "oppa, do you want to eat persimmons? These are not crispy, but very sweet."

"Okay." After the two bought vegetables and fruits, they went to the front desk to settle the bill. This trip mainly comes to buy photo frames, and fruit and other items are included.

Junxiu was going to touch his wallet when he scanned the QR code to check out. When he touched the empty pocket, Junxiu's expression changed. He looked into the supermarket in panic and muttered, "My wallet.." Before she finished speaking, Yui took out Junxiu's purse from her clothes pocket and shook it towards him. Junxiu patted her chest: "It scared me to death!"

"What's your memory? When you were driving, you told me to put it here. It's inconvenient for you to put it in your pocket. What's the password?" Yui casually opened Junxiu's wallet and took out the bank card from Japan to pay. Because Junsu didn't exchange Japanese yen when he returned to Japan this time, he still had some euros on him, but he couldn't use it here. He didn't withdraw the money because he was going back to Korea early tomorrow morning, and he didn't think it was necessary.

When Junxiu entered the password, there was no Yuyi in this file. Yuyi looked at Junxiu's six-digit password. After seeing it clearly, she suddenly laughed: "Puchi~~ Your password..." The password Junxiu entered was Yui's birthday '88, 06, 11' is just such a simple password, but Yui was moved.

With the items she bought, she was also touched by Junxiu invisibly, and Yui's mood instantly improved.

On the way back, it was obvious that her words became more and more, as if she had been drinking, Yui became a 'talker' in the car. She started to think about it on the way back with a photo frame. This frame contained this photo, and that frame contained that photo. She was excited and moved.

After returning home, Yui began to print photos on the computer in the studio. Yui is a person who likes to take pictures, and the photos of her and Junxiu are not suitable for taking outside to be developed, so they can only be prepared at home. printer. Fortunately, in the digital age, photo printers are getting smaller and cheaper, so Yui bought one last year and kept it at home.

When Yui was busy choosing photos in the studio, Junxiu was lying on the sofa with an iPad, and watching the documentary "Passion Continent" on YouTube. .

After a while, Yui chose the photo, so she didn't have to wait in front of the computer for printing. She came out and saw Junxiu watching her documentary. She smiled embarrassedly: "oppa~~" Because this was shot three years ago Yes!

Junxiu looked at Yui in the iPad, then looked at Yui who was sitting next to him, he shook his head and said, "Wow~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I suddenly found out when I saw you three years ago, what did you do? Can there be no change at all? If this continues, I will become an uncle, and you are still so beautiful as a flower?"

Junxiu's compliment made Yui smile sweetly. She straddled Junxiu's lap all of a sudden, holding his cheek with a smile and pouting his mouth, but she was full of joy. He kissed Junxiu's pouting mouth twice: "Hee hee~~ sweet mouth, I will reward you."

Junxiu hugged her waist happily and said happily, "Your mouth is also very sweet, did you eat persimmons in the studio?"

"Hahaha~~ Was discovered?" Yui smiled happily and turned around, grabbed an orange from the fruit basket on the table, peeled it, and fed it to Junxiu. "Sweet?"

The big oranges burst into juice in Junxiu's mouth, and Junxiu, who was full of sweetness, nodded and said, "Mmm~ sweet!"

"I'm sweet, or oranges are sweet?"

"Of course you are sweet, needless to say? . . . "

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