Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 384: See also betting, making!

Junxiu's 5 billion production fee was a bit angry, of course, it was more like making a boy group, so he said such an outrageous price to deliberately make things difficult. As Kim Young-min said, 'no music producer in the world dares to offer this price' because music producers are not film directors, they can't get a cut from the sales of singers, while top directors can get a cut from the film's performance This is the difference between the two.

Junxiu didn't expect S.M to give the production fee of 5 billion, because he felt that it was a fantasy. After all, he was not the only producer in the company, but also the famous Yu Yongzhen. Even if you don't find yourself to make it, doesn't he still exist? And Li Xiuman can also be a producer, the only difference is that they are not as big as the current Junxiu in terms of producer reputation.

Because the 'JS' logo appears on the album, it will inexplicably increase the album's sales, which is something even Junsu finds strange. Maybe it's because the albums produced by him, the theme songs are all provided by him? And the songs produced by Junxiu are the super weapon that really dominates the music industry!

Junxiu hung up the phone and left his phone on the table in the living room to change his clothes. He also had to go out to buy some ingredients for the evening. When Junsu went back to the room to change clothes, Junsu's cell phone rang again, and it was Yoo Inna who called. Shungui took Junsu's phone and called to the inside, "oppa, Yoo Inna called you."

"Oh, you help me ask her, Yoon Eun Hye's phone number? She should have it."

Only then did Shun Kyu pick up the call from Liu Ren Na and asked for Yoon Eun Hye's phone number. After a while, Junxiu came out after changing his clothes. He looked at the three of them who had not changed clothes in the room: "Are none of you going to come with me?"

Shungui took a bag of potato chips and slowly put it into his mouth: "Who wants to go with you on such a cold day. Hurry up, go down the mountain and buy it and come up, it's not far away anyway."

There is a supermarket in the North Cave of the city down the mountain, so Junxiu drove down the mountain to buy it, and it didn't take much time to come back, so they didn't want to join in the fun, Junxiu shook his head speechlessly and took his phone and went out.

But just as he got into the car, Jin Yingmin's phone came in again. Junxiu finally showed his usual state when he answered the phone this time. It was a very impatient voice: "Why, are you tired of calling all day, you are like this, I have changed my number!"

As a result, it was not Jin Yingmin's voice that came over the phone, but Li Xiuman's voice: "Yeah! You stinky boy is neither big nor small, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Um, what's with you uncle? Isn't this the phone number from the representative of Jin Ying.. Jin?"

"Come to the company."


"Yes. Come directly to the representative's office." After Li Xiuman said this, he hung up Junxiu's phone directly, which made Junxiu very speechless: "What? It's inexplicable." Junxiu then called Shungui, Said that he would go to the company first, and bring things back when he came back later.


Even in the cold winter, there are still many fans waiting at the door of the S.M building. However, Junsu was not in the mood to greet the fans warmly today, so he drove directly to the garage at the back door, lowered the window and guarded the door. The uncle immediately released Junxiu's vehicle.

When the secretary at the door of the 'representative office' saw Junxiu, she smiled and asked Junxiu, "Junxiu, would you like something to drink? I'll bring it in for you later."

"No, thank you. Is Li Xiuman there?" Junxiu pointed to the representative office, the secretary nodded with a smile, Li Xiuman didn't come out after he went in, although this office no longer belonged to Li Xiuman.

Junxiu politely knocked on the door. After pushing the door and entering, he saw Li Xiuman and Kim Youngmin sitting on the sofa in the reception area smoking cigarettes. Junxiu smiled and walked towards the two of them, and then politely moved towards them. He bowed slightly and greeted: "Representative, director, I don't know why you two called me to come to the company? You know, today is my rest time, right? I'm afraid it will take up my rest time like this~~~"

Before Junxiu finished speaking, Li Xiuman took the lead and said: "Representative Kim, I don't know why I get angry when I look at Junxiu. How about you, do you feel that way?"

Jin Yingmin smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, and this feeling is very strong."

The two stared at Junxiu from head to toe like that, but Junxiu sat on the side with a very relaxed look, reached out and grabbed Li Xiuman's cigarette, took out one and lit it for himself. He said with Erlang's legs, "You two together are almost a hundred years old, aren't you naive? If you have something to say, I have to go to the supermarket to buy food. Shungui and the others all went to my house today, and I have to go home. Cook and serve them. You don't know how edible those nine are."

"How could we not know? During the event period, their daily 'limit' is almost the same, and the company gives 1 million a day!!" (Actually, it is only 100,000 yuan for three meals a day for one person, which is equivalent to 1 million yuan a day. A meal costs 30,000 yuan, plus miscellaneous drinks, snacks and the like are not a lot. You must know that the price of a piece of pasta in Seoul is around 12,000 yuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eat meat higher.)

Junxiu took a puff of cigarette, tilted his head and said, "Just tell me if you have something to say? You can't call me over to chat with the two of you, right?"

Jin Yingmin glanced at Li Xiuman, then turned to Junxiu and said, "The company agreed to the request you made earlier."

"What's the requirement? Make a boy band?"

"Well, the five billion production fee is all for you this time, and the company will never withhold a single cent."

Now it was Junxiu's turn to be dumbfounded. He looked at Jin Yingmin in surprise and said, "What? Are you kidding me?"

"How can there be so many jokes with you, really, five billion will be credited to your account when the settlement is next month, and the company will absolutely count. However, what you said earlier is that you can create a harmonious We are looking forward to the boy group that BIGBANG competes against. Aren't you dissatisfied that we withheld your 'bet' money last time? This time, you sign a contract with us, as long as you can make EXO reach 30 billion a year Income. We will pay you the production fee 'five billion won' that you proposed. If you can't reach it, then I'm sorry, but you have to return all the five billion won to you?"

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