Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 367: "I once thought about 1 and 0"

?This story before the meal had the same "encounter" as Junsu, which affected Yui and Junsu's dining mood. Of course, Junxiu was directly affected, because he had also encountered such a bad inquiry suddenly. Junxiu lost his smile during the meal, and he ate very little of the barbecue he ordered. Instead, he was drinking glass by glass, which made Yui sitting next to him not in the mood to eat this meal.

So this originally delicious Korean barbecue was not so comfortable to eat, and the barbecue in the mouth became tasteless. Although Junsu had a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "It's okay", how could Yui not feel Junsu's depressed mood after hearing that story? After all, he has had such an experience, and after hearing the same story as himself, it will inevitably bring back memories.

On the way back, Yui and Junxiu didn't speak, she just held his hand quietly and accompanied him. Because this is what happened to Junxiu's family, Yui must not say anything to make Junxiu forget this grief. Doesn't forgetting this grief make him forget his biological parents? So the best way at this time is to accompany Junxiu quietly.

The pain of being suddenly called out can only be waited for Junxiu to recover from it in two days. Yui did not let go of Junxiu's hand along the way, so she clasped her fingers tightly and returned home with Junxiu. When she got home, she turned her head towards Junxiu and showed a healing smile: "oppa, take a rest first, I'll give you bath water."

Junxiu stopped and said, "No need, you can go first if you want to rest. I'm going to write something in the studio." Junxiu said and walked into the studio at home, watching the mood become very emotional The depressed Junxiu, Yui really didn't know how to comfort him.

Maybe it's good for him to be alone when he is sad, because he can cry without any scruples when he is sad alone, and some of the sad feelings that have been squeezed need to be released. So at this time, it may be the best solution to let him cry alone in the studio.

Junxiu entered the studio at home alone, he locked himself in the room and lit a cigarette, the light from the computer's open screen illuminated the whole room, so Junxiu sat quietly until the computer screen. The curtain automatically turned to rest, and he didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked. The entire studio, which is not very spacious, was already filled with smoke, and he was not crying like Yui thought.

And he has been sitting thinking about what the "barbecue boss" told him about the little brother at the bar, and at the same time thinking about himself at the beginning. And the hardships and difficulties of life.

I don't know how long it took until Junxiu touched the mouse and made the screen light up. He started to open the 'notebook' and typed the words "I once wanted to die" in the first row.

Junsu wrote the song in one go in Korean. Looking at the very 'dark' lyrics at the beginning, he muttered to himself; "In order to describe the strong hope, we must first describe the deep darkness."

After saying this, Junxiu let out a long sigh. His sigh was not for the lyrics, but for the next job, which is how to translate the meaning in Korean into Japanese. Does the pronunciation also match the melody in your mind? At that time, the 'word' will definitely be modified and adjusted according to the song.

Junxiu's oral Japanese is pretty good after so many years of practice, but the problem is that the writing is much worse. And some Koreans are all "partial words". He doesn't know how to pronounce it in Japanese? So he didn't even think about asking Yui.

Looking at the full Korean text, Junxiu got up from his seat and exercised his muscles and bones: "It looks like we are going to fight all night." After saying that, Junxiu opened the door and went out, because when he chose the room to be the studio, he forgot Choosing one with a bathroom is the most unsuccessful, so he can only go to the bathroom in the living room for convenience.

Lying on the bed with the bedroom door open, Yui heard the sound of the door opening from the direction of the studio. She got up and put on her bathrobe and walked towards Junxiu's studio. But seeing the open door of the studio but the empty inside, Yui curiously glanced towards the living room. After seeing Junxiu who didn't know what to do, she entered the studio room and looked at the writing on Junxiu's computer. written Korean lyrics.

Maybe Junsu was always in a state of sadness after dinner, and Yui was also curious about how sad the lyrics that Junsu wrote in that state? So she copied the song name and put it in the online translation on the Internet. When the "song name" was translated into Japanese, Yui couldn't help shivering.

In Japanese, there is a Chinese word for 'death' that is particularly dazzling. What kind of song is written in "I Once Thought About Death"? The name of the song alone is full of sadness.

Junxiu, who just came back at the convenience, saw Yuyi sitting in front of his computer: "Haven't rested yet? It's been a tiring day."

However, Yui didn't pay attention to Junxiu's question of taking a break. She frowned and looked at Junxiu and asked, "oppa, what song is this, how...how can you use such a song title?"

"Oh, a song about 'hope' and 'strong.'"

"Hope? That song title is..."

"Use darkness to express light. Well, I have filled in the Korean words. Are you interested in helping me translate it into Japanese?"

Yui's eyes widened when she heard the lyrics to be translated into Japanese~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because this song is going to be released in Japan, will Junsu be staying in Japan for a long time? Yui's mood suddenly improved, and the shock of seeing the song title a moment ago was also washed away by this joy: "Translated into Japanese? My translation is very expensive."

"Is ten kisses enough?"

"Not enough, at least twenty. No, one Japanese character, one BOBO."

"Forget it, I'll use a computer to translate. I'm afraid my mouth will be a German sausage when I wake up tomorrow morning."

"Pfft~~ Yah! Do you want to die?" Yui cutely waved her small fist at Junxiu and said something in Korean that she had learned.

Yui's cuteness made Junsu laugh instantly and said in Japanese, "Wow~~Are you Korean?"

"Hahaha~~" Yui also laughed along with Junxiu, and then she said to Junxiu: "Okay, don't make trouble, find a chair to sit over."

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