Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Scout?

For two days in a row, Junxiu's small videos uploaded to the official cafe made the fans very happy, but he did not upload any more videos on the third day, because it was the first day of Girls' Generation's Japan tour concert. Junxiu was in the audience and enjoyed their Girls' Generation concert for the first time. The concert always made people feel excited. After watching their performance on stage, Junxiu also knew that Girls' Generation will no longer have to take care of herself in the future. .

The next morning, Junxiu got up and ate at the hotel and left Kobe for Tokyo. He didn't say hello to them when he left, because the successive concerts also required sufficient rest time, so Junxiu left alone with his LV backpack.

Junsu did not choose to take a plane when he left, but chose the public transportation "Shinkansen". However, when Junxiu chose the vehicle, he did not choose the '7-day pass' to ride in the car, but chose the 'Hope', all of which were reserved seats, so that many things could be avoided. It's been a long time since I took the train. After getting on the train, Junxiu looked at the train and remembered the scene when she and her classmates went to MT when she was studying. Now, in South Korea, it is basically a car, or an airplane.

Junxiu really hasn't used the train for nearly ten years, and he was a little surprised when he suddenly got on the train. There were not many people who took Junxiu's train that day, and there was no one around him. So he was very comfortable and convenient to sit in the car alone, listening to music with headphones and watching the scenery passing by quickly outside the car window. However, the scenery in winter is not very good.

Soon Junxiu got tired of looking at the scenery outside the window, so he lowered his chair and fell asleep, and this time he slept in Tokyo. After getting down from the station, Junxiu is fully armed and walking, with a long coat, a hooded sweater, a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a mask.

Fortunately, it was winter, so Junxiu didn't think he was weird with a mask, and his sunglasses lenses returned from red to blue.

It was noon when Junxiu arrived in Tokyo after a three-and-a-half-hour drive. He found a taxi and headed straight to Omotesando. Because there are many trendy brands there, this is a place that many young people like to come to. Of course, there are far fewer people here than at Shibuya Crossing. After all, trendy brands are mostly designer brands, which are more expensive than ordinary clothing. So if you want to go shopping here, you must at least have a stable job. Students rarely come here, and students basically go to Takeshita Street.

After Junxiu got off the bus at Omotesando, he saw those beautiful legs on the street. As he walked, he searched for a restaurant that appealed to him.

Just when Junxiu looked at her beautiful legs and was looking for a restaurant, someone suddenly patted Junxiu on the shoulder: "Hello."

Junxiu turned his head to look at the very formally dressed Japanese, and replied, "Hello."

After looking at Junxiu carefully, he said, "I think you look good, have you ever thought about being a star?"

"A talent scout? Wouldn't it be for me to shoot some strange film?" Junxiu's eyes turned into the moon with a smile. It was the first time he met a talent scout on the streets of Japan. When he was in Korea, he rarely had time to go out on the street, so the chance of meeting a scout was not high. Did you meet a scout in Japan this time? This surprised Junsu a little, so he was joking.

"Don't worry, we are a regular brokerage company, this is my business card. And there are very few pimps in Omotesando, because the economic conditions of the people here are not bad. Unlike Takeshita Dori, there are more pimps there, because There are more little sisters over there."

Junxiu took the business card and looked at the 'office' (brokerage company) [A-Team] Junxiu was stunned and said: "A-Team, I understand, I will consider it. However, I am not Japanese, I am Korean came to travel."

"Korean? Do you know Choo Sung Hoon? Fighter."

"I know. Does he belong to your company?"

"Well, he belongs to our company. Look, is it convenient for you to leave a phone call for me?"

"It's inconvenient, I don't give anyone my number. Oh, I've signed a contract with a brokerage company, have you heard of 'S.M' in Korea? Of course, I don't mind if you're willing to help pay the penalty. I don't know. , Have you heard that if a Korean artist wants to terminate the contract with the company, they will have to pay billions of dollars." Junxiu said with a smile.

I don't know if it was Junsu's termination fee that scared him, or when he heard that Junsu signed a contract with a brokerage company, he could only say to Junsu, "Are you a Korean S.M artist? Oh, I'm sorry to bother you."

Everyone in their line knows that South Korea's 'S.M' is just like Japan's 'Johnny', very powerful, so he doesn't expect to be digging out Junsu.

Just as Junxiu was about to leave, he suddenly said to Junxiu, "Can I take a picture of you?"

"Okay." Looking at the digital camera he took out, Junxiu gestured with a scissor hand towards the camera. Then the Japanese scout said: "Well, please go to the mask and sunglasses."

Junxiu looked left and right, there were few pedestrians, he took off his mask and sunglasses, and gestured at his camera with scissors. The scout was instantly dumbfounded: "Junxiu?"

When he called Junxiu's name, he put on sunglasses and a mask, and waved at him: "Haha~~ I'm joking with you, let's go first."

The scout just stayed where he was and watched Junxiu's back for an hour, he was really speechless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I saw a well-dressed and tall man on the street, but I didn't expect to be a world star 'JS Junsu'!

Does he still need scouts? He is the one who discovers others.

Junxiu was in a good mood and entered the alley. He chose a restaurant that looked good and walked in. It was a restaurant specializing in pasta. After he ordered a pasta and ate it, he went to Aihui Company. .

When Ai returned to the conference room, Junxiu didn't expect the two TVXQs to be here too. The two of them stood up from their chairs when they saw Junsu come in. Yunho and Changmin both gave Junsu a hug. Yunho smiled and said, "Brother, long time no see."

Because he was born in February, his classmates and friends were all born in 1985. Only Yunho still calls 'brother' when facing Junsu.

"Why are you two in Japan? Didn't you release your album here in January?"

"We've been working on a full-length album here. We plan to release an album in March, and we're going to tour here in April. I heard that you're planning to come back in Japan, too. So I came here to see you today, and by the way, we'll be there too. Discuss the release time, lest we 'crash' ourselves."

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