Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Kobe Short Stories (Part 1)

Junxiu was at a loss when he heard the notification from his agent. He couldn't figure out how he could make headlines for no reason. He just went to the airport with Girls' Generation. This news is far from the level of headlines, right? Junxiu hurriedly turned on his mobile phone, and Taeyeon next to him also leaned over and asked, "What's wrong?"

The agent said, "The news that Junsu has made headlines in Korea just now. After the Forbes celebrity release today, I don't know who disclosed the cost of Junsu's new home." Of course, Taeyeon frowned after the agent's words. Because Taeyeon knew the luxurious cost of Junxiu's house, it was more than 10 billion, and it was suddenly exposed, and netizens who saw the news would probably be uneasy again.

Junxiu also frowned and opened the mobile browser to read the news website in South Korea. Sure enough, the cost of his house was exposed. Junxiu said: "This should have been exposed by the person who did the decoration for me in the first place. It should not be?" Because of Junxiu's house design, when it comes to decoration, Xiuying's family is asked for help.

Taeyeon knew what Junsu meant, so she said, "Maybe it was exposed by the workers. In fact, when this incident was exposed, her family was also very anxious, right?"

Housing is an extremely private project, and even real estate developers dare not disclose these privacy. I have never seen that real estate developer dare to advertise which celebrity bought a house from us. The decoration designer should pay more attention to privacy. They may say that so-and-so's home was designed by me, but It is absolutely impossible to say how much the design cost and how it was designed.

This is no longer a matter of 'rules', but a touch of privacy. If you sue these people, they will have to take responsibility. That's why Taeyeon said that the Sooyoung family must be more anxious than Junsu after this online news appeared. Because they have to give Junxiu an explanation!

Just as Taeyeon was saying these words, Xiuying, who was walking in front, stopped and answered the phone. After a while, she walked towards Junsu and Taeyeon: "oppa, now over there in Korea..."

Seeing Xiuying's extremely ashamed appearance, Junxiu smiled and patted Xiuying's shoulder to comfort: "I know, it doesn't matter, let's make it public. Every penny I earn is taxed, no matter what the house is. I have peace of mind about luxury. You don’t have to take it to heart. Besides, this matter will be exposed sooner or later. It doesn’t make any difference. I also tell your family, it’s okay, the online news will be over soon. Yes. And after this news comes out, it might be a good thing!"

Taeyeon looked at Junxiu blankly: "A good thing?"

"Of course, the house price on the mountain where I live is so much lower than that at the bottom of the mountain. Now it's exposed, if a developer takes a fancy to the mountain where I live, wouldn't my house price also rise along with it? This is great, my home is such a big piece of land."

Junxiu used this method to resolve the embarrassment and guilt in Xiuying's heart, which had a good effect. If the real estate prices on Junxiu's side have gone up because of this online news, it must be a good thing! !


After coming out of Osaka Airport, Junxiu followed Girls' Generation to Kobe by car. On the way, Junxiu said to them, "I've made a reservation for a restaurant. I'll go to eat in a while, and I'll go to the venue after dinner."

Pani recently took the place of the 'God of Cookery', and she became very interested in 'eating', so she was the first to look at Junxiu with wide eyes and asked, "What to eat? Kobe beef?" The famous Kobe beef, how can you not eat it after coming to Kobe?

"Well, Kobe beef, a restaurant recommended by a Japanese food website, the overall evaluation is okay. I customized it according to the dinner standard."

Lunch in Japan is a set menu, which is three times cheaper than dinner. For example, 5,000 for lunch and 15,000 for dinner. Of course, the set menu is also Kobe beef, but it is impossible for you to eat A5-level Kobe beef lunch set, after all, the price determines the quality.

There are nearly 20 staff members from South Korea, including Girls' Generation, because the makeup artists and stylists all chose South Korea. Japanese makeup is very different from Korean makeup.

The vehicle carrying their group arrived at the restaurant that Junxiu had reserved. Junxiu said to the staff, "I'll leave it to you for the next two months. Today I'll treat everyone to a good meal, and let's all do a good job together. , waiting for the end of the concert to hold a formal celebration banquet!!"

When I came to the door of the restaurant, I saw a sign of 'Restaurant Reservation' hanging on the door of the restaurant, indicating that they would not accept individual customers at noon today. The whole restaurant is not big, the iron plate of the bar is fired into a long strip, which can accommodate ten people, and there are some scattered small iron plates to sit on. Just over 20 people came in and filled the entire store.

The owner chef personally greeted Junsu, Girls' Generation and others at the bar, and a total of four chefs served the bar, including the chef. After welcoming Junxiu with a smile, he said, "I didn't expect Mr. Junxiu to book our restaurant. At first, our staff thought it was a prank call. This is our menu."

"I want A5 rib eye, 200g, cooked in five layers. I want another salmon." After Junxiu ordered, she gave the menu to Taeyeon next to her. Taeyeon only wanted 160g, and she wanted sirloin tenderloin.

The staff also started to order, Junxiu turned to the staff and said, "I'm ordering A5 beef today, and you can do things better if you eat well!!"

"Junsu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Long live!!" Because the starting 100g of 'A5' is 100,000 won, and every 20g after that, it will increase by 10,000 won. 200g of beef is 150,000 yuan. There are more than 20 of them. Even if one person eats 200g, Junsu will spend more than 3 million won. Among them, there are many male staff, they can eat more than 200g.

For example, Junxiu needs to eat at least 300g by himself, and he can't eat any more. Because the higher the grade of beef, the higher the fat content, and if you eat too much, it will be stuffy.

Yoona bent over and said jokingly, "oppa, are you planning to pay with our corporate card? So generous?"

Junxiu nodded with a smile and said, "Of course I'll use your Girls' Generation corporate card. I haven't even gone to Tokyo yet. How can I have a corporate card on me?"

"As a result...you treat guests and use our public account to make up for it?" Xiaoyuan pretended to be stupid.

This made Yuri next to him laugh: "Do you really think he will settle with our corporate card?"

Xiaoyuan rolled his eyes at Yuri: "Are you stupid, you, obviously I'm joking!!"

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