Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 388: Dinner (Part 1)

Chapter 388 Dinner (Part 1) (Page 1/1)

At the hot pot banquet in the evening, the two hot pots kept rolling, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of hot pot, but they were on their way back from filming the show, and Yoona couldn't wait to drink two more delicious white soup base: "Wow.. It's so extravagant. Oppa actually uses matsutake as a soup base? These two pots of soup cost 300,000 yuan!"

Shun Kyu just smiled and said, "What's so strange? Last time I came back I was hungry at night. The ramen that Oppa cooked for me was made of matsutake mushrooms, and I used two whole ones, only four in a box, and it was The top-grade matsutake mushrooms are close to 400,000 yuan. (Actually, they look good.) The cost of a bowl of ramen is 200,000 yuan. This is the most expensive ramen I have ever eaten. I heard from Taeyeon that she had the king crab ramen last time. , who have you eaten?"

As an absolute foodie in Girls' Generation, Yoona couldn't help but shouted when she heard Shun Gyu's 'ramen': "Dafa~~ King Crab Ramen? Isn't a crab worth 300,000? But, so Big crab, how do you eat it?"

Junxiu watched Yuner staring at him, he said with a smile, "Of course, eat the meat first, and then eat the noodles with crab shell offal." Everyone knows the deliciousness of crab shell offal, and crab shell bibimbap (flower Crab) are called 'rice thieves' in Korea, and the crab shell of the king crab~~ Yoona starts to swallow when she thinks about it!

Then Sika said: "Yooner, you underestimate your oppa too much, the nine of us in Girls' Generation spend 100 million a year on food, and he alone is 100 million a year, you know he eats every meal in Japan. Is the price at least 200,000 won?"

Consumption is high in Japan, and many high-end restaurants cost half as much at night as lunch. For example, it may be around 15,000 yen for lunch, but it costs around 25,000 to 30,000 yen for dinner. Junxiu is a person who is very willing to "eat", and Tokyo is also the city with the most "Michelin". When going to such a place, Junxiu, the most gourmet, will not give up until he tastes all those delicious foods!

"Yeah, that's so exaggerated? 200,000 per meal? You feel like the company has been bankrupted by me eating? I also like ramen, octopus balls, bread, and these things. 200,000, you're going to kill me, right?" Just when Junsu and Sika were bickering, the four Taeyeon came back.

As soon as they finished the show, they came directly to Junxiu's house, so each of them wore the makeup on the show, Junxiu turned to look at Yuri who was walking at the front, and said like a nympho: "Wow ~~It's Girls' Generation~~!!"

"Huh?" Yuli looked at Junxiu stupidly, wondering why he suddenly started a 'sitole'?

Taeyeon, who was walking behind her, came in and stared at Junxiu angrily, and then said to Yuri, "He's mocking us with makeup, which is far from our makeup!"

Junxiu is definitely the one who has seen the most of the no makeup of Girls' Generation. He has seen everything from the no makeup during the busy and haggard period to the one after rest and conditioning. And they usually don't put on such a show "beauty" when they meet Junsu in private.

Before Yuri could shout at Junxiu, Pani, who came in behind him, shouted at Junxiu first: "oppa~~"

Junxiu quickly stepped forward and hugged Pani's shoulder naturally and said, "Let's eat, eat. After you wait for a long time, the pot will be dry."


In winter, there is nothing better than hot pot. Especially those who came back from the trip, they all wore beautiful dresses in order to look good on the mirror. After returning home, they changed into handsome clothes and sat in front of the hot pot. First, they drank a bowl of warm matsutake soup. It warmed up. Shabu with thinly sliced ​​brisket, pork belly, boiled shrimp **** made of pure shrimp, wide noodles, bean skin, enoki mushrooms, sweet cabbage, radishes, and fragrant matsutake mushrooms.

Everyone in Girls' Generation was enjoying themselves. The white soup was finally drained by them. Pani pointed to the hot pot and said with satisfaction: "Oppa, we will continue to eat this tomorrow. This Chinese hot pot is better than army pot and beef hot pot. It tastes so much better, especially the brisket, the pork belly dipped in this sauce, and the deliciousness of this matsutake soup after cooking the shrimp **** is just perfect!!”

Junxiu drank two sips of the spiciness of the cold beer annealing pot, and then smiled at Pani and said, "I found that Pani seems to have become the most delicious food in Girls' Generation recently, and even Yuner and Xiuying have put down their chopsticks. , are you still eating?"

Yoona, whose status as God of Cookery was threatened, showed a crocodile smile: "Hahaha~~ oppa, now Pani's new nickname is 'Pink Piglet'."

Paney didn't argue at all, but instead she nodded and admitted: "Yes, I'm the best eater in the team now!"

Junxiu smiled and said: "You guys are in charge of cleaning up, I'll take a rest first, which of you won't go back today, Taeyeon, Shunkyu, help them tidy up the bunks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to go back, I'll take a while. send you."

In Girls' Generation's dormitory, Sunkyu, Pani, Taeyeon, and Hyoyeon who went back and forth between the dormitory and home are now left, and the others bought houses in Jiang/nam to live with their families. Junxiu's house is not far from their house, and he can send them back after a short rest.

Shun Kyu definitely won't be leaving today, and she hasn't sat down with Jun Xiu for a long time to chat or something. In addition, Taeyeon spent the night here last night, so it doesn't matter if the two of them are less romantic today.

The first one was Yoona raising her hand towards Junxiu and said, "I'm too lazy to go, I'm resting here today. I happen to have a schedule with Sister Taeyeon tomorrow, so we'll go together at that time."

With Yoona taking the lead, in the end, only the good baby Xiaoxian, Sika, and Xiuying will go back.

When Junxiu drove the three of them home, the rest of them put water in the big bath of Junxiu's house and planned to soak in the soup. Although it was not a hot spring, it was equivalent to an outside bathroom. The most important point was that Junxiu's house had household sweats steam room. It's just that Junxiu has never used it personally. On the contrary, they use it a lot. When Junxiu is overseas, they like to come to the sauna on weekdays. Who told Koreans to have the habit of sauna? They can't go to the sauna outside on weekdays, and only go to the hotel's SAP when they have time.

Junxiu sent the three home, and Sika was the eldest sister among the three, so she sat in the co-pilot's seat. Listening to the song along the way, they quickly descended the mountain. When the neon lights of the city under the mountain appeared in front of them, a feeling grew in their hearts. It was a kind of saying after coming from the quiet mountain to the bustling downtown Unclear feeling.

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