Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 399: You two are not easy

As Changmin said, although Junxiu and Aragaki Yui have been denying their romantic relationship. But there are still a vast majority of Japanese people who feel that the two of them are in love, but they lack some conclusive evidence. The Japanese media have been unable to capture the evidence of the two because Junxiu's activities in Japan have been very few in recent years, and his whereabouts are so erratic. Even if Junxiu entered Japan, it was a private identity. No media knew that he was in Japan.

The media can't just follow Yui Aragaki for no reason, right? Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to follow up when Junxiu wasn't there. So after Yui's popularity over the years, apart from the news of her love affair with Junxiu, she has never reported any news on weekdays. The news around Yui can be said to be very clean.

It's just that Junxiu didn't expect to find out that she had reserved a table at the restaurant where she was eating, and that she had a dinner date with another actor? Junxiu had many doubts in his heart, but he couldn't show it in front of his former teammates. At this time, another waiter led Junxiu and the three of them in. Junxiu smiled and said to Changmin, "Why, do you want to take revenge on me for saying you watched the female anchor dance sexy?"

Changmin shook his head and said, "I'm just curious. You and Aragaki Yui have had more than one scandal in Japan, and your fans have listed analysis charts on the Internet because of their relationship issues. Even if you don't have one. In love, I'm sure the two of you have had an affair."

After Junxiu and the others entered, they were seated at the seats near the door, not the inner seats like Yui Aragaki and the others had reserved.

When the Japanese actor was brought to Yui Aragaki's table, he smiled and said to Yui Aragaki: "I just met JS Junsu from Korea at the door, I came up with them, and when I was at the door, the one here was The waiter thought Junxiu was looking for you."

Yui was a little dumbfounded when she heard the news, but Junxiu bumped into her when she came out to have a meal with the main character of the crew. On the day Junxiu returned to Korea, she picked up a TV series, and today was their meeting with the lead actors. After the end, the two lead actors said they would have a meal together. After all, they were about to cooperate soon. Eat a meal to get acquainted as soon as possible. But did he meet Junxiu at this time?

Yui worried that Junxiu would misunderstand, she asked with a frown, "Junxiu, where is he?"

The actor smiled and pointed at the door: "They were still at the door when I came in. I don't know now. They may have come in or they may have left. Are you going to say hello?" Because he knew Aragaki Yui and Junsu have worked together in two movies, and it is not as simple as friends between her and Junsu because of her nervousness. Because I suddenly met a friend while eating, the expression should be unexpected, or a little excited, but Yui's expression now is clearly frowning nervously.

Yuyi nodded and handed the menu to the male number one: "You order first, I'm not picky, I'll come over to say hello. If I meet him, I can't make sense without saying hello."

"Well, let's go, then I'll order beef tongue and steak first?"

Yui nodded, quickly picked up her bag and walked towards the waiter. She asked where Junxiu was, and the waiter walked over with Yui. When Yui followed the waiter to Junxiu's partition, she saw him and two of his former teammates, TVXQ, eating here. She politely smiled and bowed to the three of them: "Hello, Junxiu oppa."

When greeting, Yui deliberately called out 'Junxiu oppa' and it was in Korean, which made both TVXQ and the two sitting next to them laughed: "Can Aragaki-san speak Korean?"

Junxiu smiled and said on behalf of Yui: "She doesn't know. She usually watches some Korean dramas and learns from others to call me 'oppa'. Gakki, why are you here?"

"Today's meeting with the crew is also the first time for me and Ayano-senpai to work together. After the end, we will talk about having a meal together, so that we can get acquainted as soon as possible. Oppa, when did you come to Tokyo?" Yui knew Junxiu was in Kobe, and Junxiu sent her a message the day he arrived, saying that he would come up in two days, but did not say the exact time.

"I just arrived at noon today, and I haven't met them for a long time, so I have been chatting in the company for a long time in the afternoon, and I forgot the time to eat, so I came out to eat just now. Oh, I forgot to introduce you, this is Yunho, the captain of TVXQ, this is Changmin."

Under the introduction of Junxiu, Yui bowed to the two of them again and greeted them: "Hello."


After the introduction, Yui pointed to her side: "I'll go first, it's not good for seniors to wait."

"Well, let's go eat, don't worry about us."

After Yui explained it clearly, she went back to her table, and after Yui left, the two of TVXQ looked at Junxiu with a smirk: "Brother~~ You two are not easy."

Junxiu pretended to be stupid and said: "What's not simple? We are very simple, but the two of you have complicated thoughts."

Seeing that Junxiu did not admit that the two of them could only make a strange cry: "Hey~~"

"What? If you don't believe me, what can you do? You can't force me to admit it, right?"

Yunho actually wanted to say, 'You really don't have anything to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can you introduce it to me? ' If he really said this, it would be equivalent to 'general Jun Xiujun'. This is the rhythm of one move to death.

Although Junxiu didn't admit it, but Yunho and Changmin both felt that there was absolutely something between the two. As for why Junsu was reluctant to announce it to them? They can't inquire in depth. Maybe the question about Junxiu's relationship is a kind of secret privacy for them, just like the two of them don't ask each other's relationship questions, it's the same reason. As long as the other party does not take the initiative to ask, they will not take the initiative to intervene.

Soon, their pre-dinner beer was delivered from the store. The three of them haven't been together for a long time. After this meeting, they don't know when they will go next time, so the three of them toasted together and did it.

After drinking the beer, Yunhao said with a smile: "Brother, you don't know that this kid has become a drinker recently."

"Oh? Changmin likes to drink?" In Junsu's memory, Changmin was not an alcoholic, but it was a real surprise to Junsu that he had not seen Changmin become a 'drinker' for so many years. Perhaps what happened in 2009 was also a shock to Mane. At that time, as the youngest, he didn't know what to say, what else could he do if he didn't drink?

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